I love this old Jimmy Reed classic… and though you might know it done by Gary Moore, it lends itself to playing acoustic and singing along, accompanying your own voice.

So I thought I’d take some time today and show you how I like to play it when I’m performing it in this fashion.

Hope you enjoy and try it out for yourself today.

    39 replies to "Walking By Myself Solo Arrangement"

    • Frank Shapiro

      Can you show the tab for this piece I really like it and would like to see actual notes. Thanks

      • Vic+Soboleski

        Yeah definitely,this …im a lazy learner(wasnt lazy for the first 1+yrs) whos stuck now for a decade + just past beginner level who thinks every lesson thats not in person needs a tab …i struggle enough with learning before adding in me rewinding ,slowing down etc etc trying to figure out the exact positions lol

    • Alan B

      Excellent. One of my all time favorite songs. I especially love the Canned Heat version.

      Alan B.

    • Russell Rohling

      Hello, could someone tab out the opening blues riff please? I’ve been trying to get it by ear but no luck yet.

    • Tony Stamp

      This is a great little video. Brought back lots of memories of when I was in a band. This was one of the songs on our set list and we just had fun with it. Makes me want to have those days back again.

    • Bradley Rowe

      Sorry, my mistake. The freddy king album was called getting ready

    • Brad Rowe

      Freddy King does a good version too on The Shelter Years album I think. Either that or Greatest Hits album

    • Alexander

      Cool song, can’t wait to try that at home. Thanks Griff


    • DaveyJoe

      Cool stuff Griff!


      Speaking of Gary Moore … will you PLEASE do a video on how to get Gary Moore’s singing sustain and tone?

    • Hotlks

      Yes. FUN!!
      Thank you.

      Played it on my Johnson Swamp Stomper Resonator too. A little harder with 13 gauge string set but nice. Detuned down to D. Easier on the fingers.

    • Marty Hutchings

      Thanks Griff. What is a good source for the words to these kinds of songs?

    • Samuel Benton

      I’m thinking this is a jimmy Rogers tune. I’m sure Reed was just a slip:) love the lesson. That 3-7 stretch is killin me.

      • Chris

        you’re right the credit is James Lane which was Jimmy Rogers

    • Lloyd

      I’d like to see more Gary Moore music. Like Still Got the Blues.

      • Vic+Soboleski

        One of the best songs ever

    • TOM

      I spent years learning scales, chords licks and such things. Just recently started playing easy songs and enjoying all the things I have learned.
      Griff talks to us, that is what I like.


    • Jeff Kent

      Griff Hamlin: Master of guitar *subtleties*. Brining extra flavor to the tunes through slight finger moves. Thanks for the lesson.

    • Alan H

      Nice one Griff. A Duke Ellington finish would work great at the end too.

    • Paul B

      This is what makes guitar playing fun.

    • Gavin

      Watched the video twice. Played along the second time. Great instruction, This is why I bought BGU!!!

    • Hap

      Paul Butterfield’s version is also terrific. It is graced by an amazing solo by (then) young guitar phenom Buzzy Feiten. Thanks Griff.

    • Don Hall

      Freddie King’s version is great, too. Fun tune, hadn’t heard it before. More 8-bar stuff, please!

    • Gil Adams

      Great job, wish for the tab / to connect more to your left hand . Thanks

    • Keith Kuepfer

      Great inspirational piece, Griff! Thanks

    • Mark

      Great lesson! Thanks for breaking it down for us.

      • John Deguenther

        I like the old blues! 😎 Cool! keep it up! John on John’s Island 🌴, SC.

        • James Edwards

          Hey worked at the Boeing plant for a while back in 2011 went to a Reggae fest on John’s Island. Beautiful place.

    • Chris CLEMANS

      Woops Great.

    • Chris CLEMANS

      That was great for Griff!!

    • Louis Ogden

      Good one. Thanks Griff!

    • William Peterson

      Very cool, one of my favorite tunes. Gary Moore did some wonderful stuff.

    • Jim P.

      Thanks for giving a song . Keep them coming.

    • Dennis Berkley

      Jimmy Rogers is correct. He was Muddy’s guitar man in the ’50’s.

    • tony

      I am sure the train thing You did is also done by SRV in his tune Pride and joy . Just do not bend the E string it just does not sound correct . Get that neck tweeked a bit and it will be fine or hang it by its neck when not using it and that works too . I did that for years with my acoustic and did a electric bass that way to but also backed off on the string tension . A good tune for the porch .

    • Barry Butler

      Hi Griff, is it possible to post the tab

    • Barrty Butler

      Hi Griff, could you please put the tab up. Thank you


      So much fun. Thank you.

      Oh by the way. I just looked it up. I think it was created by Jimmy Rogers originally. I like the gary Moore version but I honestly like yours best. Keep em coming you’re awsome.


      So much fun. Thank you.

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