We are very fortunate to live in an age when we can share stories from blues guitar greats like B.B. King, Hubert Sumlin and Buddy Guy. Without a platform like the Internet to hear these stories, many people around the world would have never heard authentic blues history coming from interviews that I will share with you in this post. I’d like to say thank you to all of the people that were involved in making music history by having a microphone and recorder at the right time to capture these interviews for all of us to experience. I found three videos from three famous blues guitar legends that tell a little bit of their stories in interview settings; some recorded recently while others recorded years ago. All have great, timeless content that should open your hearts and minds to real, authentic blues. I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I did!
B.B. King starts us out with an interview recorded over 25 years ago. The interviewer was gracious to share this wonderful interview with the world via YouTube and I think there is a lot of great information in here for all of us to experience. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjAxrZf1npo&feature=related.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/HjAxrZf1npo” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
Hubert Sumlin was another blues guitarist with a rich history to tell. He sat down with Pete Anderson of the King of the Blues competition from Guitar Center to share some of his experiences when he came to Chicago. Enjoy it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwsCadq0mYc&feature=related.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/lwsCadq0mYc” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
Lastly, blues guitarist Buddy Guy steps up to the plate to tell some of his story in an interview. Buddy played with a lot of the blues greats early on in his career and fortunately he shares his story and valuable insight about the music business. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCOJVFlWpSk&feature=relmfu.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/OCOJVFlWpSk” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
These are just a few of the blues guitar greats that have shared their experiences and stories about the blues. I hope you enjoyed hearing from some of the greats and maybe found some inspiration of your own to continue down the path of the blues guitar.
1 Response to "Storytellers With B.B. King, Hubert Sumlin, And Buddy Guy"
Great Post Griff! Thanks!