“If You Want To Master Classic Rock Soloing, You Have To Get Your Clapton Licks…”
Few players have defined a generation of music and guitar playing the way Cream and Eric Clapton did… now you can get all those killer licks and ideas for yourself and use them in your own solos right away…
The year was 1966, and the world’s first “supergroup” was formed by Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce, and a young Eric Clapton…
In just 3 short years they produced 4 albums that would not only change rock music, but would define an entire era and start the blues/rock movement that carries on to this day.
And while Clapton’s playing has spanned nearly 5 decades, it is his playing with the supergroup, Cream, that inspired a generation of guitar players like Joe Bonamassa, Eric Johnson, and countless others…
So it is with great pleasure that I have finally created a path through the maze of techniques and ideas that comes from “Cream Era,” Eric Clapton’s playing…
That Path Is This…

Cream Era Clapton Soloing Workshop is probably just what you might expect in that it is a trip through Eric Clapton’s methodology and practices, in an easy to digest format.
It consists of 6 complete graduated solos (the early ones are easier than the later ones)…
Each solo is broken down into the individual licks so that you can steal them for yourself, and they include slow speed and full speed play-along versions for you to play along with, so you’ll soak up all the details of Clapton’s amazing sound.
There is complete on-screen TAB, a complete manual with TABs and standard notation for every note, audio tracks to play along with including the solos, slow and full speed, versions with no guitar so you can play, and full length jam tracks so you can try out your new licks as you get them.
Here’s how (and why) Cream Era Clapton Soloing Workshop works:
You’ve likely seen other videos full of licks and you might be wondering what makes this course different from just getting a TAB book or watching a YouTube video?
First, in many cases I spend close to an hour breaking down one of those solos… I’ll walk you through not only the notes, but the patterns that the notes come from and the keys and chords that you’re working with so that you could easily take these licks and use them in other places…
But the main thing is how I break down the rhythms and how to count every last note so that you can actually soak up these licks and make them part of your own vocabulary…
Too many people just learn to push the buttons and play the sounds, but never learn anything about the licks and solos, so when it comes time to do their own thing, or play with a band instead of the same jam track they’ve always used… they’re sunk and thinks fall apart quickly.
If you take the time to do what I do and say what I say, you can’t help but get there. Sure, it might seem like it is going to take a little longer at first, but in the long run, it’s much faster, much more reliable (everyone can do it), and it sets you up for faster learning down the road.
But There’s More To It Than Just Eric Clapton Licks…
Sure, it’s great to be able to channel your “inner Eric Clapton” when you’re soloing and really pull out some licks and phrases that pay homage to such a great player…
But the reality is that this is also about guitar soloing, in general, simply because almost every modern guitar player can say they’ve been influenced by Eric Clapton in some way, shape, or form…
His influence is undeniable in so many of today’s best and brightest.
And while there is plenty of “good old box 1” type soloing, Clapton used a lot of interesting additional ideas from other patterns and other scales and sounds that you simply don’t hear anyone else using (and I’ve transcribed thousands of lines of music and solos from hundreds of guitar players!)
So like I said, there’s a lot more to this course than just playing Eric Clapton licks.
Here are just some of the things you’re getting…
- 6 Complete solos transcribed directly from Clapton’s recordings with Cream back in the last 1960s. Why complete solos? Because learning licks is one thing, but learning complete solos helps you learn the intangible “story form” aspects of soloing better than anything else you can do.
- How Eric Clapton used both the major and minor blues scales over a variety of chord progressions to push and pull different sounds in different situations.
- How to finally master the quarter note triplets that are so common in classic rock and blues/rock soloing and sound so cool!
- How Clapton used first finger bends to unusual notes to get some of those more haunting sounds in songs like “Spoonful.”
- How to use Clapton’s “Big Bends,” as a way to increase the variety in your solos, and give a break between strings of triplets or eighth notes. This is one of the most powerful things you can learn to use in your own playing.
- How to utilize some “seat of your pants” playing where you abandon the beat in what you play, but you keep track of it in your head so you come back at the right time.
- Dozens of Classic Eric Clapton licks, TABbed out, and gone through note-for-note in the video. You’ll know exactly why every note was chosen, and how you might make changes if your needs dictated something else.
- Play along tracks for all 6 solos, plus full length jam tracks you can use for practice any time.
And of course, there is more besides, but I think you get the idea…
Mostly what makes this course so powerful is the “why” behind all of the licks. Once you really understand where those ideas come from, you can really use them for yourself. Like they say, “Knowledge Is Power.”
So Here’s What To Do Next
Cream Era Clapton Soloing Workshop is just $89 and you can get it instantly as a digital download or stream it from your own private Member Portal on your computer or mobile device (as long as you have an internet connection.) It never goes away and you can access it any time.
All you have to do is click the “Add To Cart” button below, and complete the secure checkout to get your copy just a few minutes from now.
Is That It?
Pretty much.. that’s about it.
As always, you get my iron-clad, 90 day guarantee. If you don’t love the Cream Era Clapton Soloing Workshop, just let my friendly helpdesk know and you’ll get a complete refund, no questions asked – and you don’t even have to send it back.
My private students that have gone through some of this training have paid me upwards of $1000 or more for this information and done so willingly, and they don’t even get a money-back guarantee!
So to get this complete course, all 6 Solos and the video lessons, complete TABs, audio playalongs, jam tracks, for $89 is kind of a no-brainer.
There’s no catch, no hidden continuity thing, and no shenanigans to be found. The order form is secure and you can rest assured that your privacy and data are safe. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose…
Now Is The Time…
Putting this off until “someday” is just putting off success that much longer, and there’s no reason for that. If you really want to make improvements now, you have to act now, it’s that simple.
And with my 90 day no-questions-asked-you-don’t-even-have-to-send-it-back guarantee, this is the perfect chance to really up your soloing game and really absorb these Eric Clapton elements that have made him so inspiring for so many years.
So click the “Add To Cart” button and you can be getting down to it in just a few minutes from now.
To get your complete copy of Cream Era Clapton Soloing Workshop just click the yellow “Add To Cart” button below. Just as soon as your order is complete you will receive an email with your access instructions to the secure Member Portal so you can be creating exciting new blues solos in just a few minutes from now!
This is a one time payment, NOT a subscription. 3 Payment option is available on the next page.
PS – In case you thought, “Oh, I’ll just scroll down to the bottom and get the scoop,” let me hip you to it…
I’m offering you a great chance to try my new Cream Era Clapton Soloing Workshop course, where you can not only see inside the workings of arguably the most influential modern blues guitar player ever…
But you’ll also see the “why” behind what he did, and how you can apply that to your own playing.
There are 6 complete solos, dozens of licks, complete TABs, play along tracks, and so much more…
You can get it all for just $89, with my iron-clad 90 day guarantee. You love it or you get a refund, and you don’t even have to send it back.
Sound good? Great! Then get yours here.