First and foremost... If you're not cool with bending, in general, and your vibrato on un-bent notes isn't happening yet...
Then adding vibrato to a note you are trying to bend
Wanting to play cooler blues solos is a typical request from students...
But most go about it all wrong, thinking that more notes, more patterns, and more speed, are going to
There are a lot of ways to solo over a blues chord progression, but one things that holds true is using chord tones...
In this video, I'll show you a great
I swiped another one from my 5 Easy Blues Songs course for you today...
It's the melody from the song, "King Strut," that is more of an homage to Freddie King
I was asked by my friend, Steve Stine, to join in a remote collaboration video doing the song, "Just Got Paid," by ZZ Top... and also re-made by Joe Bonamassa...
Most guitar players... and it seems especially blues players...
Have this goal of "mastering the fretboard," which sounds really cool, until you try to work out how that's going to be
The other day I did a post about different approaches you can use when the chord progression you are soloing over is not a blues...
And by FAR the question I
I get a lot of questions about "blues" tunes that aren't actually blues...
Sure, they are really "bluesy," but they aren't an actual "blues," so the blues soloing approach doesn't actually