Course Catalog
Ready to join the Blues Guitar Unleashed Family or just need something new to play with? All of the courses, jam tracks, and extras are here...
Can't decide? Now you don't have to. With the Blues Guitar Unleashed All Access Pass you get instant access to an ever-expanding library of over 1000 video lessons, including every course from the past, present, and future.
Plus, get access to 6 LIVE workshops every month, discounts on challenges, the Practice Generator, and more.
Beginning Blues Guitar
If you are a beginning guitar player, this is where you start. Even if you've never picked up a guitar before you can be playing blues right from the start. Read more...

Beginning Blues Guitar Soloing
Whether you are brand new to blues soloing, or you've tried and failed before, this new system will have you soloing on the very first day and it only gets better from there! Read more...

Essential Blues Chords
All of the chords you’ll ever need to play blues (and most rock, pop and some jazz even) are here in their “real world” form. Not for a total beginner but if you can play open G, C, and D chords you will be fine. Read more...

- Jim Lowe, Blytheville, AK - USA![]()
“Turning On The Headlights On A Dark Country Road.”
Griff, I am truly enjoying the Beginners lessons. For awhile I felt like I was beating my head against the wall, or else just “stoopid”.
When I finally sat down long enough to go thru the first few lessons, it was like turning on the headlights on a dark country road. Things are finally falling into place for me, and I truly appreciate your efforts.
I also strongly recommend this course to anyone who has the blues in their blood. it is GREAT!!!
Blues Guitar Unleashed
Blues Guitar Unleashed 2.0 is a radical update to the my flagship blues learning system. The industry standard is improved with more lessons, better graphics, enhanced Picture-In-Picture as well as moving on-screen TAB. Read more...

Soloing Without Scales (The 4 Note Solo)
Created over the course of almost 2 years working with private students with the goal of getting blues soloing down to the bare essentials – small 4 note “Blues Blocks.” The end result is a system that will have you soloing in minutes… not hours, days. or years like you may have been told. Read more…

5 Easy Blues Solos
5 textbook blues solos that aren’t too hard to play. Style range from slow blues to blues/rock to a basic shuffle and each solo is in a different key so you’ll really learn your way around the fretboard. There are also some lead patterns in here not covered in any other course. Read More…

5 MORE Easy Blues Solos
After 5 Easy Blues Solos was so well received it was clear that 5 more were in order. So here are 5 more classic blues solos you can cut and paste right away Read more...

52 Rhythm Fills & Variations
52 Rhythm Fills & Variations is your Swiss Army Knife of rhythm ideas and fills for any jam session. No matter what the feel, you'll have enough variety to play chorus after chorus without ever sounding dull or stale. Read more...

Major Minor Blues Shapes
Major Minor Blues Shapes is all about combining the major and minor blues sounds using 5 solos in the 5 regions of the fretboard. There are exercises to improve your ability to use the root notes as pivot points between the sounds and the solo examples have been kept at an easy technical level - more like 5 Easy Blues Solos than The Slow Blues Supplement. Read more...

Blues Solo Construction Kit - Slow Blues
This courses teaches a system for placing licks within the 12 bar blues so that they always sound good no matter which licks you choose. There are 5 licks for each of the 7 positions and is ideal for players who struggle with things like phrasing, how and when to start their solos and anyone new to blues soloing or needing more experience. Read more...

Blues Solo Construction Kit - Shuffle Feel
This courses teaches a system for placing licks within the 12 bar blues so that they always sound good no matter which licks you choose. There are 5 licks for each of the 5 positions and is ideal for players who struggle with things like phrasing, how and when to start their solos and anyone new to blues soloing or needing more experience. Read more...

How To Improvise Blues Solos
How To Improvise Blues Solos is a workshop for being able to learn licks completely and master them such that they can be used in blues solos you may already know, or new blues solos. As you better learn the process and get better at it, you'll find you can create solos on the fly because you've truly got the licks under your fingers. Read more...

How To Build Blues Songs
How To Build Blues Songs covers all of the important and essential elements of blues song form. It covers the 12 bar blues, 8 bar blues, rhythm figures for how to play the forms in slow blues, shuffle blues, and straight blues feels. Additionally there are 114 playing examples, plus over 2 dozen full length jam tracks and over 5 hours worth of video covering various intros, form variations, breaks, bridges, and endings. Read more...

Chord By Chord Blues Soloing
Chord By Chord Blues Soloing is a clear, concise, path to get arpeggio shapes into your fingers, and have you using them in your own solos, FAST. With a little over 3 ½ hours of video, jam tracks, 2 complete solo example (36 bars each), and of course, complete TABs for everything… there is no stone left unturned. Read more...

Blues Speed Building Blocks
Blues Speed Building Blocks is the complete version of a system used by a group of 180 blues players to improve their speed and control by an average of 21% over 30 days... Read more...

Trading Fours - Volume 1
Trading Fours is a blues soloing course where over the course of 5 jams players get to trade licks with me, back and forth, 4 bars each. It's a great opportunity for you to work on soloing skills using a variety of soloing approaches, plus it's great ear training and it's a whole lot of fun. Read more...

Modern Blues Soloing
If you've ever been fascinated by the jazzier side of the blues - artists like Robben Ford, Matt Schofield, Larry Carlton, and many more, then Modern Blues Soloing is the thing for you. Read more...

Blues Rock Lick Vocabulary: Level 1
Blues Rock Lick Vocabulary is a group of 27 licks - 9 licks for each of 3 types of blues/rock feels - from blues/rock artists such as Joe Bonamassa, Gary Moore, Billy Gibbons, Rory Gallagher, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and others. The licks are broken down note for note, and also played over various jam tracks in a "trading" format. Read more...

Killer Blues Solos Made Easy
Blues soloing doesn't have to be so complex! With a couple of simple patterns and 3 simple rules, you can overhaul your soloing almost immediately, no matter where you are now. Read more...

5 Easy Blues Songs
5 Easy Blues Songs are songs in the style of some of history's most famous blues instrumental songs - reimagined to be accessible and playable for blues guitar players at an intermediate level. Read more...

Rhythm Figures For Blues Lead Guitar
Nothing will improve your guitar playing more than improving your ability to keep good rhythm, and to vary that rhythm dynamically in your playing. This is how you get there. Read more...

50 Slow Blues Licks By The Box
50 Slow Blues Licks, arranged as 10 licks per "box" so you'll finally have authentic sounding blues licks no matter where you are on your guitar fretboard. Read more...

50 MAJOR Slow Blues Licks By The Box
50 Slow Blues Licks leaning on the MAJOR blues sound, arranged as 10 licks per "box" so you'll finally have authentic "chord chasing" blues licks no matter where you are on your guitar fretboard Read more...

The House Pattern
Deep dive one of the single most useful and misunderstood patterns for blues guitar soloing, the "House Pattern." Dozens of licks, solos, and more. Read more...

50 Shuffle Blues Licks By The Box
50 Shuffle Blues Licks, arranged as 10 licks per "box" so you'll finally have authentic sounding blues licks no matter where you are on your guitar fretboard. Read more...

- Bailey Morgan, Birmingham, AL - USA![]()
“The 5 Easy Solos is a great product.”
The solos were excellent and because they were not too fast or overly complex they really allow me to concentrate on technique and feel of the whole solo without getting bogged down trying to get just two or three particular complex/fast bars.
They were not too simple nor too hard, just right to enjoy playing while working on technique and feel.
Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed
While not for the total beginner, if you can play open G, C, and D chords and some simple melodies you can be on your way to making the sounds of Robert Johnson, Big Bill Broonzy, Eric Clapton, Doc Watson and more. Read more...

Acoustic Delta Blues Slide Guitar
Covers standard tuning slide, as well as open G and open D tunings. It is, of course, the perfect accompaniment to the Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed course, but it can be done on its own as well if you are already an intermediate player. Read more...

How To Jam The Blues Alone On Your Guitar
If you've ever found yourself wondering how to just sit and play the blues, by yourself, then this course will show you how to combine blues chords, progressions, and licks into complete songs that you create anytime, anywhere. Read more… 
Playing On The Porch
This introduction to playing "solo," by yourself, on guitar goes through the fundamentals of keeping time while adding chords and some melody to your playing. Read more...

Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed
When the blues had a baby, they called it Rock and Roll! If you lean more towards the rock side of the blues, then have I got something for you... Read more… 
Modes Unleashed
Modes Unleashed is a step-by-step, experience-based video course on how the Modes work. If you want to finally understand the modes and be able to use them in your soloing, improvising, songwriting, and guitar learning, then this may just be exactly what you’ve been looking for. Read more…
CAGED Unleashed
CAGED Unleashed is an in depth look at the 5 shapes on the guitar that act as a roadmap to fully map out the guitar fretboard. In addition to the fundamentals, this course shows you how to use CAGED to unlock any potential chord, scale, or arpeggio you could possibly want. It's good for both rhythm and lead playing. Read more...

Harmonic Minor Scale
There are certain minor sounds that sound, “different,” and difficult to describe. They have a haunting quality to them and work only in minor songs like, “Still Got The Blues,” or many Santana songs like, “Smooth.” It’s easier to hear these sounds than to describe them…Read more… 
Strumming And Rhythm Mastery
95% of my students suffer with bad time and the inability to sit and strum. Being able to strum is absolutely essential to playing guitar. While not for the total beginner if you can play open G, C, and D you are ready. Read more...

Classic Rock Speed Builders
If you’ve ever been frustrated trying to learn classic rock licks and solos because you simply could not play fast enough… then this one is for you. Read more...

50 Classic Rock Licks By The Box
50 Classic Rock Licks, arranged as 10 licks per "box" so you'll finally have killer classic rock licks no matter where you are on your guitar fretboard. Read more… 
5 Easy Classic Rock Solos
We all want to play solos from our guitar heroes, but for most guitar players they are simply too difficult. With these 5 Easy Classic Rock solos, you'll be able to improve your playing, learning something that sounds great, and get better at soloing faster than ever before.

Blues Gig In A Box
How to make real blues music from the bits and pieces you already know... By learning just 5 classic blues songs in the most common blues feel you’ll know everything you need to know to play most any blues song. It is recommended that you go through Blues Guitar Unleashed before this. Read more…

Blues Gig In A Box Vol. 2
Based on the original Blues Gig In A Box, these 5 new classic blues songs in common blues feels will have you playing “real” blues music right along with a Pro band. This is best only after Blues Guitar Unleashed but does not rely on Blues Gig In A Box Volume 1. Read more...

Texas Hideout
The lesson is simply a walkthrough and breakdown of a fun, Freddie King style instrumental tune that I wrote. In the videos we cover all of the chords, melody, bridge, solos, intro and ending sections. No note is left unexplained. Read more… 
The Foreman
The Foreman is a fun, fast, instrumental shuffle that provides a great opportunity to learn some real music and really nail a particular move that comes up time and time again in the blues. Read more… 
The Spent Money Blues
"The Spent Money Blues" is an acoustic blues guitar course in the "Blues Gig In A Box" style that walks you step-by-step through a complete, authentic, professional-sounding acoustic blues song. There are 3 hours of video instruction that will take you step-by-step through 7 choruses of a fantastic Acoustic Blues Tune called, The Spent Money Blues. Read more...

Traveling Blues
"Traveling Blues" is an acoustic blues guitar course in the "Blues Gig In A Box" style that walks you step-by-step through a complete, authentic, professional-sounding acoustic blues song. There are over 2 hours of video instruction that will take you step-by-step through 6 choruses of a fantastic Acoustic Blues Tune called, "Traveling Blues." Read more...

The Little Wing Lesson
While it's not “Little Wing” note for note (though you would probably have a hard time not stumbling on to most of Jimi’s licks.) this is the chord based soloing approach that guys like Jimi and Stevie use so well. Imagine walking into any guitar store and sitting down to play as long as you like without sounding repetitive or boring because it’s always something new! Read More…

Sunshine Of Your Love Workshop
If You Want To Be Able To Easily Learn Cream’s, ‘Sunshine Of Your Love,’ You’ll Want To Start Here. You’ll see how to get Clapton’s Tone, how and why he chooses the notes that he chooses, and how to execute all of the techniques in this Song Workshop. Read More…

5 Easy Acoustic Blues Songs
5 Easy Acoustic Blues Songs are songs in the style of some of history's most famous acoustic blues guitar players, made playable for blues guitar players with less experience. Read More…

- Norman Hunt, Warner Robins, GA - USA![]()
“You are the only guitar teacher that I would recommend.”
I am very happy with this course. Perhaps, my greatest impression is how you drill down into the details of each lesson. Instead of just providing riffs, you go into the details of how and why things are done the way thay are. I know of no other teacher that takes the time to insure student understanding as you you do!
As I mentioned, I have purchased 5 of your courses and find each one extremely valuable. You are the only guitar teacher that I would recommend. If someone is wanting to learn guitar or just improve their music skills I would refer them to you.
Thanks for all you do. I am extremely grateful! You provide everything you promise and much, much more. All of the free lessons that you have provided could constitute an entire course and then some. I admire your dedication to your teaching and to your students. Thank you so much!!!
Guitar Theory Made Useful
This is another course borne of necessity – in trying to teach theory to my own private students, I found that most books and videos already available started with the assumption that you already know a little about music, and they move too fast without enough practical examples to really be able to use what you learn. Read More…

Pentatonic Scale & Technique Mastery
It's all about playing faster, smoother, and in more control than you ever thought possible. It works because most people practice scales up and down thinking is what increases the speed. In fact, your ear is likely what is keeping you from playing faster, and this will fix it. Also improves soloing with melodic patterns. Read more…

5 Easy Slide Solos
5 simple and beautiful slide guitar solos using open tunings. These solos are simple to play and in the styles of some of the greats: Duane Allman, Derek Trucks, Warren Haynes, Elmore James, and Bonnie Raitt. Read more...

Introduction To Slide Guitar
No nonsense, standard tuning blues lead with a slide. Doesn't require any fancy guitar adjustments and uses the "4 Note Solo" patterns to hone your slide skills. Read more… 
How To Read Music On Guitar
At some point most guitar players realize that being able to read music at a fundamental level is a useful skill to have, so that is exactly what this course is aimed at. Read More…

- RJ, Blues Guitar Unleashed Forum Post![]()
“This really is a must-have course...”
Been about 6 months since I started this course...
* My technique is a lot better
* I have a much better sense of timing
* I hear more in a song than I used to, I seem to hear the faster notes in more detail
* My fingers seem a lot stronger
* I know my boxes by heart and when I see a lick now I immediately know what box (or Boxes) they are in. SO I know where they belong on the neck for what key I am in.
* I am able to get all over the neck with ease
* I know the root area of each box whether minor or major
* I tend to experiment around the neck more when noodling as knowing the boxes I tend to use them more
This really is a must have course. the benefits you get by woodshedding this material really does help your knowledge and technique.”
29 Blues Jam Tracks
29 Blues Jam Tracks is a collection of very high quality and well played jam tracks. And while I cannot take credit for the original recordings, what was lacking was a companion book with the best rhythm parts and chord changes written out in TAB and chord charts. And I also added notes for each track on what soloing options might work best over the track. Read more…

5 X 5 Blues Jam Tracks
Blues tends to be in 1 of 5 common feels, and usually in one of 5 common keys. So I got the band together and we recorded each of the 5 feels in each of the common keys. It's a great accompaniment to any soloing course. Read more...

Ultimate Blues Jams
How about 40 jam tracks inspired by some of the most classic "blues jam" tunes ever? Recorded live with a real band in a real studio these tracks have all the chewy mojo of a great open jam night. Read more…

Ultimate Blues Jams Volume 2
Here are 50 more jam tracks inspired by some of the most classic "blues jam" tunes ever. Recorded live with a real band in a real studio these tracks have all the chewy mojo of a great open jam night. Read more…
8 Bar Blues Jam Tracks
After not being able to find enough 8 bar blues jam tracks, I decided to make my own and it's the motherlode of 8 bar variations, keys, and feels. Read more…

How To Play The Blues Like Chuck Berry
Some of Chuck Berry's greatest playing isn't his most famous... so in this course we'll dig deep into the blues roots of the 'Godfather Of Rock And Roll.' Read more...

How To Solo Like BB King
Dig deep inside the scales, licks, patterns, and solos of blues guitar's undisputed king. Consists of 5 hours of video, 9 solos, 58 licks, and more. Read more...

Cream Era Clapton Soloing Workshop
Few players have defined a generation of music and guitar playing the way Cream and Eric Clapton did. Now, you can get all those killer licks and ideas for yourself and use them in your own solos right away. Read more...

How To Solo Like Stevie Ray Vaughan
Dive deep into the licks, tricks, solos and moves that made a Texas Legend. Includes 9 complete solos in SRV's most popular styles. Read more...

How To Solo Like Albert King
It's rare to find a guitar player whose style inspired others or is as recognizable as "The Velvet Bulldozer." Now you can see why SRV and so many others cite him as their biggest influence. Read more...

- Malcolm, UK![]()
“What More Could A Man Ask For”
So, an excellent product backed up by excellent support – what more could a man ask for?
- Dennis, USA![]()
“…your course has far exceeded those expectations.”
I just want to say that I had high expectations for your course based on the videos I watched prior to purchase. I’m happy to say your course has far exceeded those expectations. It is concise, to the point, yet offers a wealth of material (and I have only gotten up to Lesson 7!).
Anyway its an amazing course and kudos to you for having developed it. It really displays your complete understanding of what guitar players of all levels need, and I think, guitar players of any level can gain from it. Ha, as a side note, its also fun. I end up doing it for much longer than 20 minutes a day, thats for sure.
What makes a beginner vs. an intermediate guitar player?
Beginner means you either just picked up the guitar all the way through being able to play and strum some simple open chords like D,C, and G, A, and E. You should be able to play a couple of “campfire” type songs ideally to move on to the intermediate level.
Do I have to use the Digital Delivery version if I ordered the DVD?
Nope… not at all. More and more students have been asking for the digital versions but there is no reason you have to use them. Either version is complete.
What if I find that I picked the wrong course for my skill level?
Just contact us, we’ll sort it out. You can always get a refund on a course if it is not right for you, but in many cases you may simply want to exchange it for a different one that is more suited to your level. Getting you the right course for your needs is the most important thing, period!
Do all DVD courses come with Digital Delivery versions?
At this time, not all DVD course have a Digital Delivery counterpart. But all of those that do… you’ll get the Digital Delivery with the DVD. As more Digital versions come online they will automatically be added if you have the DVD version.
Will your DVDs play in my country?
The DVDs are not region-specific and should play on most any DVD player or computer. Please remember that computer based DVD players are not all the same and the software used to view the DVD can vary the experience dramatically. I use and recommend a player called VLC which is free to download.
I don't know where to start, what are the common paths through your courses?
The most common and standard path is Beginning Blues Guitar -> Blues Guitar Unleashed -> Blues Gig In A Box -> Slow Blues Supplement. That alone could be years of study depending on where you are now. If you are an acoustic player it would be Beginning Blues Guitar -> Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed and then Acoustic Delta Blues Slide Guitar if you are into slide.