I love this old Jimmy Reed classic… and though you might know it done by Gary Moore, it lends itself to playing acoustic and singing along, accompanying your own voice.
So I thought I’d take some time today and show you how I like to play it when I’m performing it in this fashion.
Hope you enjoy and try it out for yourself today.
39 replies to "Walking By Myself Solo Arrangement"
Can you show the tab for this piece I really like it and would like to see actual notes. Thanks
Yeah definitely,this …im a lazy learner(wasnt lazy for the first 1+yrs) whos stuck now for a decade + just past beginner level who thinks every lesson thats not in person needs a tab …i struggle enough with learning before adding in me rewinding ,slowing down etc etc trying to figure out the exact positions lol
Excellent. One of my all time favorite songs. I especially love the Canned Heat version.
Alan B.
Hello, could someone tab out the opening blues riff please? I’ve been trying to get it by ear but no luck yet.
This is a great little video. Brought back lots of memories of when I was in a band. This was one of the songs on our set list and we just had fun with it. Makes me want to have those days back again.
Sorry, my mistake. The freddy king album was called getting ready
Freddy King does a good version too on The Shelter Years album I think. Either that or Greatest Hits album
Cool song, can’t wait to try that at home. Thanks Griff
Cool stuff Griff!
Speaking of Gary Moore … will you PLEASE do a video on how to get Gary Moore’s singing sustain and tone?
Yes. FUN!!
Thank you.
Played it on my Johnson Swamp Stomper Resonator too. A little harder with 13 gauge string set but nice. Detuned down to D. Easier on the fingers.
Thanks Griff. What is a good source for the words to these kinds of songs?
I’m thinking this is a jimmy Rogers tune. I’m sure Reed was just a slip:) love the lesson. That 3-7 stretch is killin me.
you’re right the credit is James Lane which was Jimmy Rogers
I’d like to see more Gary Moore music. Like Still Got the Blues.
One of the best songs ever
I spent years learning scales, chords licks and such things. Just recently started playing easy songs and enjoying all the things I have learned.
Griff talks to us, that is what I like.
Griff Hamlin: Master of guitar *subtleties*. Brining extra flavor to the tunes through slight finger moves. Thanks for the lesson.
Nice one Griff. A Duke Ellington finish would work great at the end too.
This is what makes guitar playing fun.
Watched the video twice. Played along the second time. Great instruction, This is why I bought BGU!!!
Paul Butterfield’s version is also terrific. It is graced by an amazing solo by (then) young guitar phenom Buzzy Feiten. Thanks Griff.
Freddie King’s version is great, too. Fun tune, hadn’t heard it before. More 8-bar stuff, please!
Great job, wish for the tab / to connect more to your left hand . Thanks
Great inspirational piece, Griff! Thanks
Great lesson! Thanks for breaking it down for us.
I like the old blues! 😎 Cool! keep it up! John on John’s Island 🌴, SC.
Hey worked at the Boeing plant for a while back in 2011 went to a Reggae fest on John’s Island. Beautiful place.
Woops Great.
That was great for Griff!!
Good one. Thanks Griff!
Very cool, one of my favorite tunes. Gary Moore did some wonderful stuff.
Thanks for giving a song . Keep them coming.
Jimmy Rogers is correct. He was Muddy’s guitar man in the ’50’s.
I am sure the train thing You did is also done by SRV in his tune Pride and joy . Just do not bend the E string it just does not sound correct . Get that neck tweeked a bit and it will be fine or hang it by its neck when not using it and that works too . I did that for years with my acoustic and did a electric bass that way to but also backed off on the string tension . A good tune for the porch .
Hi Griff, is it possible to post the tab
Hi Griff, could you please put the tab up. Thank you
So much fun. Thank you.
Oh by the way. I just looked it up. I think it was created by Jimmy Rogers originally. I like the gary Moore version but I honestly like yours best. Keep em coming you’re awsome.
So much fun. Thank you.