I’m a HUGE fan of loopers for a couple of reasons…

1 – They let you play your own jam track. No matter what you need, you can just play it into your looper without having to go dig for it. Sure there are times when it’s fun to play with a band, but for practice, you can’t beat them.

2 – You have to play in time and it’s as good an exercise for keeping good time and playing rhythm as anything I’ve ever seen. Plus, when you do it right, you get to jam over it 🙂

So dig these little blues bass line ideas, try them for yourself, put on your metronome to keep them even, and never need a jam track again. (Though, to be fair, a great sounding jam track is pretty awesome too!)

    20 replies to "Better Use Your Looper"

    • Jami

      Really liked this lesson as I’m finally at a point I can use my looper pedal. 🤩

    • Michael+Chappell

      Hey Griff,
      I think the Looper is now standard Gear for a Guitarist. I have a Digitech Jam Man Stereo, also a Digitech Trio + Band Creator and another Looper amongst my effects board. But as you said it is all about TIMING. I still find practicing to Jam Tracks in different Keys is good as well as practicing with songs you want to learn. I am now in a Band and we have to learn sometimes 10 songs to be included in our next Gig so my method here helps with that. All Good Griff I just love your lessons and Courses.

      Michael- Sydney-Australia Jan 12, 2025

    • R. George

      I agree Griff best tool for practice and all around enjoyment of playing. The front and back of the piece have to line up in tempo and structure and to accomplish this your timing has to be spot on. Also coming out of the end of a piece when starting a loop helps one to have good tempo when starting a piece. Thanks Griff

    • Dale

      Getting started. Can you recomend a looper that will load your backing dvds? and how do you set this up?


    • Thomas Guitarman

      I absolutely agree loopers are the best practice TOOL ever better than metronome because you can here and build your solos and harmonies much better and perfect everything , I use it live as solo performance tool because I tap out rhythm, play out multiple parts add solos and harmonies

    • Art

      Just got me a new looper pedal for Christmas. Appreciate the video as I’m getting ready to start using it so this was perfect timing. Thank you.

    • Clifford D Baynton

      hey Griff I have a Donner Circle looper can you give me some tips on how to use it effectively I could use the help.
      Thanks Cliff

      • Griff

        Do what you see in the video, that’s the best advice I have for it. It doesn’t matter what kind of looper, they all work pretty much the same.

    • Willard Brown

      Love the lesson! Good Stuff!

    • JFlex

      I 100% agree with ScottyBlues. My simple Legato Looper connected to my BeatBuddy Mini2 is a great inexpensive combo. Great lesson Griff

    • Steve

      Is there a looper that will record an acoustic guitar without pickups installed?

      • Griff

        I don’t know of one off the top of my head, but I’m sure there must be. You’ll need something with an ambient mic built in, then it can record your guitar

    • Daniel

      Your site asked me to sign in to prove I’m not a bot… when I went to watch a video of yoursHowever, there is nowhere to sign in?
      Appreciate some guidance thank you

      • Griff

        If that happens just click the little “watch on YouTube” logo on the video. It’s YouTube that’s wanting to make sure you’re not a bot and it has to do with your local security settings. I don’t know the details, that’s just what smart people have told me.

    • Mark

      Griff, thanks for the great video. But no mention of the looper that you use. Which looper do you prefer? And why?

      • Griff

        I use a BOSS pedal one for videos, but I’ve used several and they all work equally well. I keep them simple!

    • Jim

      Very cool lesson Griff. I forget about using my looper a lot of times. It’s a powerful tool. Anything that can improve my rhythm and timing is something I need to be doing. 🙂

    • Richard+Croce

      Great job Griff. Your underlying timing lesson is so important.

    • ScottyBlues

      I love using my Beat Buddy in front of my looper, then my loop has not only my guitar rhythm it loops the drum beats and makes it sound like I’m playing with a band 😁

    • Jay

      I find using a drum machine( beat buddy) is much more fun and interesting than a plain ol metronome and accomplishes the same thing if not better because of the groove you can feel

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