This is a song I always dug because it’s just one of those classic 12 bar blues rock songs that you might not know is just a 12 bar blues at heart.

The basic riff is all E Minor Pentatonic Based, while the intro solo is all E Major Pentatonic Based..

And all that goes on around a basic 12 bar blues in E chord progression.

Hope you can dig it!

    34 replies to "How To Play Mississippi Queen"

    • gary thaman

      defiantly a blues song- Leslie West ( two finger player) – one of the best!!

    • Barry

      Thanks Griff!!!

    • cowboy

      love it…later.


    • Thomas Guitarman

      The high squeaky frets hahahah always amazed me to see Big guys like Leslie W and Warren H with these big fat fingers and hands do their thing on the high squeaky frets hand strength has alot to do with it

    • Thomas Guitarman

      The secret to this song was the TOTAL skull crunching thundering tone its starts with, Les Paul jr with several, Sunn amps cranked all the way to controlled feedback, a friend of mine was their roadie for a couple years they blew amps every show he said they carried 7 of them at all times hahahah thats when rock was rock

    • JohnnyB

      Griff, your voice is too low in the mix. When you are playing, it is hard for me to hear what you’re saying a lot of the time. I have central auditory processing (CAP) issues, and a LOT of people do. Just a thought. Thanks, JB

      • stephen bowyer


    • Keith

      I was in a band in the 80s, we played on the bill with Leslie west. We were the warm up act at Harpo’s in Michigan. Sad that Leslie west was not in great health at that time. None the less a treat for a local band trying there best.

    • Wayne

      Great lesson but could really use the tab!

      • ian richardson

        Unless you know how the song goes the tab won’t tell you that, sheet music will but not tab.
        So would you maybe be better off watching what Griff is doing and working the song from there?
        Even if the tab is on the screen you’ll get more from it without the tab.
        All we had were vinyl discs…
        Like Griff says you can slow it down and watch it.

      • JohnnyB

        When you can see it being played, you really don’t need the tab. Once you know the position, you can figure it out quick. Your ears will tell you what’s right.

    • Chris Ames

      Taking me down memory lane lol! Remember hearing this on the Woodstock album my older brother had. And seeing Mountain in the late 80’s twice.Of course it wasn’t the original band,but great concert. Thanks as always for the lesson. A good one to jam to at the end of this year! Happy New Year. 🎉🪅🎊

    • bill

      Great one to rap up the year with Griff. As usual you break it down well enough for even a guy with really bad ears like me can work through it. Thanks man! And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!!!!!

    • Jeffrey Stone

      Tab would provide the proper instruction–some of us do not have the time–we have to work and may not have the inherent ability to enjoy the struggle –especially with. All the tab on Soundslice

      • bill

        the “struggle” is part of learning. I know I am going to have to go over parts of this multiple times just to memorize it not even thinking about nailing it. And remember, theres lots of tab out there butmuch of its not accurate and does nothing to teach you the phrasing.

    • Michael Chappell

      Hey GRiff,

      Great lesson and sound, saved it for later when I get back home as interstate at present.

      Michael-Sydney- Australia May 2020

    • Keith

      Hi grif, i was in a band called quest in the 80’s and we warmed up for leslie west at a place called harpos in detroit. Of course Mississippi queen was the song everyone was waiting for. Was a good experience for us…


      Mississippi Queen is one of my all-time favorite tunes!!

    • Mike

      I saw Mountain in 1969 at Dallas State Fair Music Hall. Felix Pappalardi on bass and introduced as the producer for Cream. They started Mississippi Queen but Leslie Wests mic didn’t work. So he kicked the mic stand in true pissed off rocker style. Never forgot it. Great show.

      • Bill C.

        If you saw Mountain back then, were you amazed that someone with fingers the size of Leslie’s could pinch off those high notes on the top frets like he did? For such a large dude he was playin’ mofo. Always wondered why he didn’t kick Pappalardi in the ass for crankin his bass up constantly, lol.

    • Ian Stobbart

      Absolutely fantastic lesson as per usual

    • Gary Zellner

      Has always been one of my favorite tunes for years !! When I hear those first notes…. I have my hands on the volume control…… oh yeah…. Thanks for sharing !!

    • tony

      No doubt its a blues . I liked this tune as a teen . This video is outstanding good one Griff. I will add this one to band must learn list. Well done easy to understand. Thank You !!!!

    • Donovan Hulbert

      A little Alex Lifeson look with the Les Paul and a Floyd Rose.

    • Anthony Ingoglia

      The bend you do is actually a minor pentatonic note also (G). But I totally get your point.

      • Griff

        I’m bending F# to G#, the only G natural is at the very end of the intro.

    • David

      I had the awesome opportunity to see Mountain in Jacksonville, FL at the height of their popularity. They were absolutely unbelievable! This is a great lesson that I will definitely learn. What a gorgeous LP! You nailed the tone perfectly!

    • Gansett

      Griff, thanks for connecting the rock that I love to the blues that I love. It helps to answer questions that I have before I even realize that I have questions. 🍺

    • Chris

      Great lesson Griff, thanks. What pedal do you use to get that sound? Also, is that a modified Les Paul with the tremolo or did the tremolo come factory installed?

    • Rich L

      Great de-mystifying lesson as always Griff! Grew up in the same neighborhood same time as Leslie, this song and some of his WBL tunes as well as his work with Mountain always rings true with me. Nobody teaches it better than you! You make it all make sense.
      Thanks again Griff!

    • Jimmy D.

      My reluctance to count is legend….
      But the more often I view your lessons…
      ….which is often.:)
      You will convert me yet!

    • RobJ

      Nice lesson, Griff. Cheers.
      Leslie West is a monster with the best tone ever.

    • Greg Crain

      Very cool lesson, I did dig it very much! Thanks!

    • Jerry Persall

      These little insights make my morning. Been following them for years. Very much appreciate them after breakfast. Thank you, Griff!
      Jerry in Colorado

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