In blues soloing we talk about mixing the major and minor blues sounds (or scales, same thing) to get some cool ideas going...
And there's a common tactic I call, "the
So... you think you know your blues boxes pretty good, huh?
Well, you probably do, just not as well as you think. Because what happens is most students learn the boxes,
If you're not actually in the music industry (as in, you don't actually sell musical instruments,) you might never hear of NAMM... it's the National Association of Music Merchants.
And their
We all do it every new year... the dreaded New Year's Resolutions...
So I'm gonna make this real simple and get to the point, I want to know yours for the
If you've read my ramblings for any amount of time you might remember what I call your Guitar DNA...
In a nutshell, your Guitar DNA is the stuff that you're naturally
If someone asked you what the most important part of playing blues guitar is... what would you say?
Eric Clapton is known for saying that bends are about the only thing
I think one of the most common myths surrounding guitar practice and playing is that playing slowly, over and over, will eventually get you to where you can play at