I often call the blues scale and the pentatonic scale "functionally equivalent," but what does that mean, exactly?
Today I'll tell you about it and why you might want to keep
We talk a lot about boxes and patterns of the pentatonic and blues scales on guitar...
But what is the actual difference between the major and the minor pentatonic and blues
A lot of people see the "boxes" of the pentatonic scale as modes...
But they really aren't used that way and would not be considered modes.
So here's a quick discussion of
When you "build your own blues" tune out of different elements, it can be a challenge to "find" anything outside of your normal open position "box 1" pattern that you're
While this is FAR from a comprehensive list of the kinds of guitars you could use for blues playing...
I did my best to give you a little taste of some
Playing blues guitar starts with chords because chords make songs...
Before you can solo and do all that fun stuff, you gotta know your chords, and your chord book isn't gonna
Here's how to blues guitar solo in one video...
Call it the 30,000 foot view :)
Obviously, there can be much more to it, but the point is that, fundamentally, it's really
When you solo over a blues there are a lot of root notes to think about...
There's the "root" of the key...
There's the root of the I chord, the root of