I often get questions about my favorite pedal – the wah. In this video I took some time to demonstrate the different ways you can use one. I hope you like it 🙂
If you want to download it, right click on the link you need – MP4 | WMV
The MP4 link will also work for iThing users (at least… it should)
351 replies to "How To Use A Wah Pedal"
since all I have is a blues driver and need some peddles I needed this..I have a list of your peddles I got off of one of your lessons listed on the wall for when I get some cash to get some…great lesson needed it
Hi Grif,
I didn’t read all the comments, there are so many! So I know I’m probably not the only one that watched the video hoping that you might mention where in the pedal “chain” you put the wah-wah.
Thank you for sharing though.
First in the chain
Hi..I wish ,I could leave a comment, before all the comments, section,wah, wah, wah!!!! Haa
You were talking about how things have changed, with that exspensive software.
Back in the 60’s, we had to listen to our lead vocal and to overdub it, we sang over it. Takes a few times to egt it perfect. I was able to hit it perfect each time. all in the ear and timing.
I still have my 1969 VOX WAH PEDAL.. Has been tweaked several time. I use the muff pie and a home made fuzz face. Found a kit in1996. I like use an Envelpoe filter. it gives you that Wah sound, when you really strike your notes hard.
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Hey Griff, in many of your videos, including this one, you say something like I’m just using a ‘Blues Driver” to give it a little crunch or bite or something like that. I have looked at several blues drivers and am leaning toward a Boss blues driver. Which Blues driver do you generally use or do you have a preferance?
Thanks, Steve
I have the basic Boss BD-2 Blues Driver, and like it quite a bit. I also have a Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer that has been Keeley modified. I tend to use the TS as an ‘always on’ gain and overdrive, and kick on the BD set to lower gain, for stronger lead and solo parts.
Thank you for showing us how this works, cause a lot of times we buy these gizmos and do not know what to do with them……….When I was in High School, our band was a poor one and being the lead guitar player, I did not even own a fuzz buster, all I had was a Premier Reverb Unit that I would kick to make sounds like for the song ” SHOTGUN”
I have a cry baby wah pedal that’s been sitting around unused for a while. After watching the video I think I will get it out and try some of the things you demonstrated. Thanks for the tip.
Very cool, Griff! I recently got me a Cry Baby. I’m having a lot of fun with it.
if you are interested in purcdhasingh the Wah peddel they can be puchased in a number of places. you can get them from your locale Music store. I get all my peddels from ebay or Kijjij. If you do not mind if Its new or not then ebay oy Kijjijj or crag;s list is a good place to start. These are not new but in good working order’ and if you do not want to pay a high price then go for it. I bought my Boss Distoration peddel for only $40.00 Canadian and thee same for my Fuzz meddel. New they usally start at $100.00 Canadian.
Always something great from Griff. Thanks, man, and happy new year to you and all the other guitarists who benefit from your generous ‘leads’ 😉
Hey Griff great video. Just wanted to throw out you can also use the wah pedal as if you were doing swells with a volume pedal for a cool effect. Kinda a jazzy type thing but it could be used in blues. Rock back on the pedal and do a up down strum kinda quickly while slowly bring the pedal forward using it to express the last strum before the chord and repeat.
Mark Waddell Is great pedal you can use it like an instrument with your axe LOVE ITBilly Gibons works it great And many more A you Griff SEE YOU AGAIN Best for 2015 Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Thank you for all the great info. Best wishes for 2015.
when I was playing [ now retired ]it was my favourite pedal along with an analogue echo.
where do I get the Wah Pedal from and what do they cost? I’m a beginner guitar player and is interested in the Wah. Please contact me about the cost and where to purschase it from? I live in a small town
707 443 1389
As with any product you are interested in purchasing, just Google “wah pedal” (or go to your local music store).
Thanks Griff, I’m not big on effects, but you have sold me finally to idea of a wah pedal. Richie Kotzen uses the Jerry Donohoe model Cry Baby on his song “Help Me”…and since I have the Ritchie Kotzen brown burst tele too, your example and richie’s, finally have convinced me to get one…now if I could only do his voice power/range as well!
Hi Griff,
I will certainly look at getting one of the Full Tone Wah pedals soon. I am also looking at what Loop pedal to get do you have any suggestions of a good Loop pedal in Sydney Australia.
Thanks for all the good tips and for all the forum team with their tips it is great feedback.
Michael Chappell
Sydney Australia
Hey Michael, the Digitech Jam Man Stereo is an awesome loop pedal. I know you will love it otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it.
I fully agree! Not only is the jamman a fun pedal, it will improve your playing lead drastically. It is also easy to use because unlike some loopers, it has a feature that helps you come in on your loops just right. Takes a little while to learn and use all it will do but worth the time.
I am using JamMan SoloXt. It is a lot of Fun. You will like it. It is a go coice also for beginners.
GREAT as usual things to know for the intermediate player . I have been using a waw for a long time I use for the tune man in a box . Of course I also use it for voodoo chile . SRV as well . Or just messing around . later c U .
Hey Griff
I notice your placing your peddles on carpet, big no no these things usually have sensitive electronics in them and are very sensitive to static electricity of carpet so please use a board or no carpet under them as they can be damaged beyond repair by one zap of static, same as any electronics and computer chips. Some carpets are worse than others if you rub a biro on the carpet and can pick up bits of paper with the biro its bad for electronics. You can also get unexplained pops in your speakers. Ask your sound tech.
Enjoined your demo though.
Thanks for the lessons
Thanks Griff,Good info right on time,thanks for sharing.I think I’ll have to get me a wah
Fuck off ya eejit
I can’t imagine a metal enclosed, plugged in (read grounded)effects pedal being effected by static electricity from a carpet in any way.
Thanks Griff, you know now I’m gonna have to have one!
Thanks for the Demo,
Is this the kind of pedal that Pete Frampton and others use to make their guitars appear to “talk?” There was a country guitarist in the 60s named Pete Drake that played steel guitar but he would have a straw-like hose in his mouth with the other end of it attached to an amp that made his guitar “talk”.
That straw was a talkbox that Frampton used on Show Me The Way and Do You Feel Like We Do.
Hi Griff, Thanks for the great video as usual. Have you ever used a “Bad Horsie” Wah pedal?? It was designed by Steve Vai. I went to buy a “Cry Baby” and my friend at the music store asked me about it and let me try it out. So much for the “Cry Baby”!!! The “Bad Horsie” doesn’t have an on/off switch. It doesn’t activate until you press it. It has an AWESOME WAH effect but also it increases the GAIN the further down you press it. It was about $40 more than the “Cry Baby” back in the mid 90’s when I purchased mine. Just wondering if you ever played with one or heard of it. ROCK ON!!
I think like most folks I was aware of using the Wah sounds but I had never heard of using the stationary intermediate position, very cool!!!! Thanks
GRIFF, that was awesome brother. I thought Jimi Hendrix was in the room. it brought back a lot of memories for this 62-year-old man. I hope I can get past the first five lessons and get some of these other things down so maybe I can get a WAH pedal.
GRIFF, do you have any tricks or secrets for getting ones finges more flexible after they have been broken or old injuries? It would really help and be appreciated?
Your fan and one of your groupies, thanks for your time and sharing your amazing skills, Mark Corbett.
amazing video magic sounds a must have pedal thanks Griff
Thanks,Griff. Very cool demo. My wah is an original Dunlop Crybany. I like it but it cannot do the cocked position thing very well. You have to just hold it. The Fulltone version is clearly bette. It’s also more musical and has more sweep. I also have an original Vox. Same prob as with the The Lord Our Savior works in mysterious ways. Very mysterious ways.Dumlop. The Clyde is now on my wish list. I use the wah a lot Voodoo Chile is not the same without it. I have a Fulltone OCD and it’s a favorite too. Mike Fuller totall gets it. You showed exactly what I needed to see. You’re the best.
thanks so muchfor the wah video, il havent had 1 in years, but there is one that could find it s way to my foot. sp
Yep, I think you’ll have to take your foot to it however. Good luck with that though.
Incredible sounds effects that I was not even cognizant of. Thanks fro sharing….
I have not drug this pedal out for some time…. thanks for the boost of interest again
Great Grif thanks from peter in aus .
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Love your video r:e: the wa wa peddle. As a rhythm guitarist I,ve never thought of using this device!
The way that you present it make,s me understand that I can in fact incorporate it into my rhythm moves! By the way, I have a friend who manufactures effects!His name is Ken Segall. snarling dogs.com
Hey Griff,
Great job as always, and I too am a huge fan of the wah pedal.
If you want to move beyond Hendrix and SRV type use of this pedal, take some time to listen to what Brian Robertson and Scott Gorham did with it on Thin Lizzy’s Live and Dangerous album. Now THERE’s some real killer wah tone for ya and that’s what got me hooked back in the late 70’s
Nice sound…well it looks like I am going to get interested in the electric guitar again. I mainly enjoy acoustic now and really don’t play very much, so guess what? It’s back to an electric guitar I suppose.
William, Hy, John here,
I have been playing guitar for a long time and still learn from Griff’s videos. The wah pedal is one of the best pedals you could invest in as it is very versatile when it comes to changing the tone. And in your post you said you were going to go back to the electric guitar ?? I say why??? The wah pedal works great with an Acoustic/electric and the sound is amazing. Give it a try. If your guitar is not an acoustic/electric, then just us a mic at the guitar and route it through the wah pedal, works great with a small 15 watt amp..
Great stuff, I have a strat copy I built, play through a 1964 Fender Bassman with Celestion Vintage 30’s, Hendrix fuzz, and a Cry Baby 535Q. KILLER TONE!!!
Thanks Griff, I started using one a couple of months ago.
great video!!
Coool! Wah did you say? Keep it coming!!!
hi Griff,
i’m new to blues guitar, (a drummer no less) so am canvassing to get the right lesson effect. really like the wah clip, especially when you introduced the overdrive – sound is great, and the style i like. still deciding who to tie myself into, but certainly impressed with how you go about ‘it’.
Thanks Griff, I don’t always leave a comment… but I always appreciate the information in your videos… from the theory to the gear tips, and everything in between… your straight forward approach gives the student clear direction and useful tips… thanks again…
I like what you had to say about the uses of the Wa Wa. I have a Bad Horsie 2 and love the Contour control switch as well as the level control knobs. Also the no button to engage the effect is cool. Just step on it and it’s ,on,lift off and it off. I also like using it with chords as an effect by slowly bringing chords in and out as well as bring notes in and out slowly.
So that’s how they get those sounds> Thanks
Wah-ck on Griff! Good stuff!
Thanks for the info.It was helpful.Good advice by Warcry by the way.
Got a grin outta this one, as I’ve liked wah-wah pedals ever since they first came out (well, I first heard of ’em in the mid-1960s, I’ll put it that way.) My fave would combine both “fuzz” and “wah,” haven’t seen ’em in a long time but I imagine they’re out there somewhere. With one o’ them, ya don’t much need anything else!
Thanks very informative
great stuff
Thanks for the refresher in what a wah wah peddle can do for you. Sometimes we tend to overlook the obvious, at times, and a step back and review may help us to go forward. Great short video. I enjoyed your quick takes on different topics at various times. A pleasant distraction and additional information, for me, the ever listening learner. I guess I like your style. Thanks, again.
About earlier post. My bad; you have a vid in the Tones Section I just found. Once again Thxs for all these vid the really do help alot!!
I always liked the wah pedal, your right it gives the player control.
While I was watching this vid I thought to myself perhaps a video on proper uses of the dials and switch on the guitar would be a helpful vid for beginners.
Anyway thxs for the vid and keep’em coming!
Used one for many years but swopped afound the pot connections to make the trebliest when lifting the foot .It’s the same as used by Hendrix with a built in fuzz .Not that good .Selmer made .Probably an antique by now !
Lookes like Im gonna have to give it a try!!!
G’day GRRRRIFF !!!! A fantastic demo. I have a Line 6 FBV Express board hooked up to a 30 watt Spyder 4. Your lesson has opened up all the doors and windows for me. SO MUCH FRESH AIR IN MY PLAYING NOW !!!! TOTAL CONTROL OF MY SOUND? ASTOUNDING !!!! I have been gratefully accepting your most generous time and knowledge off my emails & U Tube for many many years AND FOR FREE !!!!! THANX THANX THANX !!!!
YO man! you tooootalllly rule……. make this pedal talk….. rmemories of Mr Jimmy
but on a more serious note…..
WHERE did you get that Crackin’ Shirt!?
just fooling witcha, kindof….. really like that shirt
AND no shite you are the BEST teacher on Earth!
I have had my brother teach me, my very very close friends teach me, some juliard poser teach me, but you my friend are so so so in touch and earnest and easy to listen to and learn from!
ONE of your best attributes is how you show BOTH hands setup in ONE frame.
The brain is always creating shortcuts in what we see, hear, emulate, etc. It’s what makes us human, and seperates us from the “Wild Kingdom”. You have captured this knowledge and also send timely and consistent help AT NO COST to the recipient.
I will be subscribing to one of your ‘at cost programs’ that you offer soon.
Please accept my humble appreciation of a true afficianado!
Thanks this helped. There is so much out there it’s good to have some effects taught.
Happy new year to you and your family and may god keep you all in good health in 2015 and thanks for being a excellent teacher!
WoW how cool thank you thank you thank you
great stuff again Griff,,iv had a Jim Dunlop wah for years and i love it,,so many tones can be achieved by messing around with it a bit and as you said there good on leed work as they help to cut threw the mix so well,check out Zak Wylde…he seems to like them..
Been contemplating buying a Wah pedal for a while. Your demo sealed the deal. Thank you!!!
I’ve had a vox wah for about a year now and i cant stop using it, its such a great pedal, funky or rock, it fits all styles, i think everyone should try one at some point.
Great vid Griff, thanks.
Still learning to play guitar, but the wah pedal is a fun way to experiment with different things.
Very good Griff i really like the sound and you can do so many things with it to go along with the sound of the music thank you
OK, now I gotta have one. As usual, very nicely presented. Better than any description in a catalogue or online demo. Thanks for sharing your musical talents & interest so freely with us.
Great Vid Griff it’s really funky fresh!
Another great lesson! Thanks Griff.
Getting serious interest; however being a female of seniority – my personal
direction is not only Music Blues language of ‘style’. Would like to find a more
hardware (jeans wearing-out) of emphasis towards a body in motion!
Calusd Hands – Muscle Field working back – weights of objects in a balance
to bodily motion! Human ‘Blues’ during a physical unison of expressions!
Getting to the DVD’s soon! Really enjoy the time of Music with your videos!
Freedom from your instructions to find a performance in Artisty from Learning!
Good work Griff
I’ve always wanted to know a little something about the Wah pedal and it’s use … Now I’ll get one and develope some technics . Thanks Man !!!
Fantastic goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to and you are just too magnificent.
I like the sound of that Fulltone Wah, wish I had bought that instead of my Buddy Guy polka dot one lol
That helped alot thanks Griff!!. Rick
this guy is awesome!!!!!
Thank You 🙂
I have a Digdtech RP255 and I have a lot of fun with mine.
My favorite all time sound on guitar and yet I have never used one, nor have I ever seen one used, so this is the first time seeing how it is used. It would be fun just watching you do a song with a great lead solo incorporating the unbelievable wah wah…. Paul
Hey Griff, I got to get me one these. Thanks for the demo.
Hi Griff. Sounds like what I thought I was purchasing, when I bought a Pro Series Morley Volume Plus pedal. As it turns out (or I still can’t figure out how to get the sound you just demoed) it IS srictly a volume pedal, which I can do with the volume knob on my guitar. Can you explain the difference to me, and where I went wrong? I need to purchase another pedal to get the cry baby sound? thanks for all you do!
Ah-h-h, shades of J.J. Cale! I just love his “Crazy Momma”! Thanks, Griff.
Great video Griff. That makes me want one.
Great timing Griff . Just picked up the Fulltone Clyde Deluxe a week ago . Been using the Cry Baby for the past 4 years . Adjustable input on the Clyde is very nice . I keep it cocked open quite often . I can get rid of one extra pedal that way . Thanks for all the great stuff you give us . Very cool
Thanks, Griff. I have a wah pedal that’s been gathering dust for years. The demo gave me enough info to feel confident about trying it out again.
Griff,thanks for this demo.I will have to get one. Mike Z.
Griff,Another great bit of info.,Thanks. Len.
Nice demo!
Thx Griff, I use the crybaby sometimes, and I find that I have a habit of always using the bottom 50% of the pedal, and rarely go from the halfway point up. I guess I do this automatically, but I find it can produce a really nice smooth sound by just tweaking it a bit…..depends on the song too I guess.
Thanks for this basic info, Griff. Many of us come in from the acoustic side to the electric with NO knowledge of basic setups or recommended pedal uses. It’s hard to find really elementary info, recommendations, and instruction, and this type of basic lesson gives us something to work from – fun too of course!
Hey Griff,,
I just want to say hi, and let you know how much I appreciate all that you do. I still enjoy going over the emails that you have sent over the years, and you always give great advice and help. I think it is awesome the way you help out all the individuals with info. Too cool. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Griff! been looking forward to get one,now i know what to buy.Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Griff could you show how to use the whammy bar on the guitar
Chali Q
Great explanation, It makes something most people (I think) have trouble with very understandable and easy to use so that you can add more as your able and want too. It’s what makes all your lessons the best and I for one really appreciate it.
Hey Griff I own a DigiTech..with a wah pedel all kinds of sounds & diff. distortions…PLUS You can change the factory settings and make up your own sounds or effects.. They are fun to play with..keep up the good work…God Bless..Bro.
Hey Griff, I’ve enjoyed all of the short lessons you have done and so kindly released for those looking at your product. I loved this one especially! Thanks!
Thanks for all the GREAT INFO! Now to get me one,,,,
I have a Cry Baby Wah Wah that I have had for around 20 years and love it. My grand kids really dug it. I think the surfer groups of the sixtys used them as well.
Thanks for a very basic intro, but I think it would be helpful to discuss three more confusing things about the wah pedal for beginners: 1) adjusting the tone settings on the wah and how those settings work electronically; 2) where the wah fits in the signal chain of pedal effects. I’ve read conflicting info about this and it’s confusing. Do you put the wah first (or just after a tuner pedal), or something else, like distortion/gain? 3) Related to this, what relationship does wah have with other common effects pedals like chorus, phase shifter and distortion/gain?
How about “How To Use A Wah Pedal, Part II”? Thanks!
griff all i can say is wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh rock on roger.
Hey Griff late with my reply, but thanks man.
hi griff i now know why my pedal doesnt sound like that as usual you make it look like a breese khank you my computer crashed i hope my g mail is the same les
often thought of a wah pedal , first demostration of one that fully showed how they work. very informative
Thanks Griff,
Beautifully explained.
Especially for the “born again guitarist”
I was in London the day Hendrix died. I’ll never forget it……..
My Wah pedal , is a Jimi Hendrix Cry Baby JH -ID. With it, although I’m not that good at all, I seem
to impress the shit out of my nephews ! The coolest thing is the box it comes in !
thanks griff amazing video and great information very usufull regards.
Great. Helps me a lot. Thanks Griff
that’s magic rockin !!!! thanks Griff ..
Gonna get one! Thanks Griff!
Nice Griff..very clear, useful demo
Thanks Griff. Amazing video and great, consise, interesting information, as usual!
Thanks Griff, a great demo. Thanx for all the help you give us.Love them blues1
This is the type of introduction of a WAH Pedal I’ve ever seen!The reason I make such a statement,this Cat is not as interested in impressing us as much of him self as making this seemingly easy played peddle?Do not misunderstand what I’m saying! He is a demonstrator for using the WAH,as much as the mechanics will take to play like he shows!But this peddle is one that takes some weeks,months,and I have been messing around with this peddle for years?This is not a peddle that delivers a prefixed sound!Listen to the names of the greatest Guitarist in the world who defeated this peddle!This peddle is one of the “ARTIST” not the guitarist?I’ve seen a lot of great guitarist in my 50 plus years,and some of the greatest could nod add this peddle to there list of accomplishments?Please never take any thing I may have my own thoughts on,but it’s just not as easy to play as you’re prefixed peddles?This Cat has a great grasp on this peddle,and I am great full he has shared it with such modesty.Again I hate the “DUMB ASS CON CRITICS!”Listen to this Cat he has great advice for every one in his small 4 min opportunity.
NIcely done. Short and sweet. Would be enhanced by hookup instructions and price range – but, again, nicely done.
another sound lesson marra a quick lesson on how to hook them up would not go amiss for the new guys regards forby sunderland uk
Griff,great lesson. I have a Zoon 500 II . I will try the WAH. Thanks, Mike
i am definately going to buy a wah. just gotta find the brand for me. thanks Griff
Excellent demonstration! I may go out and buy one now that I see how to use it.
Hey Griff, just bought a dunlop cry baby Wah pedal so time for this is just right.
That was the most useful 4 minutes I’ve had all year! Thanks Griff.
Nice tutorial on the wah. Yeah, in my early RnR days, it was a must have for all the reasons you gave in the vdo.
i love the wah pedal…..I use it to make funk music….and great for reggae also…..my favorite pedal………
dont have any gadgets yet… very helpful… thanks
i must admit i tried a few, but knowing how is key! thanks again. joe
Just what I was looking to start using, can you reccomend the best brand?
Griff I am enjoying your sight and learned a lot about blues playing since I purchased your course. I would consider myself an intermediate player coming out of bluegrass since I was 14. I am now the ripe old age of 50.The question I have is this. I enjojed your how-to-use-wah-pedal. My problem is this, I am paralized from the waist down and can not use pedals.Do you have any suggestions for me or is there a product out there that would help.
Thanks Griff. Makes me wanna go play around with my Cry Baby.Great video.
Hi Griff.
very informative good video
Great tips once again….it just keeps getting better…thanks for sharing!
Hello Griff… thank you for showing us this WHA pedal. Yes, it is very useful as a tool in the background. I have noticed that many guitar players use it as a percussion instrument. As a subtle layer. This requires a lot of originality to be able to sound differently without repeating what all the WHA players in the world have done. A difficult tool in fact to master. But a necessary one. Thank you again.
Hi Griff…How about showing us when you get a chance, about hooking up effect pedals.. like what gets plugged into where and so forth…and and how to hook up a string of pedals if you dont have a pedal board. PLEASE 🙂
Thanks- have been to local music store to find out about the differnt effects pedals, slow going
this helps. Still learning . thanks
that was some very nice insite…that i didn’t have before…i looking to pickup a wawa pedal and needed this input to help me decide to get one…thanks Griff! Love the guitar theory course also… = )
Griff your grooves keep me motivated on to keep playing Thanx Man!!!!
Thanks Griff. I like how you consistently limit and stick to the topic at hand.
Hi Griff . I have been receiving y’r emails 4 quite some time now and would like 2 say THANKS man.
I found your video very informative. I was wondering if you c ould provide insight on what type of pedal to buy and get the Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton sound, not too fuzzy or distorted somehow semi clean?
Hi Griff thanks for all your video tips……..LOVE’M !!!!!
I have a CRYBABY Wah It is a cool petal that I use alot
in live performance. I play slide thru my wah….very cool tones.
griff have you tried http://www.unitedwetab.com not a teaching site but does have good sheet music and tab
Great tips Griff. I have the Dunlop Cry Baby Slash and have not gotten the hang of it. This should help. Thanks!
most informative
that was very informative…thanks!!!
Hi Griff,
I’m a regular on receiving your lessons. All great and totally appreciated. Thanks.
where were you 40 years ago. Thanks for the Wahology.
Ok all i have is the bad monkey and i really dont know how to use it. im a beginner and im finding out that this is hard to do. but i well stay with it. look out world here i come.
Perfect.Thank you.
Great instruction on the Wah Pedal Griff! Thanks much!
Never really understood the Wah Pedal, but now I do. Thanks for a nice and thorough explanation.
Thanks a lot Griff, I love all the stuff you send me, I like your Clyde wah, I will get one soon, thanks again and please don’t stop the good work!!!
I like to use it for tone shaping like this…
You’er the Man Griff,looks like Ihave to get me one of those Bro,still learning all the CDs you sent ,I guess I can fit Wah-Wah in there somewhere .Cheers Griff.
I will have to try that pedal. I have used a Cry Baby for years and liked it, but now I’ve been using A Digitech which is even easier. I call it the fake noise, but very versatile. Thanks Griff.
wish my lecturers at college had your teaching technique Griff.your an ACE Griff!!!
Griff I loved yr presentation of the wah,but that small chord riff you played,lovit ,what is it?Rolling Stones.Any chance of a lesson with that formula,keep up the great lessons,
Wayne Parry, Australia
Thanks Griff that was wahderful…..;)
Thanks Griff, I just recently bought a new one at half price. A music store in my area closed it’s doors and sold everything.I’ve been messing around with it and I never new exactly the right way to use it. good stuff, thanks
Good stuff lots of presents!
i WANT one
What a coincidence, I just picked up a cry baby brand, almost for nothing. I don’t know how to use it.yet. lol. I will take i out, and try a few things with it now. thank you ,for the lesson.
Awesome! Thanks Griff, I need to get a WAH-pedal! Can you show me how to use the other kind of pedal with the three knobs on it you step on? It has Octava, Fuzz and Overdrive! Thank You! Jackie Kerns
thanks griff i needed that excellent!!!!
Hi Griff, i just bought myself an effects pedal and really did not know where to start with it, thanks to you i have a base to work from,
Wah-der-fulltone,info! Thanx,grff………
As always Griff. You do a great job on getting some really good info out to the players or soon to be players. Keep on pluckin !
Hey griff- the other cool use is similar to the ‘cocked wah’ but utilizes a very slow sweep- think Frank Zappa! He was masterful with a wah pedal as a tone control. It is just a variable resistor after all……Good stuff as always!
thanks Griff,I have a karate studio in studio city ca, and you are welcome any time for free lessons thanks again…
Loren (Sensei )
Sounds real good but is there a padal foe Bass Guitar.
Always cool stuff, Thanks
Hi Griff. Top class as usual but take care of the lead under your wah pedal.(:-).
Oh great, thanks Griff…. Now I have to go and spend even more money… My wife doesn’t like you… I think your the greatest, but my wife sees you as a person who spends my money… (like she doesn’t) I’m being funny… I often wondered how they got those great sounds and now I know what I need. Many thanks for this great video. I’m off to shop till I drop.
I have to admit your a good teacher. You make thing’s easy to grasp. Thank you
Killer cocked-wah run up the neck for that pedal
Alot of A I C solos like rain when i Die or Smack the Sun use wha wha
Like alot of Alice in Chains Solos.
i like it, can you use it for money for nothing chicks for free, thanks for the demo
Man, I appreciate that demonstration, and as much as I don’t like to admit it, I didn’t know how to use a wah pedal. But now, I believe I’d like to own one!
Man, I appreciate that demonstration, and as much as I don’t like to admit it, I didn’t know how to use a way pedal. But now, I believe I’d like to own one!
Very nice – high 5! Tweet me if you’re on Twitter @FretZeroMusic
Zach S.
I am grateful of your love of this the highest forms of human expression;music.I am Zimbabwean now living in London,our colonial experience was that of being not allowed to develop accomplishments such as playing instruments as it was not a good idea for the natives to express themselves,as it would disturb the colonial plan.I am 44 years old and I intend to learn to play to the best of my ability.I am a blues and innovative jazz ,child.I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to guide me to literature and aids for learning jazz and blues,as I would like to be able to teach others with enough knowledge.when I started 3 years ago we were four who practiced together,but since i insisted on learning the theory,it was not received well and now its only two.AGAIN ,I SAY,MAT HEALTH AND STRENGTH BE YOUR PORTION.peace and love reign over you and your family.
Wah-t did you say? Only thing I don’t like about the new wah wah pedals these days is the cost. I remember my first one cost me 25 bucks, I saw the same one in a shop the other day, they want four hundred and fifty bucks now for exactly the same one, but hey that is progress.
Don’t tease me like that! Show us how to actually play Voodoo Chile.
I really enjoyed this video on the wah pedal. II have a crybaby, similar but different. I have only been using it one of the ways you showed me. Now I have to plug in and experiment…
Great lesson !!!
Wicked lesson Griff Thanx man
I got one of those hanging around here somewhere, got to find it, it does really make a difference while playing. Great lesson, thanks…
cool intro to wah pedal – like that the second wah is now gone as it was extraneous.
Thanks for another interesting lesson.
Thanks again Griff, I am just about to buy one. Love the tips.
I have an original Cry Baby from 1970 and it’s been sitting in a bag with other ‘period’ effects… like the original “FuzzTone”. I looked the other day and found a “Roland Jet Phaser” and an Analog Delay… I guess it’s a goldmine of oldies stuff……
About the Wah pedle… the sound is real scratchy… like the Variable Resistor Pot must be rusted. (Should have WD-40’d it years ago) I’m wondering if anybody out there in Griff-Land know what value the main Wah pedle’s Potentiometer is???? 10K to 250 KR??? I’d like to wipe the dust off this relic and givfe it a tune up. anybody have a schematic or knows the “R” value. I’d like to find out.
Peace OUT!
Well done Griff, how about some examples of stuff you play when with you’re band. Cheers
Cheers Griff. Brilliant piece of info
If you love Hendrix, you have to use the wah pedal. It’s also great to use in the semi open position for just about any type music you are in to….Thanks agoin for keeping us informed.
Very informative lesson. You do get a lot of effects with that pedal. Thanks for sharing once again.
Cool Beans! now I understand .The tip of using overdrive and wah gave a demo that I have wondered about a long time .
Oh Ya “This got shared”
Griff, you shine!
As Griff says the wah-wah pedal is an amazing pedal! You can make your guitar talk with the use of a wah and technique. Excellent demo!
Hey what kind of amp are you using in the video?
oh jimi wah wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah wah, and cream, oh some would just not be the same without the incredible wah, auto wah, how boring, give me the clutch operated one anyday.
Thanks again Griff, never had given the wah pedal any consideration until now, a very good detailed demo of it’s use, particularly with the overdrive, which has given it the sound I’ve been looking for.
Thanks Giff,
Good stuff. I think I have reconnected with the Wah once again. I unfortunantly am one of those blokes that can’t chew gum and pat me belly at the same time.lol. But I did like that breif exercise with justy the simple muted strumming. A question for ya. Have you had a chance to try out that Jerry Cantrtell wah yet? I have made it my buisness to try to familuarize myself with as much gear as possible. And out of all of the different wah’s that seems to have a very expressive tonality about it. But I also see where you were using the Fulltone Clyde. Also a very good choice for expressive Wah’s.. Well thanks for the e-mails and the cool stuff that I can use! Cheers my friend!
I’m a drummer trying to learn guitar.This demo is just what I was looking for.I will now be buying a Wah petal. Thank you.
Wah Wah pedal, now after only 8 years playing it has been shown and demonstrated Thankyou so much Griff. I wonder how you would apply it to the Riffs in “WONDERFUL TONIGHT E.C Another number I am learning “that Loving Feeling” The Righteous Brothers” any chance of a demo using the wah wah pedal. Great as usual Thanks
Excellent short info it tells all.
Thanks for this. Helped very much. been looking to add one to my stash of equipment, but could never get the guys at Guitar Center to let my fiddle around with one properly…
Great video Griff!
seasons greetings- i hope you are enjoying life. thanks again an again.
great info
Thank for the demno on the wah pedal very informative, can you give a demonstration on the
Tone driver in the future, I am doing the Blues guitar unleashed series and it is taking up all my time. Thanks again
Thanks. You present these lessons in a very practical way. I like your teaching style.
I think the wah wah pedal is alot like fashion – if you were there the first time around you should take a pass when the fad returns.. But i didnt know it was in style again
Thanks a million Griff, as useful as always!!! I am working hard on your music theory course, that course is a most for anybody and i am so glad i have got it, thanks again and take care.
Nice relaxed playing. shows that there is no wizardy behind using a way-pedal and that often “less is more”.
btw I use the way pedal that is integrated in my Vox Tonelab effects pedal. Actually works nicely, but the range between closed and open sound seems to be less easy to control than in a separate “way ohly” pedal.
I have a Morely wah. NEVER understood it or used it. It doesn’t seem to do anything. This makes me wanna break it out and try again. BTW, we wanna see your HANDS during those great solos! Thanks!
Thanks Griff,I was going to sell my wah but now I will keep it. Len.
I love it, I asked for one for my birthday.
Griff I look forward to your tips, etc.. They have been exremely helpful and keeping me interested in learning the guitar. The arpeggio practice is fantastic and tanquil to play and listen to. Since I retired I made a promise to myself to learn guitar. I along with Im sure many others appreciate your time, talent and dedication. Hopefully in the not to distant future I acn send you a vidio of me playing. again Thanks so much JOE P
Love the wha
Buddy,u make that thing come alive!Love it,Love it.YEA—————————————-
Hey I have a new style “CryBaby”…where it;s powered…& you can adj. vol/tone and where the “wah” takes place…love it..will put these tips to work
Excellant !!!
…using WAH pedal adds up to my learning in using different kind of guitar accessories….thanks a lot Griff and more power
Wow, more to practice. I must look for the patch on my zoom pedal. Tks for that Griff.
Awesome video make me wanna go get mine out again
I thought Wow! But out came Wah! Good lessons take root. Thanks.
Thanks, Griff! Great timing. Was just thinking about wah & how to use, which to get, etc. (i have a Crate w/ wah effect–now i have a better idea of how to utilize that as it’s not a pedal by itself.)
I enjoyed that little lesson on the Wah pedal. I still have my Vox from the 60’s when I was in a band. It brought back a lot!
Thanks for the info on the wah pedal.You have alot of cool ideas, and I like the way you explain things to us. I’ll keep pickin. You do the same.
great lesson i usally use it all closed up but this has taught me to open it up a bit thanx
Great lesson!
Thanks Griff , never used one before,now I’m ready to try it.
thanks again
That was real good I like this pedal too.
you are the BOMB!!
I love your stuff.
keep it up…
Thanks for the info. I know there are folks out there that are eon’s ahead in guitar playing but they should be watching other videos. I am a lone guitar player who relies on guys like you to help play music better in the remoteness of a living room…LJM
Thanks for the Wah info have you any tips around Joe Bonnamassa fuzz face pedal. DESI
i respect you ,,and your teachings of the art,,,of music ,especially the guitar ,,,i,m a rtyhum player experimenting with new techniques and pedals both ,,just starting to get my feet wet,,,i have a ts9,tubescreamer ran to a dunlod fuzz box and plugged directly into my vox wah wah ,,,and ive found changing the order of these pedals changes the sound dramatically ,i,m bryanovertruf1 on you tube ,,and in my song monica ,,,i shined for the 1st time ,with leed i loved it ,and will continue to try to be my best ,,we all feel different emotions ,,so we all play different music ,,i just happen to be lucky enough to write my own ,,,so i think that makes playing leed for me a little easier than trying to copy some 1 else ,,,,however ,ive seen a million so called guitar teachers in my life ,,,and you are the REAL MCCOY ,,,you actually teach ppl instead of showing every 1 what a mean guitar player you are ,and for that i give you a MAJOR KUDOS ,,,,,THANK YOU ,GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS ,,,,sincerely bryan overturf1
very basic really
there’s so much more about wah
it can sing / speak /cry / laugh
using it as eq – heh, static trick for lazy ones
thanks for the effort anyway
i enjoy your videos, some much knowledge, thank you
Supper.Bravurous-Thank you Griff!
Terrific! Another way to express oneself and add color to the music piece. I will definitely buy one next time. Any demo on ‘distortion pedal’?. Good day Griff.
Hi Griff while listening to this video you added in some overdrive, can you tell me what overdrive pedal you are using?
Great stuff Griff !! Thanks. I use a Dunlop Cry Baby because I feel it has a wider ‘sweep’ range of tones & a lot of the time I don’t rock the pedal but step in & find a tone I want then step off using that tone for a solo etc.
griff you make learning fun as well as entertaining. i’m a beginner but i fell like a professional. very encouraging lessons. great comments from rich on the history of the fulltone clyde. thanx to you all.
Learning beyond basics. I am more of a generalized player and now becoming more familiar with playing my electric guitar. I really enjoy your approach in familiarizing me with the various angles involved with the electric guitar.
thank you
wha that was cool haha i have line six wa pedaljust getting use to it thanks griff send more
Did anyone else notice the wah pedal dropping slightly in the close-up shot after you cocked it..? Nice little lesson there, Griff!
Hey Grif,
The Wah Pedal, once again very cool stuff! Love the tips keep them coming!
Hello, I just want to tell you I’ve been watching your vids via your e-mails for a while and you have taught me so much..
Thanks and keep rockin’
Hello Griff, I always enjoy your videos, and I love to hear you play. So I was wondering, do you have CD’s or DVD’s of your music that you sell? Keep teaching, and thanks for the many helpful tips that you send out by email.
good as usual. Two questions. Can you “lock the pedal” in any setting? 1 quarter, half, 3 quarters? Second, if you don’t mind me asking, how much for that pedal??
thanks for the demo
Really like the wah effect pedal. Will try one as soon as I can play better.
You seemed a little aggravated with me on my last reply. I’m the one trying to “kick” you over to the rock/blues side. You certainly have the chops and I still stick with you (and buy your products) because I know eventually it will come out. Great lesson (of course wish there was more 🙂 and great to hear you kick in the gain on your amp!! I’m sorry but all the rock I have loved over the years is blues based. You can see the positive response to this video. I would buy blues/rock jam tracks in a heartbeat.
Thanks Griff, that’s great. I have a programmable pedal, but my level of playing prevents me from “walking and chewing gum at the same time.” You inspire me to keep playing, though. I’ll get there.
Thank You Mr. Hamlin for helping us beginners. I know the veteran players are yawning. I purchased (2nd hand) an very old Ibanez wah……6yrs ago….now i’ll go purchase a battery so i can enjoy the effects. No threat to guitar players from this procrastinator.
Griff..thanks much..always great stuff….Mike Fuller (Fulltone) makes a fantastic wah-wah..I also like my Morley wah…Robin Trower was 1 of the first to use the Clyde..and he is a master..Give “caladonia” on Long Misty Days(early Trower) a listen.. if you want to hear a great wah-wah induced rhythm ..the whole album is superb..but dont forget to listen to”i cant live without you” James Dewar’s voice is as souful as it gets…..thanks Griff..keep em coming
Hey Griff, thanks always wanted to buy one but did’nt know how to use it ,now i know, thanks again
WOW, I’m sold and on my way out to pick one up right now.
Thanks So Much.
Have a question. About 3 minutes in right before you demonstrate it for a solo, you are playing something where you are changing chords. It sounded familiar, was that part of a song, or were you just messing around? Thanks, brian
Hey Griff, thanks man. I have used classical guitar for many years now & have decided
I’m going electro-acoustic, I’ve been looking for FX pedels but wasn’t sure what to get. This
video-lesson has been a real eye opener for me.
Thanks again
hey griff…thanks a lot man, that was just right …been looking to buy one but wasn’t sure how to use it…been thinking about a cry baby; what do you think?
Hey Griff thanks again for all your lessons there great and esy to follow. I have also owned a few wahs in my time, I currently have a vox. But I love the sound from that clyde pedal it sounds like Hendrix in the studio. Where as I can’t seem to make my vox recreate that studio intro to Voodoo chlle (slight return)
Thanks again Griff for the great video,i dont know how you find the time to help people,i have just bought a wah pedal,and this was very helpfull.
Please keep up the great work.
Regards Ros
your information you present is great….and some of the best….I would like to see you use a
split screen so we can see you playing and working the pedal…
Canfield, Ohio
Thanks Griff for what you do. Your lessons are very informative and easy to understand. Thanks to Jerry also for posting the video link about the Wah pedal…very interesting!!!
Thanks a bunch Griff! Great info for those of us learning to maximize pedal use. Love your tips!
Thank’s man, you are the best.
Thank you! I hope to see more about effect pedals, their uses and settings .THANK YOU is the best I can do at this time. ( I always tell anyone interested in guitar to check your awsome site).
Hey Griff! this is my second message to you in one day! I meant to ask what brand and model is the electric guitar you used in this wah-wah video, and also in the G7 blues video? I can’t recognize the name/logo on the videos!
Thanks Griff …………..As Always
why dose your vidoes keep pausing?
I love this little videos about getting diferent guitar tones using pedals.Better I am becoming in playing blues more I feel I want a tone that suits me.I love BB king but Ilike my sound to be a bit more dirty.Your videos gave me some ideas to work with.Thanks mate.
As always, another great lesson! BBG and BGU have really changed my playing in a BIG WAY!
Your teaching style it easy…
(San Diego)
Here is the website I mentioned.
Check out this documentary on the wah pedal. It’s really good and features a lot of topnotch guitar players.
Hi, great lesson, however, when you talk, you kind of speak down, so if you could turn up the volume, or talk closer to the mike, it would help us the “older” followers. Thanks again!
good lesson,What order do put your pedals in? thanks,keep jamming.
Thanks. I’ve been enjoying your vids. You can never learn too much.
The wah that Hendrix and Clapton used in the ’60s.
Clyde McCoy was a big-band Trumpet Player in the ’60s… not a great musician, but one famous for getting a muted wah wah sound. This led to Vox trying to approximate this muted trumpet sound in a guitarpedal… hence the Vox “Clyde McCoy” wah wah circa 1967.
Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton used a Vox “Clyde McCoy” model wah wah. Photos taken during the recording of Electric Ladyland document Jimi’s as being the “signature” model, featuring Clyde McCoy’s name written out script style on the bottomplate. The other type of Clyde McCoy was the “picture” version, which had Clyde’s photo on the bottomplate. The “signature” model, with it’s great sounding “halo” inductor, is what the Fulltone Clyde standard wah effect pedal is modeled after.
The Fulltone CLYDE wah pedal was born from taking the best of the best of Fulltone’s vintage Vox wah collection, and analyzing every aspect… going so far as sacrificing a few of the vintage inductors to get it right.
Our Inductor is a tuned core handmade unit using exactly the same type wire and inductance as the ’60s-era Vox, except very consistent from one unit to the next. A tuned core inductor is much more expensive to make, but the end result is worth it. Drop this into your wah and experience the difference. The only change from the original ’60s Vox design is the addition of a very usable internal Resonance Control which is a large durable trimmer, for bass and gain adjustment, which is easily adjustable by hand without tools and with room to mark your favorite settings.
All 2008 Fulltone’s CLYDE Standard wah pedals sport the most authentic ’60s Vox-type inductor available, which happens to also be the quietest.
CLYDE wah pedal devotees include:
The Rolling Stones
Joe Satriani
The Black Crowes
Ian Moore
Steve Stevens
Buzzy Feiten
John Abercrombie
Jen Turner
Henry Kaiser
Thanks Griff,
I have an original Crybaby with a broken spring of course and currently use a Jim Dunlop Crybaby 95Q Wah. Over the years I have used various tone labs and stomp boxes, but always come back to my tried and true wah pedal. Thus, I guess it makes sense when my signature line always reads Old School and Still Rockin’…Gary
Right on.. my BD-2 and a WHA sound great together, funny I have never kicked it on and left it in one position. thanks for kick starting my brain again Griff….:0)
Cheers for that Griff- Great tip [as always] I’ve got a Morley Classic which has been sat idle in a cupboard for a while- I’m going to retrieve it and give it an outing. Your video was just what I needed to inspire me!
Being wheelchair bound you might want to look into the Boss AW-3. ($98.99) Its an auto wah “pedal” which requires no pedal. One can be used with this unit but its optional. There are other similar ones, too. Look it up on Musicians Friend.com They even have actual audio clips of different pedals. Good luck. You go boy! Can’t keep a good musician down. 🙂
Demonstrations like this are very useful and from a future sales perspective it makes you a person that guitar players will seek out. New players need this kind of information.
Keep up the good work.
The Clyde Standard pedal goes for around $200. The higher end of wah pedal prices. An expensive toy if you’re not a working musician. Most pedals seem to be highly rated by players (4.5 to 5 stars) even the ones that start @ around $80. I don’t own one (yet) but what I’m going to do is to go to my Gtr Ctr store and try out all the ones I can before making a decision.
Thanks for the vid Grff. I’m going to change my Crybaby to the “Clyde” . It apperes that it has a much smoother action and slower change to the tonal sound…. Thanks again Griff – Brilliant vids as always – Sherby
Thanks, Griff! I love to play with my wah. It does add so much expression to the notes. It can take a riff and make it laugh, cry or just rage it anguish. I have one question, though: Where is the best place for the wah in an effects chain? Before everything else, in the middle or at the end where it can do its magic on any other effects (overdrive, tremolo, etc.)
Griff, Thanks! Seems pretty basic . . . I picked up a Morley pedal a while back . . haven’t had a chance to play with it yet . . looking forward to new sounds!
Hi Griff
Thanks for the info. Thoroughly enjoyed this lesson. Have been thinking about purchasing a WAH Pedal but wasn’t sure just how to use it. Now I know!!
Thank you for taking the time out to let me know……………
What in combination ,with an automatic wah? Sometimes I even use two..leave one half open like Griff said,and withe the other one,I change tones.Sounds cool,try it.I have not tryed an automatic wah.Mayby one of these nights,I’ll do,thanx for the info Griff.
Brilliant lesson – I never thought about using a Wah pedal till now – thanks
Nice lesson! Fifty years old, and learning new things everyday! Always liked the wah sound, never took the time to learn anything about it.(Too much fishing I guess! ) Thanks
spot on griff very usefull thanks
you need to put some oil on (in) the potentiometer.
that’s the little round thing that gets rotatet when you push onto your pedal.
I had the exact same problem as you and it helped. there’s no hissing anymore.
the potentiometer normally has a little hole in it’s case where you can fill in the oil.
only use a few drips.
I hope it helps.
Dude (Germany)
Only difference now is the price, my first one, fuzz wah had fuzz, and fuzz wah, got a bit sick of it, wah wah wah what did you say? Then Cry Babys, those Morley Wahs with the plug in lead, were great, first one cost me $25 bucks, now they want almost $400 bucks for one only! Or more. Not a cheap hobby anymore, but those things are great if used with years of practise, lots and lots of practise.
Greg, I found this video on the Wah pedal very interesting. I have a Dunlop Cry Baby but it never sounds as clean and clear as your pedal. In the open tone position, it has is what I can only describe as an awful hissing noise, and in the closed position it sounds very muddy. Chances are, that it is probably just me. I have been playing for more years than I care to remember, and have long since packed in the band business and gigging. I spend the majority of my time messing about on my own trying to obtain certain sounds. These too, seem to avoid me, what would be a great video to make would be one on how to achieve great guitar sounds and various amp set-up tricks.
Paul (in the UK)
Griff……………..I like very much the informations on how to play whit the pedal (Wawa ) i did know that I could have so many tone and sounds whit this…………..I hope there will be more to come
on other pedals that many groups use ……………For me I don’t have no pedal and Wow this change the dimension of the guitar sound…………..Very good information Griff
Thank you
Hi Griff,
I have-which is probably almost an antique now-.a Schaller wah.What’s interesting about this particular Wah is, it also has a switch which engages-what Schaller called- a yoy.You can,I’m sure, guess what sound you get in this position.Thanks for the interesting video and i just thought i’d share this info with you.
All the best,and may the blues power be with you
I like these most recent videos. They are great for answering the questions that come up and you are not sure where to go to get an answer. Maybe you should do some on different amps.
I bought you blues course. Now I want that jacket you are wearing. Where didyou get. Please don’t tell me you made it!! LOL
Griff, try a Ibanez Weeping Demond wah pedal it has what I found to the most useful features, not to mention that you can taylor the sound to duplicate other pedals. I have had several guitar players ask me about sound of mine. After which I see them using the same pedal. No one I have talked to regrets changing out there old pedal for this one. The instant on feature I found to take a little time to get used too, but I would not use it any other mode now.
I have a toneworks ax1500g. Love to see the effects I can get out using the wha pedal with the different effects selections. Always finding something new in using the wha pedal. Thanks griff the sounds are endless.
Hi Griff,thanks for another lesson.I never thought of a wah pedal until I saw your video.Great sounds it produces.
I have a question for you. Strumming guitar chords and knowing which strum patterns to play with different songs.In std music notation it gets quite complicated,although I can read music,the ups and down strokes to songs do get confusing at times.
Griff,have you taught lessons on this topic.Love to know the sure way to interpret these patterns.
David ( Australia)
Can you use a wah on an acoustic guitar plugged into an acoustic amp? Just curious. I like the effect of the pedal from your video. Pedals are something I’ve not gotten into yet. Thanks.
BEAUTIFUL demo Griff.
Yea, its me. Just agood Video, gutiar or not . stay jamming….
Great Video! I have been thinking of getting a CryBaby soon.It looks like a lot fun.
Two o my favorites are Jimi and SRV.
Griff, thanks for all the info on wah pedals, I will pull out my cry baby and try to use it.
It’s been in a box for a couple of years.
That’s really cool. Time to dust off the wah pedal. I’d be willing to paypal for some licks to work with the pedal, maybe in PDF downloadable. Just like bob, we pay for the ones and zeros.
Keep on rockin it and the cable you have running underneath it is going let you down one day.
Gotta have one, but don’t have an electric guitar
Thank you. All your stuff is useful, and the timing is right as i am currently shopping
for a pedal. So many choices i’m not sure what to go with….Guess i’ll get a couple
of them!
Thanks again, JR
Griff. Good stuff and never too quick.
Again, thank you
I love your style. Keep up the great work. You were the inspiratation for me to buy an electric guitar, having sold my beloved Fender Jaguar in college in 1973.
Just got one for Christmas (a cry baby) Loved the video,now if a could just rock some Jimi that would be swell.
Your teaching methods are simple and effective. Thanks so much, Griff!
Griffen, a little light on the use/effect of the waw peddle, you forgot to make it scream and dive in the Hendrix fashion, color baby
keep on keepin on
I really enjoy these videos! But, is there anything that will produce the sounds of a Wah Peddle? I am in a wheelchair and have no leg strength.
Good stuff once again Griff – Useful , concise and informative as always -your grass roots explanations are really useful even for old dogs like me . Your tutoring skills must have been passed on from your parents as you do a great job.
Very cool lesson. Getting this type of additional insight really augments your blues courses. Would be especially cool of you could do this kind of quick lesson with other effects pedals, such as the Blues Driver (BD-2), Tremolo (TR-2), Turbo Overdrive (OD-2 (or equivalent), Super Chorus (CH-1), etc. Thanks, Griff!!
Hey thanks a lot for all the free videos you’ve sent me. I love your lessons & I learn a lot from each one. If I ever get enough money to buy a course from anyone, it will probably be yours. You are very straight to the point without a bunch of stories & so forth. I like that!
Thanks for the demo of WAH pedal. You always present clear and concise instructions and I thank you for that. Keep up the good work!
thanks for the lesson on the wah. Have never had that explained and have been playing for 32 years
Hi Griff, wahz up? Thanks for the lesson on Wah, one of my favorite effects. I find your teaching style to be very accessable and compatible with my learning style. (down to earth). Kindest regards, Andy
hey Griff, thanks for sharing basics. i send my students to your sites when they need it. wah has always been my fav, i often leave it “cocked” for the cut. mostly three pc, so i don’t need as much oommppff, as tonality. good job!
I like pedals but I have not use them because I do not have electric guitar perhaps someday.
In the meantime, I use acoustic guitar with a pick up for blues. I have not seen players use pedals on acoustics. Can pedals be used on acoustic guitar?
Disco or Jimi Hendrix …LMAO!
i have a wha wha pedal ( chicago ill made) my first one,your demenstration is right on short and sweet in full good job,! ! ! west/coast love peace ! ! !
I noticed your wah works for the whole stroke of your foot . I have a crybaby and it only afects the tone in a window of about a 1/4 to1/2 of the stroke of the pedal . is there something wrong with my wah ? It would sure make it easyer to control if it used the full stroke of the of pedal. Is there anything I can do that will lenghten the sweep ?” . is there another wah pedal that is way better?
Great demo..another tool in the arsenal for some….
Thanks for the video. One more thing I gotta have!
Thanks Griff your always dead on explaining things that seem complicated. I have been slacking on my guitar work and concentrating on the 5 string banjo and its licks but you always seem to send an interesting email that fits the bill when I’m needing a kick in the butt to get back on the blues course of yours. You are a very inspiring teacher and by far the best I have gotten courses from. I have some that are so monotoned I find my self waking up after a short nap, and not remembering what he was even talking about !!! LOL Thanks again………………..Bill
Hey Griff, thank you so much for deciding me to use this gadget that has been sitting in my cupboard for a year. keep surprising us with new challenges….bestest. Hugo
Very cool !!
That is something I’ve always wanted to learn how to use. I need to buy one first off, but this is a big help! Thanks. Oh, I really liked that Hendrix lick you started to play . You were on the money!
Griff while listening to this wah demo I was taken by your tone when you kicked in your distortion(?) pedal. I have tried to match this tone but can’t quite find it. What distortion pedal are you using if you don’t mind telling.
Another awesome video Griff!
thanks : )
i personally love it when you guitar instructors explain the uses of all the gadgets that go along with the guitar. (i.e. kapo, tremolo bar, slide, etc.) i would like to see one of you instructors put together a dvd that just explains all the effect pedals and give examples like you did here . (Hendrix- Voo Doo Child) atleast the main pedals that most performers use (distortion, chorus, phaser, flanger, etc…) thnx again
Are there different Wah Pedals for acoustic / electric guitars? Which ones have the best sound?
Great stuff. Teased me a bit with the Hendrix lic. Something new to figure out
Hi Griff— great explanation! For the truly yet to be initiated ( me) could you make a vid on how to connect such devices?
Also, would greatly appreciate info on how to get those awesome back tracks you use in your videos. I would love to play along with a back track, but haven’t a clue on how to start getting one