If you're stuck with the regular old, "Blues In E," groove, then I've got something fun for you today...
What typically makes this tricky is the picking hand... I use my
I often say that most people learn guitar as a series of solutions looking for a problem...
And it'll go a lot faster if you can solve problems instead of looking
In my experience, only a small handful of folks will actually try and do today's lesson more than twice...
Which is unfortunate, because I would argue it's the skill that most
While this is obviously not a lesson on how to play Stairway To Heaven, or the solo from that tune...
It was the first song where I learned this set of
I often get asked about using modes with the blues, and there aren't a lot of simple, easy answers...
Except this one.
The Dorian Mode (the 2nd mode of the major scale)
I know I don't typically do "song lessons," but this one is a great demonstration of a simple idea in the solo that gets repeated with great effect.
And, of course,
This is probably time to grab some coffee and sit back and watch, first...
I've been working on a difficult solo, and I wanted to show you step-by-step how I take
I'm a huge Angus Young fan... he was, arguably, my first guitar hero way back in the late 1970s...
And what I've come to learn as I've gotten more into the
Well, maybe we're doing Funk Guitar Unleashed today ;)
Seriously, though, this strumming idea comes up in both funky styles of blues, and straight up, James Brown style funk guitar...
It even
One of the cool things about using simple chord progressions that aren't in the blues format, is that you can chase each major chord with a major pentatonic scale...
And for