Let's learn another fun new lick from one of my favorite patterns, the "House Pattern."
This is in celebration of my new course with the same name - The House Pattern
Let's learn a fun new lick from one of my favorite patterns, the "House Pattern."
This is in celebration of my new course with the same name - The House Pattern
What I affectionately call, "The House Pattern," is one of my favorite blues soloing patterns, but it's one that is so often misunderstood...
It's not any *one* particular scale, or sound,
Today I'm tackling that age old issue...
"Griff, why don't you teach us 'real' songs?"
I do, all the time, you just have to know how songs really work, so watch this:
As much as I love playing leads and solos, your meat and potatoes of blues playing is going to be playing rhythm...
Whether you want to call it strumming or comping
It's gear day here at BGU, and I want to tell you about a new pedal I've been using in place of my tried-and-true tube screamer...
Now then, here's the cool
BB King was the MASTER at getting a ton of great sounds out of 1 small area of the fretboard...
And, personally, I think you'd be better for learning how to
Many times licks are far too complex...
It's easy to miss the small moves that get repeated in dozens, or maybe hundreds of licks over your lifetime as a guitarist.
So today