If you’ve never tried blues soloing, but you want to…

Or if you’ve tried it, maybe learned some scales or patterns, and still aren’t digging what you hear…

This lesson is for you.

Do these 5 things, in this order, and you’ll be on your way to playing real blues solos.

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“How To Jam” Guidebook (PDF) – https://gobgu.com/howtojam

The “4 Note Solo” Mini Course – https://gobgu.com/4notesolo

    7 replies to "So, You Want To Play A Blues Solo?"

    • Melanie

      Hello I know pentatonic scales however when you play an “e” bar on the 9th fret. What kind of scale goes with that chord? And same with the “d” positions for “d” and “a” and “g” going up the neck. What notes are the scale on those chords? Do I play the third or fourth box when I’m playing those chords? I can’t find an answer thank you

    • Michael Chappell

      Hey Griff,

      Trying to download your Free Guidebook but taking too long so I will try again at another time.

      Just watching your lesson now

      Kind regards

      Michael-Sydney Downunder June 18th,2023

    • Robert Reed


    • .a

      I am not sure why you’re saying you could not treat it like the blues if it’s three major triads. For example a 12 bar progression played in a shuffle using just the major chords it seems anybody who is soloing and incorporates a flat seven that it would be a blues.

      • Griff

        I actually said, specifically, that you can, but it will make it sound very bluesy which may not be what you want.

        • a

          Ok, got it. Thanks!

    • NY Rob

      As usual you hit where I’m struggling. I can’t remember how I connected with you but I’m glad I did. You push me and teach me constantly.and I thank you.

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