Let’s learn another fun new lick from one of my favorite patterns, the “House Pattern.”

This is in celebration of my new course with the same name – The House Pattern is available now and on sale this week for it’s initial release at: https://bluesguitarunleashed.com/get-thp-launch/



Here’s the Jam Track – MP3

Here’s the TAB – PDF

    5 replies to "THP 3 House Pattern Lick 2"

    • Gary Hewitt

      Hi Griff, great lesson. Could you explain why this house pattern doesn’t follow the A pentatonic scale even though it’s in A. It appears it’s box 2 from the B pentatonic scale. Thank you. Gary

    • Marvin Murray

      Like that house pattern Griff. Anyway I can get the whole 5 licks

    • Jimbo

      “3 Ten Minute Sessions are more effective than 1 Thirty Minute Session”

      Motor Learning Science supports the concept of Distributed practice completely!

    • john

      Thank You Griff for teaching me to play music..

    • Richard+Croce

      Great course Griff. Love your tip about learning data memory in short periods. Your the best.

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