For blues comping (playing blues rhythm guitar) this is a move that gets used on all kinds of tunes…

Slow blues, shuffle blues, straight feel songs… really doesn’t matter, this will work.

It’s also one of those “set and forget” moves – honestly don’t worry too much about why it works (I’ll tell you) but concentrate on experimenting with it and really making it your own.

Play it – a lot – and get it down so it works for you. I promise you’ll be glad you did.

Like this and want more like it? Check out 52 Rhythm Fills & Variations.

Jam Tracks used in this video (and most of my videos) arefrom my 5X5 Blues Jam Tracks pack.

    34 replies to "The I IV I7 Rhythm Move"

    • Marc

      I learned this as Kansas-City-Riff. But I wonder why you call it I IV I 7… to me it looks more like 1 4 b7 4, no?

    • Barry

      Great lesson. I’ve been interested in the “52 Rythm and Fills” course. Is this useful for electric and acoustic?

    • Bill C.

      Very cool. I’ve heard it, but it was out of my grasp until now. Thanks!

    • Paul Lumsden

      I wish this was tabbed out.

      • Skinny Fingers Bob

        Try going to YT and use the gear.
        You can slow the video down, and you have to be patient because YT does not correct the pitch.
        The blocks to the right allow you to enlarge the screen.
        If you check out keyboard shortcuts for YT, you will note that you can pause the video and single step the vide or move in other time lengths.

        Yes, tab can be easier, however, using the tools has helped me tremendously.

        Also, I’ve compared some UG tabs to the videos using the above tools, and guess what, there is often a large discrepancy between the two.

    • Jean

      Sounds jazzy, which I particularly enjoy. I guess one could also play a lot of songs that way. Thanks for sharing

    • Jim Cinnater

      Looks almost like your 1969 Fender Stratocaster, neighbor!! Jim C.

    • billy ormerod

      love this thank you been doing most of this for decades but your insight has opened up a whole bunch of possibilities
      you’re a star

    • KEV


    • Mark

      Once again, I don’t get it. I’m apparently an idiot, but every time you start doing “little chords,” I find myself saying “wait, what did you just do?” I don’t understand how you’re fretting them, and you don’t explain them. At least not so I can do it.

      • ian richardson

        Hi Mark.
        No you are not an idiot, if you don’t know something then you don’t know it. But you can learn it.
        So, if you take a full E shaped barre chord which is rooted on the 6th string just as an open E Major chord is, and look at the notes or intervals you’re playing. So from the 1st string let’s say in A on the 5th fret you’re playing A then E and your 2nd finger is playing C# on the 6th fret G string. So if we forget the rest of the barre chord you’re playing an A Major triad..just the 3 intervals of the chord, what Griff refers to as a small chord, all that means is you’re only playing part of the full barre chord. Now if you only play E and C# you have A Majors Major 3rd and 5th.
        If you add the minor 7th..G if we are in A (The Major 7 being G#) then you’re adding the minor 7th which makes a Major chord a dominant 7th Major chord. . Adding G# would make it a Major 7 chord (Not dominant).

        If you play a D Major open chord rooted on the D string but only play the 2nd and 3rd string it’s the same idea.
        If you move the whole D chord up a whole step, 2 frets, and only play the 1st 3 strings it’s now an E Major chord (A Triad) and so on.
        Similarly if you can play an open F chord you’ll be fretting strings 1 and 2 on the 1st fret and string 3 on the 2nd fret..same shape as the A major just moves up the fret board one fret at a time, as does the E shape barre chord. Just follow the root note chromatically. Playing the open F chord..not the barre chord version..up a whole step (2 frets) It’s a G chord. Play it on the 5th fret it’s an A chord. Those notes are part of the Barre chord. All you’re doing is breaking it down to a smaller part of the chord.

        If you play the 1st 3 strings again on the 5th fret then that’s an A minor Triad, you’re playing C (Minor 3rd) instead of the Major third.

        So if you can see the chord shape you can pick out 2 or three notes from the chord shape and see what it sounds like. Experimenting is the best way to learn.
        You can of course do the same with the other 4 caged chords which are the C A G and D shape barre chords.
        There’s no B or F because the A shape (Rooted on the A string) takes care of B and the E shape takes care of F.

        Hope this helps. You can try it first with open E, just think of the nut as the barring finger. Then transpose it up the fret board.
        We’ve all been there Mark trying to figure things out and scratching our heads over things, but you will get the idea if you stick at it. Just break it down and try not to overthink it too much.

        • billy ormerod

          top job Ian

          I love your attitude
          and I agree you just have to peg away at it till the penny drops then you wonder how you never got it
          it just needs a slightly different approach even same words in a different order and bingo.

          Mark just keep replaying the video even watch the time counter so you can just keep going back over the same 10 seconds of the tape till you get it then move on to the next plus keep at it with Ians words you will get there

          like the other guys said it’s basically barre E 7 on the 5th fret and therefore A7 you just don’t hit all the strings. just the D G and B strings or even just G and B strings

          Now play just the barre not the chord and while it’s ringingdrop your middle finger on like a hammer on on the G the B string 5th fret keeps ringing and the G string goes 5th fret 6th fret or c to c sharp

          Next just a Barre on 7th fret again just G an B strings or D, G and B strings

          next just G and B strings B on the 8th and G on the 9th

          TAKE YOUR TIME…. NICE AND SLOW to start with you’ll speed up really quickly once you’ve decided which fingers to use

          then reverse to barre on 7th and then 5th on B and 6th on g strings bingo you’re there ..all the best mate. believe you can do it and you can.

          take your time all this talk of numbers strings and frets gets me flustered to start with then I calm down ..bite size chunks and when it comes together even slowly and I get to do it a few times I suddenly see the pattern and I’m away ..i’m really dyslexic so it’s a challenge but it’s doable and the satisfaction when you’ve nailed it is worth the time invested I promise.

        • Ron Bowden

          Thank you for the insight. Many are way to quick to just dismiss those who are not getting it as fast. I learn slow but sure by slowing the video speed, replaying many times and taking notes on paper. Been playing open chords for 30 years but now with squire in hand I have become a lifelong student. Peace be with you. The blues is teaching me the most even.though i.was a metal fan all my life.

    • Larry Molter

      Sorry for being dense, but is this *somewhere* in the 52 Fills course?

      • PAUL


        • billy ormerod

          I’ll be having a look x

          • billy ormerod

            I like the name Dragonfire

      • Jeff

        Hey Larry, it’s in Section 2, for Shuffle Rhythms and Fills. Examples 2.1 – 2.3 work up to it, and example 2.4 covers this one specifically. Cheers.

    • Alexander

      That was killer! Putting on a jam track right now and play around with this! Thanks Griff!

    • Thurman Moore

      Another great lesson.

    • Ken

      1, 11, 111, 1V, V, V1, V11, V111, 1X, X.
      Yeah, I took Latin and it just now paid off! :).
      Griff, I have been connecting the dot patterns on the chords
      for target notes. A Major..A C# E etc. I am adding the 7th
      to that for more target choice. I play a LOT of A Minor backing
      track stuff (which is my main focus) and my question is :
      Am I OK in adding the 7th even
      if it is not necessarily a blues tune. I pretty much have the
      A C E G back to A octave pattern down. I figure I can throw in the
      drone notes as needed as opposed to noodling and wondering why
      my solo efforts sound like scales. ANY feedback is appreciated!
      When in doubt, ask the EXPERT!

    • Anthony

      It works for sure. I was told one can always toggle between a I and a IV. It seems to me the third, 2 string chord, is a IVth of the IVth. It is two notes from a G7. G7 is the 4th of the D which is the IV the A,D., E 1,4,5. So when chord is A7, the notes played sequence two notes from A (A7), D, G7. Then when the D is play , you play two notes from D (7), G, C7. Then when E is played it E (7), A., D7. Hence, I, IV, IV of the IV. ( I think)

    • Anthony

      It works for sure. I was told one can always toggle between a I and a IV. it seem to me the third, 2 string chord, is a IVth of the IVth. It is two notes from a G7. G7 is the 4th of the D of the A,D., E 1,4,5

    • rick horine

      hoe about giving us the tab for the basic move.

      • Perry russell

        i second that

    • Alexander

      Hey griff, that’s a a great move! Looks like I’ll be working on that today, thanks for the lesson.

    • DaveyJoe


    • Michael Chappell

      Hey Griff, Just came across this lesson on FB and absolutely love it. As you know I have the 52 RF&V and also a lof of the BGU courses. I have recorded it and practiced with my Strat. I’m away interstate at present due to an ill relative but will keep having a go at it..

      Cool lesson as always.
      Michael – Sydney- Australia April 2020

    • Gary R McCorkle

      I’ve been looking for this move for so long. Thanks Griff.
      Love these 2 and 3 note chords.
      So, who scratched you beautiful Strat? ☹️

    • tony

      I am familiar with this move ,but, not exactly. Listen carefully and it sort of sounds like brown eyed girl . That is some of what it could be . Adding to it changing it up would be something I will do next time I pick up the guitar . Thanks and be well and take care of the 69er .

    • John Duxbury

      Fantastic! Seen/heard this soooooooo many times. But you nailed the explanation.

      Makes me feel so stupid I missed it. But Albert Einstein missed black holes, so maybe I can excuse myself.

    • Ole Larsen

      Of the courses I have, I think 52 RF&V is the best and most useful. Once you’ve got the basics down, this gives you a huge library of stuff, that you can use for comping or even incorporate it in your soloes. It’s a gem.

    • Interstate slim

      Thanks Griff, this is my goal this year to focus on rhythm and more strumming patterns. Yes I do have your course on it. Got a chance to jam with my brother in-law( has played in bands) that was a wake up call. He said my lead playing was good, timing ,note choices etc.. but honestly I couldn’t play any rhythm when he was doing lead. Quite humbling to say the least. I’ve completely ignored this part of your courses because I figured I’d play only with backing tracks. Lesson learned, wisdom gained! Enjoy your day.

    • bill

      I am one of those guys who over thinks stuff and this is so obvious I never thought of it. but why leave out the Bb(4th string)when you go up to the 8th fret? So simple but so cool!

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