Ever wonder what the most popular tunes are at jam sessions around the world?

Me too… so I did some super scientific research (i.e. I asked a bunch of people) and got the de facto list of the “Top 20 Most Played Blues Jam Tunes.”

There were over 460 responses! So it’s a safe bet that if you know these tunes and can play over them, you’ll be fine walking into any open jam night.

So without further delay, here they are along with the most used recording (not necessarily who wrote it.) While I was at it, I put some suggestions on what lesson from Blues Guitar Unleashed would be the most helpful in playing that song. (I don’t generally teach songs note for note, but I get pretty darn close a lot…)

  1. The Thrill Is Gone – BB King ( use lesson 11 in Blues Guitar Unleashed and solo 2.)
  2. Red House – Jimi Hendrix (the intro is just a 7th chord from lesson 1 played 1 note at a time, the rest is lesson 8, blues in G… but probably moved to they key of Bb or B. Solo 4 will work great.)
  3. Stormy Monday – The Allman Brothers (Lesson 7, Solo 4.)
  4. Crossroads – Cream/Clapton (Lesson 8, blues in A for the rhythm, Solo 1 for the lead.)
  5. Pride & Joy – SRV (Lesson 10 for the rhythm, solo 6 if you want to really melt some faces 🙂
  6. Hey Joe – Hendrix (this song isn’t actually a blues and therefore is a little outside the scope even though it comes up fairly regularly it appears.)
  7. Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry (Lesson 8 for the rhythm, and there’s a great solo for it in 5 Easy Blues Solos. You could also adapt Solo 1 or Solo 2 for this tune.)
  8. Tore Down – Clapton or Freddie King (Lesson 6 for the rhythm, Solos 3 or 5 work great.)
  9. Hoochie Koochie Man – Muddy Waters (The signature riff is a pentatonic scale from Lesson 15, Solo 4 would work great for a solo, or slow down solos 5 or 6.)
  10. Sweet Home Chicago – Blues Brothers (basically the same as pride and joy, lesson 10 for rhythms and solo 3, 5 or 6.)
  11. Key To The Highway – Clapton (This is an 8 bar blues which is a bit more unusual and isn’t in Blues Guitar Unleashed, but it’s simple and I cover it here.)
  12. Before You Accuse Me – Clapton (lesson 8 blues in E for the rhythm, solo 6 would work great.)
  13. House Of The Rising Sun – Animals (this is actually covered in Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed.)
  14. Sweet Home Chicago – Clapton (his version is slower than the Blues Brothers version)
  15. Statesboro Blues – Allman Brothers (lesson 6 for rhythm, solo 3, 5, or 6.)
  16. Mustang Sally – Wilson Pickett (while not technically a blues… Buddy Guy played it.)
  17. Mary Had A Little Lamb – SRV (not a straight blues, but close. This isn’t covered in Blues Guitar Unleashed but I did a thing on it on Youtube.)
  18. Texas Flood – SRV (basically this is the same slow blues as before. But I did the intro here.)
  19. Roadhouse Blues – The Doors (basically a shuffle in E except the main riff. Lessons 1 and 2 will get you the groove. This isn’t a straight 12 bar blues.)
  20. Keep Your Hands To Yourself – Georgia Satellites (Blues in A, lesson 8, for the rhythm, solo 1 for the lead.)

Some surprises to me, but many were as I expected having been to and hosted hundreds of jam sessions over the years.

Now how, you might ask, would you go practicing your soloing chops over these tunes when you don’t have a band available to play with at your beck and call?

Great question! And the answer, of course, is Jam Tracks – good ones (and I’ve got plenty.)

Here’s a video of me playing over one of the tracks from Ultimate Blues Jams (in the style of “Big Legged Woman” by one of my favorites, Freddie King) so you can get a feel for how these work… but there are plenty of options out there:

You might also want to check out a site called Karaoke Version where they have some tracks that are pretty close to dead copies of popular tunes… and of course doing a search for jam tracks or backing tracks on YouTube also often yields quite a few options.

Also, try GuitarBackingTrack.com – they aren’t always the best versions, but the price is right and sometimes they sound pretty good.

    154 replies to "Top 20 Most Played Blues Jam Tunes"

    • Michael Chappell

      Hey Griff,
      Great to se Top 20 Most Played Blues Jam…Only a few are on my list as most of the Blues Solos and Rhythms and solos that I am learning are in all your courses such as Like Old Blues Guy.

      I will be using your lessons to help create my own Blues Rhythms and Solos enough to get through a Jam or two. I have a different top 20 list which includes Rock n Roll & Blues with some of the top 20 here and some from others like Manfred Mann such as Smoke Stack Lightning etc. Once I get my top 20 I will add more Blues to my repertoire with your help and great courses.
      Michael-Sydney -Australia

    • Rich Croce

      I think your on to something Griff. I would love for you to put together a course which shows you using BGU on various popular blues songs. Generally when I finish a course such as your BGU. I move on to another course. Most of which are yours. I think by showing us an application of the various sections of BGU with popular blues songs would be very helpful in our incorporating the material in our playing. Plus I would love a more extensive list similar to the one you have shown here would be very helpful. Of course you can also reference some of you other courses as well. Thank you for all of your hard work.

    • JimmyB

      Very inspiring Griff. I would like to add my request for the backing track. I don’t expect you to tab that whole thing out but is it possible to get the backing track so we can mess with it as well? Thanks for all you do.

    • Chip

      Really like your style of teaching Griff.
      Thanks and keep up the great work

      • Scott Ryan

        I wanna hear “Caravan” with a drum solo.

    • Pete from philly

      It’s nice to let the guitar do the teaching every now and then, isn’t it Griff? Sounded great, thanks. Many years ago I was at a Blues club called Warmdaddies. Seen my friends on “Open Mike Night” and there were about 7 or 8 bands along with them. One song that stood out to me was that almost every other band played “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill Withers. I’m surprised that it hasn’t come up in your list. Must be the times. Guess I’ve dated myself. can’t wait for your next lesson. Take care…Pete.

    • Chuck Fetterly

      I loved your solo, it was awesome, I was in a rock band many yrs ago……I wish you would stop and show us the foot pedals, etc that you use too…….

      • AlbertT

        Click on ‘Gear’ at the top of the page for links re the pedals.

    • Rick B

      Wow, I like every tune on that list. Its great to see my teacher in action, you play great. Someday, Someday! Keep up the good work.

    • Bruce

      The three that I have seen come up a LOT lately are Keep Your Hands to Yourself (Georgia Satellites), Little by Little (Susan Tedeschi version),and My Heads in Mississippi (that little old band from Texas) All three are actually quite easy to play and a hell of a lot of fun to jam with.

    • Scott R

      Thanks for this Griff. I love these little recipie blogs and lessons that you do. Please keep ’em coming!
      I’m also excited about your emphasis on getting us to learn to play songs and arrange music.
      Thank you!

    • Tom Carpenter

      Very cool list and I can play along with about a third. We have an event locally called ProJam which consists of professional playing musicians. Interestingly, the most recent, #12 just a couple weeks ago featured the bass player from Georgia Sattelites, Bill Sims from Hertigage Blues Orchestra and Slam Allen, a Woodstock favorite. I sat in playing percussion for #2-5, but then the quality of players got too good. Trying to get the nerve to do it with my Epi Dot!

    • Jean Dominique

      Quite impressive.

      • Paul


    • Ron Lemire

      My first response…I’m so used to watching you play in a lesson format that I was quite taken by your beautiful playing. thank you…

    • Bob

      That was outstanding, my brain doesn’t work that fast…..lol

    • Steve

      Griff thanks for another great solo lesson! I agree with you Karaoke-Version has a ton of classic rock and blues songs that are almost exact copies of the original. The only problem is that most all the songs have the lead guitar solos in the track, so if you’re going to try to play lead on the songs, you have to play “call and response”.

      Look forward to getting your emails to see what nice tidbits you’re going to serve up! Thanks!

    • Len Lawson

      Griff,Thanks very much,for showing just what a genius you are on the git.You are in a class by yourself,way out at the top.Love it,Len.

    • Kip Child

      Absolutely beautiful!. I could listen to you solo LIKE THAT all day and all night.

    • matt

      Love it. Great video, great playing. Thanks.

    • Kent Smith

      Thanks this is great info and I loved your solo. To anyone out there that has not yet purchased any of Griff’s courses they are the best, you get so much for your money it is amazing.

    • John

      Wow, great ,awesome, our teacher is God!!!!!!

    • John Balas


    • OldBluesGuy

      I could listen to you play 24-7 !!!! For all of you new players I started learning to play guitar 3 years ago at age 59 using Griff’s courses which I have all but one. I am at the point where I can finally play in any key and move comfortably all over the fret board in any rhythm and have confidence to go out and jam. Follow his suggestions and with practice you too will be amazed at how fast you will improve. Thanks Griff!!!

    • Rob

      Great solo, Griff
      Great tone sounds like that Suhr Strat. Doubt I’ll ever get that good but I’m coming along when I get practice time
      Can I make some recommendations on the song list? These are technically blues but some aren’t but close:
      One Way Out-Allmans
      The Wind Cries Mary- not truly a blues but easy and fun-Hendri
      Lenny- a jazzblues. By SRV. Tough song but worth the effort
      La Grange- Billy Gibbons
      Hideaway- Freddie King- no pesky words to deal with.
      Start Me Up -Rolling Stone
      Miss you – Rolling Stonrs
      Beast of Burden -Rolling Stones
      Brown Sugar- Rolling Stones
      Running on faith- not a blues but a great song
      White Room – also not a true blues by Cream great wah work.
      Europa- Santana not a blues but a great song.

    • Rob

      Great solo, Griff
      Great tone sounds like that Suhr Strat. Doubt I’ll ever get that good but I’m coming along when I get practice time
      Can I make some recommendations on the song list? These are technically blues but some aren’t but close:
      One Way Out-Allmans
      The Wind Cries Mary- not truly a blues but easy and fun-Hendri
      Lenny- a jazzblues. By SRV. Tough song but worth the effort
      La Grange- Billy Gibbons
      Hideaway- Freddie King- no pesky words to deal with.
      Start Me Up -Rolling Stone
      Miss you – Rolling Stonrs
      Beast of Burden -Rolling Stones
      Brown Sugar- Rolling Stones
      Running on faith- not a blues but a great song snd a good intro to slide -Clapton
      Anybody mention BooDoo Chile Slight a Return ? Get out the way.
      White Room – also not a true blues by Cream great wah work.
      Europa- Santana not a blues but a great song.

    • Gary Hylton


      You are unbelievable! If only you had been around in 1957.

      Thanks for everything you do to help those of us who play guitar – play better.

      Old School and Still Rockin’

      • willyboy

        DAMIT DAMIT DAMIT WHO IN ONE’S ??? ??? ??? RIGHT MIND could should,or would have even though that a HUMAN like YOURSELF ( MR GRIFF) could EVER EVER EVER POSSIBLY EVER have that MUCH AMAZING BEAUTIFUL EMOTIONAL FEELING FUCKING A ( BROTHER ) THAT WAS SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FUCKING GREAT they could FEEL YOU ( MR GRIFF ) in that 369369369369369369————–SPRIT WORLD UNBELIEVABLE

    • Tony (UK)

      WOW!!! What a solo – you are up there with the best bluesmen. Thanks for all the music and the expert, supportive and empathetic teaching.

    • Blue Bruce

      Griff: Thanks for posting this list! It is a great idea to teach advice aabout playing in jam sessions. That’s what it is all about! One suggestion: please consider doing some acoustic versions to go along with the electric jams. Eg an acoustic version of Sweet Home Chicago or Stormy Monday. It sounds simple biut I’m sure many would like to hear your opinion and suggestions. Many great bands have acoustic guitar as a major component of a song: see the Stones “Brown Sugar”” and “Satisfaction.” Thanks again.

    • Gord

      Nice.. I have wanted to hear you just play for a few years now. What a treat. As others say, back to practice. Time often gets away from me and the progress slips but vids like these keep me coming back. Really, really nice full playing.

    • jim fay

      Awesome list as well. All I need to do is learn 20 songs and be set for life ! I love open mics. I’ll check Openmikes.org by zip code for some great entertainment near me every week. Thanks for this list.

    • Mark Wales uk

      Thanks griff for the advice and your playing what music software are you using ?

    • Ken

      Just Superb.

    • Kevin

      Griff – that was totally awesome!! I’ve said it so many times but it demands repeating – you are, by a country mile, the best blues player AND teacher out there on the net. Phew – right now I’m totally blown away. So it’s straight back to practicing for me. Now which guitar shall I use ….
      Thank you Griff

    • Jim (Uk)

      Hi Griff,
      Great video and awesome guitar play, been playing for 40 years and no where near that. Got your BGU not long ago and working through the early part on the 9th and 7th chords etc., it’s great the way you’ve chopped them down to triads and so easy to play, even with my Carpel Tunnel problems. I can’t wait to get to the solo’s. Many thanks for such a great Blues Guitar package, the books make it so easy to follow and for working separately from the video. Just waiting to get 52 Rhythm Fills. Many thanks

    • louisogden@prodigy.net

      Very, very tasty!

    • Graeme

      Man that was cool.
      Just bought the 29 blues jam tracks package, can’t wait for them to arrive. At 70 still got the will to learn. Still going through the BGU & SM courses. Even bought a Tele.
      Griff your the greatest.

    • Lloyd

      I’d like to see a lesson where you teach that little lick between 2:38 and 2:46 ish.

    • Mark Palmer

      Hi Griff
      This is my first message to you,i am thoroughly enjoying your blues
      guitar unleashed course.Your videos are awesome,tks for them all.You truly are such an ins
      piration to all of us dreamers out here in pc land.Hope you have those fingers insured lol.

      Just felt the need to THANK YOU, personally for your efforts, and your gifted hard
      earned talents,and sharing them with us.You have become my favorite Blues Man.Be proud
      because you have all our RESPECT,especially mine.

      Tks, Mark Palmer
      Brighton on Canada

    • jake


    • Granfer Chris


    • John Miller

      Hi Griff, some people have just got it !! Fabulous solo played with feeling and control.There is I am convinced a certain type of brain ( like computer guys) that can play and learn a lot more than many other people. In other words you are gifted in your subject – yes I know you have put in the study and practice and ‘gifted’ people dont usually know they are gifted.What is good is you are shareing your gift and passing on some wonderful tips and lessons. I have your BGU and at times ‘hit the wall’ but I still manage to jam down ‘The BLUES CLUB’. I was 70 in Jan2013 bought my Westfield electric guitar 7 years ago when I retired and practise most days.I enjoy your online videos.You have a great teaching style and it is obvious that you are passionate about what you do.Thanking you !!

    • Michel Poulin

      Amazing how you can play, you must be a gifted man.

    • ric garrett

      hey Griff, most excellent sir. I have to tell you that I have not seen any other terrific player on the net
      with such a gift of attitude in their playing and teaching.Great stuff and very much

      appreciated .

      god bless


    • David

      I know I’m a little late opening this email but glad I kept it – that was awesome! I enjoy watching you play. Hope to be playing like that soon

    • Wayne

      Good Lord ! that was just incredible. Awesome demo Griff.

    • EmDeeDee

      Geeeeeezzz! I think I bit off more than I can chew on this blues thing. Quite a bit different than rock or contemporary christian as I play now.
      Hummmmm! guess I’ll have to put my nose to the grind stone so to speak. I don’t think that I have a chance of ever playing like that………..
      Maybe I should take up Golf or somethin like watchin TV like most people 🙂

    • david

      wow very steely danish!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • keith williamson

      do you sell a cd of the jam tracts…i am a blue unleased member…thanks keith

    • Bob Shannon

      Gawd-dam Griff…

      I have been taking your courses and following your e-mail riffs for about 5 years. I have NEVER heard you play like that. You make me want to burn mine brother!!!

    • Violet Heart

      Which 50 songs are you selling jam tracks for? Is there a list somewhere?

    • keith williamson

      do you have the new jam tracts on dvd that i could buy as i am an old fart on the computer..your course is really good…learned stuff i forgot after 35 years not playing..at 64 its fun again..you made it right,& thanks for not rushing through lessons….keith

    • Claude

      I enjoyed every second and would like to see more.


      Montreal Canada

    • Brian

      Griff, I bought the Jam tracks and they are great. I am able to figure out the 20 tracks you noted that were top blues jam picks and found the Big Legged Woman track. I am a little stumped on the rest. Any way to give us a few hints or get some feedback from users for the remaining tracks ?

    • John P.

      I would buy a BGU ll + Blues Guitar Jams Solos & Rhythms course if you published one. Probably a large undertaking to do.
      So then I would even buy BGU ll + Blues Guitar Jam Solo & Rhythm course a la carte (one at a time) for the price of a guitar lesson.
      Your students are waiting.

    • Bob Boyle

      Way to go Pal
      May one day if I try a bit harder??

    • gary norris

      great stuff guitars been hiding under bed for last twenty years no longer I will have the tabs to please

    • Dominic Mancini

      Siete molto dotato e musicista di talento. Solo per ascoltare la riproduzione chitarra blues è fonte di ispirazione per tutti noi di pratica, pratica, pratica! Grazie Sig. Hamlin

      Griff, In summary, my grandfather, who was a talented trumpet player from Sicily, always told me to express gratitude and praise to a great musician in our heritage language, so I followed his advice and did! Thanks so much to a great guy!

    • don parker

      Wonderful guitar playing. The jam track is smoking too. Thanks

    • Fausto Allosada

      Awesome!!…I look at that and I and I am so impressed w/ Griff’s talent …I only wish that I could play at least “1 %” of what shows!…Terrific!

    • AA

      You are an amazing guitar player…. I love that you love the blues. And, you are the best online and DVD guitar teacher out there! Thank you for your gifts.

    • Dave Randall

      I’ve played for 40+ years and have learned a lot from your blues guitar unleashed DVD set so thanks for your guidance. That solo was amazing. I would love to see that broken doen into a lesson with the various licks and transitions broken out.
      Great work Griff!

      Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Bob Meler

      What great sound, technique and everything! You are much better than Clapton. Thanks for being here for us. When do we get to see you in concert?

      Bad Bob

    • Andy

      Lovely playing Griff, as always – really lifts the spirits. Just home from work, watching and listening to this in the UK with a purring cat on my lap. He seems to enjoy it too! What could be better?

    • Greg Nadeau

      Hahaha, that was great! So how do you tab facial expressions – I was making faces just listening and watching, hehe. Loved it. Greg

    • Paul

      Now, listen up boys, that’s what you call playing a great blues shuffle. Brilliant Griff, keep it coming, although it does makes old plank spankers like me feel inadequate and a tad envious.

    • Skip

      Hot stuff, man. I’m glad you’re my instructor. Is this the opposite end of the spectrum from Freddie King’s “Big Legged Woman”

    • Dave

      As free flowing, tasty, and creative as SRV at his best!

    • Richard Lafleur

      Très très talentueux , aucun doute.

    • AXEMAN

      Well done my friend I purchased BG unleashed I must admit my intentions were good but as for a lot of people life got busy . I’ve learned. So much from your course but once you put the axe down it takes time too get back were you left off . Thanks for the inspiration once again well done.

    • Francis Mercuri

      Nice arrangement , Im feelin the stuff and am stoked to learn to do the same!

    • jddiver


    • Bob Brajovic

      You gotta be kidding……put that solo on tab….wouldn’t that be a major undertaking ?

    • Willyboy

      Com on Man that’s FFFF-ing GREAT please send me the tabI want to do this PLEASE I don’t have much money!!!!!!

    • Ron Green

      If you could put this great solo into tablature, I bet you could sell it to all of your students (and others). I know I would buy it. Good work, Griff.

    • Rich S

      Its great to see you cut loose as the pro you are. What happened at 2:42?

    • Byrd

      Great idea, Griff!

      Did I miss it, or are the printable chord and tab sheets available with these?

    • Martha

      Go on wi’ cha bad self Griff! That’s music and sho nuff skill.

    • Mike from Virginia

      Very tight! NICE!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!

      Maybe one day I’ll get there too!

    • SloopJohn

      Wow !

    • Dick ruel

      Are tabs available for the ultimate blues jam tracks?

    • david

      wow! will i ever play like that? keep on practicing for many years i think

    • John K.

      When I grow up, I want to play like you!!!

    • rick

      amazing riffin Griff

    • Chris from perth

      Have two sets of jam tracks from Griff and they are super. Would love some tabs especially the blue Gibson jam!!

    • roger

      Griff you are the man. Thank you so much for getting your band together and putting this music out. I am a retired Air Force vet and I have recently got together with a couple of other Vets and these Jams will help us with our playing. I have alot of Guitar Jams to play with but you have put out some of the greatest Blues and Blues Rock songs of the top players out there. Thanks Griff.

    • Paul

      Like the Glass’s. Griff that was some assume gutar work. I tried to solo along between your licks, but damn artrtist! Plus I got lost a few times. Where there aot of Sharps in that song? I was Playing by ear and there where not very many Major Chords. Am I right. Still have the problem of knowing the fretboard. Again, Your a Fantastic Guitarist, i would rate you up there with Clapton, or Stevie Ray. great Griff. Paul Dragotto.
      PS . Your Audio and video are way out of Sync. The video Frezzes, or the video starts to Buffer.

    • Gerry Leftwich

      Prometheus would say:

      “Griff…you know of course, that the Gods don’t like humans who swipe their fire…don’t cha’??”

    • David

      love everything you do keep on stoking them strings

    • Douglas Collins

      This was great Griff, but I sure wish you could get the sound and the picture movement together. All of your videos that come to me has the volume contenuous and like it should be but the picture will move then stop, then catch up to the sound and then the picture will stop and the sound never stops.

    • craigmmiller35

      Quality backing tracks are hard to come by, not that there aren’t plenty out there. Not having the time nor the skills just yet to be in a band BTs are the closest I’ll get for the time being with regards to playing with other musicians. I think it is important. If you want to see the wheels fall off that great solo you worked out, try playing it in time with the track or with another musician. Anyway, I’m at the point in my guitar playing where I have a pretty nice bucket of licks and rhythm parts now I need to learn when to play them in the context of the music – these could be a big help.

    • Gregg Bauer

      Nice one Griff

    • Ray Lautier

      look & weep world, this guy really knows his sh!t. what this guy doesn’t know aint worth knowing. i have learned all my good stuff from Griff. if you have any mates wanting to learn guitar / blues send ’em to Griff’s site.
      keep on rockin’ man!!!

    • Michial Freigang

      Great music-I’ve a big grin on my face’

    • Peter Holmes

      WOW! Sooo good. Thxs.. If I could be half as good a layer qs that, I would be totally happy. Very encouraging 🙂

    • denny

      super SUPER all eight cant say enough about it great

    • Gary S.

      So, I have a question Griff, are these just the jam tracks for playing over and adding my own riffs etc., or, does this offer also include the tabs for the songs and you showing the picking/chording etc. for the song (like the video above)? Wondering on the Alaska Highway…

    • Harry Holtzer

      Great playing!!!! Sounds like there is a good deal of jazz influance along with some good old fashion rock. As for the list I think the people who responded need to broaden their list of who they listen to. Here are some great blues artist they might take a listen too, Buddy Guy, Bo Diddley, Lightin Hopkins, Mike Bloomfeild, Robert Allen Jr., Joe Bonamassa, Robert Cray, Gary Moore, Ronnie Earl, Bobby Messano, Danny Bryant, Dennis Jones, Glen Kaiser, Kenny Wayne Shepard and for the acoustic lovers, Hot Tuna. There are a ton of older Blues artist out there as well. I hope this helps.


    • Garry medina


    • Stuart

      Amazing if that’s what’s played in the USA cos its exactly what is played here in the UK! Astonishing really or is it cos we are all the same sad bedroom players?

    • Tom

      Sounds a little jazzy to me Griff. Especially at .54 where it changes key drastically. But the jam track is good and can handle it. Good work!

    • Carlos

      Its really usefull your teaching and I have learnt to much from you.Thanks a Lot.
      Also I would like to know the licks from these songs….
      To Say the true,you are the best,you are very gifted,thank you…

    • bill@mporriscasale.com

      Just tell us up front you have jam tracks for sale. I respect your need to make a living but you don’t need to give us some tasty licks and a long sales pitch. The price is right and there is a need for these tracks. It makes practice more fun. Playing with other musicians makes the learning process go faster.

    • Brad Danielson

      I wish that you would do more for rhythm guitar and let us know what we should be doing not to “step” on the toes of the lead man.I prefer rhythm but seem to be on top of the keyboards,and bass more than the lead.

    • JD

      Hummm. This sounds more like a wish list than what I’ve heard in my many years of going to and participating in open blues jamz. Sounds heavy on the SRV (most jammers aren’t really that skilled) and even the number of Clapton selections sounds questionable. And Red House? I can’t remember ever hearing it at a Jam night. Admittedly, I’m here in Sacramento and not L.A., Memphis, or Chicago…but ????

    • Geoff Lodge

      Wow! Ithink I’ll give up.

    • Bill Casale

      Very tasty Griff.
      I’ve written you a couple of time about Kirk Flecther. One of his tunes is called Blues for Boo Boo which I have been trying to learn. He was the lead guitarist for the Fabulous Thunderbirds and is now on his own. I’ve been lucky to hear him play a few times hear in LA. I hope you can help me learn the tune.

    • Len Lawson

      Hi Griff,Truly the best,you are very gifted,thank you,I don,t even want to take my git out of the case- really.I doubt they can even put that notes on paper.Len.

    • Ric

      That was right in the pocket and very tasty stuff.

    • Dan

      YES GRIFF this is what I have been waiting for!!!!

    • Colin Campbell

      Great performance Griff.

      Reminds me that whilst we can all improve our blues guitar playing we have to accept that some of us may never be able to play the blues as good as you can.

      Good fun trying though!

    • Ed

      Thanks, Griff.
      Always great!

    • Marcel Labelle

      Hi Griff

      Like what you do and please keep it up , I have purchased two courses from you and I’am progressing nicely. But i want to let you know that i”am leaving for California for about four months so that i can enjoy your warm weather, I will be in Hemet and yes i’am taking my guitar, and may even see you in Murietta in things work out

      Marcel Labelle

    • ELLIE

      this was great, absolutely great!!!!!!thank you for this great tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      keep on blueing!!!!!!

    • jim waddell

      Griff, I have an Ultra Strat with Lace Sensors in it. As you are probably know, they have their own sound, but they don’t have that “twangy?” Strat sound. What would you recommend for settings to get the best blues tone out of it? I have thought of replacing the pickup assembly with all hot single coils.

      I enjoy getting your emails and tips. thanks from a fan. jim w

    • Roger

      what ya just did there is what i shoot for everyday which has been along time now it seems but ya make me just wanna practice that much harder!!! That was sooo smooth and full of all kinds of spices and ya make it seem effortless!!! You Rock my friend and i still blow horns for ya bro!!! trust me on that!!! AWESOME!!!! is all i can say!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
      goin back for another listen cus i seen ya using you ring finger on your pick hand for accents and i wanna get that but when i try it just dosen’t sound like that…YET!!! LOL

    • Faus


    • alex

      hey Griff such a cool guy who can really play,thanks for all the stuff you send us.

    • Djé

      Great sound, and really nice phrase at 1:32!
      But its to much in the pentatonic for me, it’s not really my stuff…

    • Brett

      so so so sweet throught the whole thing!!!!!!!!!! NICE 🙂
      Now about the tab for that?

    • Ron Green

      Great job, Griff!

    • jude

      i wish i could do that. I would be a happy man if i could

    • Don Rellins

      Errrr…TAB????? Is that even possible? Smokin’!

    • Lonnie Guthrie

      Great stuff Griff. I can forget every playing that like that. Outstanding.

    • jim Manley

      Griff, you are a never ending inspiration!!! The more I watch the more I hear!

    • Eric Neuckermans

      Well man, you’re blowing my socks off !

    • George

      Fantastic,simply fantastic

    • Dennis Soliday

      You make it look so easy. Good, Good, Good. I had my eyes closed and was really getting into the music. I,m going to play it when I need a lift.

    • Al Kesterson


      At72 years old I am probably a little older than most who follow you. Still, I enjoy watching and listening to those like you who get around on the board so-o-o-o-o well. I can’t come close to your precison and dexterity, but your videos and patient instruction keep me trying.

      Nothing reaches into my soul like the blues, especially when I can tell that the player really gets it.

      From the responses it seems you have a young following who will benefit from your guidance for a long time to come.

      Well done!

    • Denny Metzger

      Totally awesome Griff! Great take on a great tune! Thanks much to you and your band!!!!

    • Andy

      You sure are the man Griff. Let us know if we can get the jams on cd.

      Thanks a lot

    • Gary Norman

      Any chance these will be available on CD

    • richard scala

      Just Fantastic!

    • Ted Flanagan

      Hi Griff,do you have the tabsfor these tracks.?
      By the wayyou are a great teacher,nd your playing is mind boggling

    • Rick

      Wow! What can I say? That was killer. It really shows us what’s down the road for us if we stick with it and practice, practice, practice. Thanks, Griff!

    • steve

      Hi Grif, can i get the backing tracks on cd?

    • James Yow

      looks like your next video, hopefully, broken down in sections

    • Mike N

      One Word “OUTSTANDING”

    • Alasdair Sutherland

      Excellent solo and a good sounding jam track. Wish I could play like that. Pull-offs are my weakness. can’t manage them with any professionalism at all.

      Thanks for this. Will purchase the tracks.

    • Reg Waghorn

      Totally awesome. Wish to God I could play like that. Griff you’re amazing.

    • ed

      That’s playing it awesome hope some day i can play just a quarter that well

    • John P.

      How about a BGU II? I’m in. That was dripping with MOJO. AMAZING!!!

    • glenn swiderski

      How about “From the Beginning” by the real Fleetwood Mac and Gary Moores Separate Ways from the Live LP

    • Jim Tomer

      Great list and excellent playing.


    • paul edwards

      wow! what can i say.fabulous playing griff

    • John P.

      That was amazing. Very inspiring. What was your rig setup & how did you record it? Was it a miked amp or a digital guitar processor to your DAW? Then how did you merge the recorded audio with the video? Great production value. I want to record myself like you just did.

    • Mark Weinstein

      And now this 69 year old BBG student will drag his butt off to work…after practicing for 15 minutes, and dream about playin’ the blues. You got my blood pumping…and I look forward to playing the blues with and for my grandkids! Great stuff!

    • Jeff Meek

      Great,lets have more Griff,keep it Loud and Proud.

    • Mike L.

      Great idea and a great way for guys like myself, that are fearful of that first attempt get up and jam with friends or strangers, to build up a little confidence. Thanks for some great stuff Griff!

    • jerry

      How do you get that nice fat sound out of that Strat?

    • Mike Prozonic

      HEY, thanks for the great list. My instructor was just asking me what blues songs I wanted to start working on, so this is a big help

      Love listening to you play too


    • Brian

      Fabulous playing, Griff. Wish I could play half as good !!! Many thanks for this. Brian

    • Bud 63

      Your the man.

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