This is that one old school 12 bar blues turnaround that everyone and their brother/sister/uncle/cousin plays...
And you should too :)
It works for a shuffle or a slow blues and it's
For blues comping (playing blues rhythm guitar) this is a move that gets used on all kinds of tunes...
Slow blues, shuffle blues, straight feel songs... really doesn't matter, this will
While this is a fun little melody to learn and a cool tune...
I have an ulterior motive for showing it to you :)
We often talk about "playing on the porch"
This video is a little more of a project for you, if you're a beginning guitar player.
In order to be able to play with other people (really, in order to
I know that I'm usually the first person to say, "Don't bend with your first finger, that just doesn't feel good and it's hard."
That hasn't really changed, but there *are*
I often hear from students how they want to learn to embellish chords, so that's what we'll talk about in this video...
I was inspired by "The Weight," by The Band,
For blues and blues/rock soloing, many times we take a simple approach of just using the minor pentatonic/blues scale for the whole thing...
And while that works over 12 bar blues
A lot of people might call these the "intervals" of the blues scale, but these aren't intervals to me because they don't involve a distance between 2 notes...
Instead, I think
Of all the "tricks" that guitar players use to create more interesting lines, this one probably took me the longest to figure out...
And you can call them lines or licks,