Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? How about rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time?
Well you might want to start practicing because
As it turns out, I'm a big Jimmy Rogers fan and I didn't even know it until recently!
He wrote one of my favorite tunes to play, Walking By Myself... though
Do you ever feel like your attention is being pulled in 12 different directions?
There's a cool song to learn, scales to work on and memorize, licks to learn, maybe that
If you haven't already started your guitar collection (and yes, it will be a collection one day) and you are looking at the myriad of choices out there for your
Not much to say about this one except that you probably have some shuffle licks that you never realized were outstanding slow blues licks as well :)
Here's the lick in
So you're probably tired of me talking about blues rhythm elements as puzzle pieces... but in case you've missed my rants on the subject before check this out...
It's Albert King
I had a really neat conversation with a friend of mine who is a great musician... but trained VERY differently than I was.
He grew up playing mostly classical music until