This a faster, classic rock ascending lick focused on sixteenth notes, slurs (hammer-ons and pull-offs) and using the minor pentatonic scale (in C minor.)

You could also use this over a straight feel blues tune, but it’s the type of thing I hear more in rock music.

Wanna play the faster stuff? Start with things like this 🙂

    5 replies to "Ascending Slurs And Sixteenth Notes Lick (CRSB)"

    • art

      you better be able to do it and i think your lessons are two eppensive i think you would seel more if they were a little less expensicve i know i would by some of yours as i have a couple of yours just my openion

      • Rev.Harmon Biehl

        Too expensive?????? Get real. If you want to learn something get it from Griff and stick with that lesson till you get it. You only pay once. Blues Guitar unleashed is incredible knowledge in only one course. If you are an average learner and actually practice Griff will take you from trivial playing to mediocre. If you stick with the lesson as taught you will rise above mediocre to good player. Unless you are gifted like some of the great players you are gonna get stuck unless you take more lessons. In fact Griff gives away for nothing some incredible lessons.
        Too expensive?????? I don’t think so. Rev. Harm.

    • alan

      .I have been waiting for something like this for a long long time – Thanks Griff

    • Gary Hewitt

      This was very helpful. There is a speed run like this in a Led Zeppelin song that I was practicing by picking each note. I didn’t think using the hammer ons and pull offs would make much of a difference when playing that fast. After this lesson I tried the zeppelin run and it was so much easier. Thank you Griff. Great lesson. Gary

    • Greg Krempasky

      Griff thanks so much for the inspiration. I do struggle with speed and this will certainly help.


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