This is a simple idea that is easy to play, but is harmonically pretty advanced – Win/Win!

If you look at the chord shapes within your 12 bar blues, and you know which note is the 3rd (and perhaps you can also see the box for the major blues scale around that chord) then you can play this line comfortably.

It’s a nice thing to have in your hip pocket for when you might get a little lost, and you need something that will bring everything home and tidy it up… simply.

I hope you dig it!

    21 replies to "A Turnaround And More – Blues-i-fy The 3rd"

    • Benton

      This is a non musical theory comment….| really like that melodically

    • John Ludwig

      Tell me about the strings your using, they look quite flexible.

    • Mr. Ron

      Another Great Lesson Griff! As always!
      I finally have the grip on exactly where the third is! In the bar chord!
      This is something I have really had a hard time learning.
      You have sold me on the BGU All Access Pass! I’ve been considering it for some time now.
      I believe I’m ready for the challenge…I have purchased 7 courses over the last two years.
      It seems like I’m finding another course very often that I just have to purchase.
      This way every 60 days I will just make a choice.
      I did just sign up! Now I’m in the Griff Gang!!!
      I think I will celebrate! and hit a fifth! 0r maybe just a third!

    • Ken Ambrey

      If that minor 3rd major 3rd modulation is the pastry, the 5th is the filling and that 2 could be the cream ontop cheers luv it. 🙂

    • DPapabear

      Nice! Fun building block. Thanks!

    • StevenKington

      could you tell me how to access,clapton flurry,bb king core position,respectfully,steven kington

    • Pete Fegredo

      Brilliant Griff. This is really cool.
      Thank you.

    • Samuel Heyward Sr.

      As a beginner these comment are very helpful in learning the different meaning, process in the guitar World. Thanks

    • Thurman Moore

      Great lesson. thanks!

    • cowboy

      very sweet little riff…and more than usable…thanks.


    • cowboy

      sweet little riff…thanks…later.


    • Alexander

      Hey Griff , great ‘lil lesson there. I always look forward to these kinds of ideas I could use. Time to take this to the jam tracks. Thanks again!

    • Eel1948

      6th and 13th.

    • David

      Super helpful building block. Thanks Griff!

    • JoeB

      I usually think of the 2nd as existing within the chord, while the 9th is almost always an octave above the 2nd (that’s why it’s the 9th and not the 2nd). Same note, different octave.

      • Griff

        Technically speaking, you are correct. The 2nd is in the lower octave, the 9th in the upper. Same with the 4th and 11th, 6th and 13th.

    • Cornfield

      The third is the “nebulous note”

    • Wayne Trotta

      Hi, Griff. What’s the difference between a 2nd and a 9th. Wouldn’t they be the same note, a B in the A major scale, for instance? Same question with a 5th and a 13th? Thanks. Wayne

      • benj1707

        Yes, the 2 and the 9 are the same note. Griff states this in the vid!

      • Mike Hageman

        As Griff has explained in the past 9th 11th 13th are chord “extensions”
        Typically when a dominant 7th chord is being played (or implied)
        Otherwise the nomenclature would be add2, add4 or perhaps sus2 sus4

        All depends on who you are talking to
        A Jazz guitarist or piano player or blues guitarist
        Also depending on what the key signature is

        Just my understanding of course it seems to work for me

        • Adam

          You have tab for this please

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