While I realize this is Blues Guitar Unleashed….

I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t talk about something that is important for guitar playing… no matter what style you play.

This strumming and rhythm technique is HUGELY important, and the most important part is (you guessed it) how you COUNT it and tap your foot to feel the beat in the right way.

So watch, play, learn, absorb…. all good things 🙂

Strumming & Rhythm Master can be found here

    22 replies to "Double Time G Cadd9 Emin7 D"

    • Pete Fegredo

      Hi Griff,
      Always a pleasure to receive your emails and videos. This sounds very much like the chords The Eagles have used in their song.. A peaceful Easy Feeling. ( Anyone can correct me if i’m wrong) but it’s great for you to show strumming techniques apart from Blues. Thank you from the UK.

    • Charlie

      Thanks Griff. I enjoy all of your instruction and the way you teach. I have had many guitar teachers over my life and have played semi professional but gained several bad habits. When I started back playing your video instruction has been very helpful. Thanks again

    • Eric Evans

      If someone wanted to solo over these 4 chords using pentatonic scales, which key should he/she play in?

      • benj1707


    • Alexander

      Hey Griff,
      That was a great lesson, the start of this lesson reminds me of that song “every rose has its Thorn” by Brett Michaels of Poison. I like the counting part of this lesson. I was just wondering does this chord progression follow that rule of harmony that you mentioned in your theory lesson? I’ll have to look that up. Anyways great lesson.

    • Randy Davis

      Griff, is this what a lot of people call the Calyso Strum?? If not, can you explain the difference to me??
      Thanks. I do enjoy your videos but i am a beginner and the blues stuff is way above my head. But this one was right on.

    • Eddie Lee

      It’s not blues, but… don’t be afraid to expand your focus to other genres. You may surprise yourself as well as those that know you!

    • Anthony Ingoglia

      I wish there was a way for you to do the counting but say it quietly when you are not hitting the string and forcefully when hitting the strings. In your video, 3 your voice would be almost silent but the E right after on the upstroke would be audible. This way the sound of you voice tells me when to strum. Me saying 1 e&a 2e&a helps me keep the beat but doesn’t help me know when to strum. I hope I’m making sense.

    • Roger Caron

      Thank you Griff.

    • Chris CLEMANS

      Hi Griff, I haven’t played my Taylor in a while so this lesson is a good warm up before getting into my Strumming and Rythm Master course I have all your courses and being an All Access Pass member I know if I hit a tough spot its off to the forum there is so much there Thanks Teach. Stay healthy.

    • TC Morris

      Hello Griff you are a great blues guitar teacher and I love your free blues lesson thanks TC

    • tony

      Another good lesson Griff. I like the cords you used. Simple basic not a lot of moving around . Could you do a slow easy solo to this also . I can almost hear one . Can you demo one for us please. There is probably 7000 ways to do it. Busting out on the Avalon . Later Bud .

    • Jim

      Thank Griff, Great Lesson

    • Dan

      Thanks, Griff. Great lesson. What a joy it is learn from you.

    • Tim

      Good ‘ol fashion strumming and keeping time. Too often over looked and under rated. Thanks Griff.

    • Sean

      Griff you are making me into a counting convert finally! Thank you for always focusing on that in your lessons. Now I just need to keep practicing counting so I get it down. Thank goodness my son is a percussionist….he can help me figure out more complicated rhythms 😊

    • Jean

      Thank you Griff, I definitely need this on my playing.

    • Interstate slim

      Thanks Griff, I have been adding more strumming into my practice sessions the last few months. Usually do songs in 3/4 time and 4/4 time with different strumming patterns. I’ll give this one a try. Enjoy your day.

    • Richard Croce

      Timing is so important ….Thanks Griff…….

    • Rox

      I own almost every course so I don’t see the advantage of all access pass for me.

      • Mike

        I’m with you on this Rox. Haven’t we already done paid our dues?

      • Jerry

        The all access pass does include five monthly web sessions that are very good plus with the Golden Ticket that you get every 60 days you can purchase any courses you don’t have. My problem is Griff comes out with courses faster than I can get through them but I’m I still find the AAP worthwhile. But, to each his/her own.

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