I swiped another one from my 5 Easy Blues Songs course for you today…

It’s the melody from the song, “King Strut,” that is more of an homage to Freddie King and his tune, “San-Ho-Zay,” which was one of his more popular instrumentals.

I edited the video so you can hear it first, then learn the melody idea. It’s a cool double stop idea I think you’ll enjoy.

    10 replies to "5 Easy Blues Songs – King Strut Melody"

    • Dr Tee

      I love double stops !

    • RustedOut

      Quality instruction is what you are all about. However I wish you offered some authentic blues tracks to jam with.. I mean tracks that are very valid representations of the blues I hear in a dimly lit somewhat sleazy bar on “chitlin’ street.” You know, those sounds, that make the ladies want to “sling shot their panties on stage” in appreciation as one’s blues sounds get them “where they live.” That is the ‘real blues” I aspire to be able replicate in my own playing. Riffs.. licks.. you provide are Ok starting points, but “incomplete” in the quest to become that “worshiped” blues man.. the goal many of us students. Your talent speaks for itself and provides you that admiration we all seek by being able to fill the emotion-invoked niche that defines the blues… so, how about sharing that skill with us wanna-bee’s?

      • Martin Rapp

        Thanx for this comment. This is exactly what’s in my mind a lot of times!

      • CP

        Two words..

      • RockinOn

        Lol. A lot of guys want to be that “worshipped blues man”. But most never will be. Why? Not because of lack of talent or desire. Everyone has some talent, and they all want it bad. It’s as simple as saying that they just aren’t putting the time and practice in consistently.
        Gary Rossington, of Skynyrd, one of the best Les Paul players ever, said that is has to become the One Thing, that you prioritize over other things in your life, and relentlessly work to make it happen, for years or as long as it takes. Watching yt videos over and over won’t help, if you aren’t working your butt off to practice what you learn.
        3 Secrets – Practice Practice Practice

    • Jim Pyron

      Another bullseye Griff. Hands down you’re the best teacher. Joined BGU 2014 [or thereabouts] and you always shine the light where the answers are found. Just taking this opportunity to thank you for your tireless dedication to your students. Thanks for all you do.

    • Jim Boardman

      Nice, I liked that .

    • Russell Eckam

      Always good lessons. Please explain practice practice, and count count. Learn know move on to the next. The journey never ends. Thanks for breaking it down, making it understandable. Remind us, had to learn to crawl, walk then run. Step by step. Thanks for sharing showing different styles, yet it’s the guitar. Tune it up turn it up, PLAY on

    • Alan H

      Cool simple lesson Griff. Good stuff

    • Steve Dunlap

      Love all of your lessons griff! Makes guitar fun again!

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