We talked about a whole bunch of fun things yesterday on a live version of "Ask Griff..."
So grab a cup of coffee and listen to some thoughts on practicing tips,
A lot of beginning and intermediate guitar players have the tendency to stop every time they make a mistake...
Which may, or may not, be the right thing to do. Let's
A lot folks get stuck playing the same-old-same-old chords and patterns when it comes to blues rhythm playing... but it doesn't have to be that way.
When you realize that there
This is a problem I see a lot of advanced beginners and intermediate players have... where things get all "ringy" because they aren't controlling the extra vibrations with their picking
My dad was a computer scientist, and he would ask me sometimes to be "his janitor..."
Of course, I was puzzled, so I asked what that meant...
Imagine, if you will, that
First... this was filmed live before an audience of blues players around the world, so please pardon the few seconds at the beginning and the end while the stream fires