If you’re new to power chords, or aren’t 100% sure you understand what they are and how they work, then this lesson is for you…

Plus, I’ll show you how easy it is to stumble upon some of rock’s greatest riffs just by moving the power chords along the blues scale.

Dig this lesson? You might want to check out Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed.

    6 replies to "Rocking With Power Chords"

    • Marty Hutchings

      This brings me back to the early 80S when my cousin’s half brother showd me power cords after I bought a used Kent guitar at a flee market for $50. It came with a Alamo tube amp with only a clean channel, but when cranked, it would break up nicely. The neibors hated me for a while. LOL

    • Aussie Chris

      Thanks Griff.
      Awesome explanation of power chords.
      Great way to play a Gm too.

    • Crawford Sprague

      This video was very helpful to me thank you for this.I have a lot of your dvd’s dateing back to 2016.

    • RockinOn

      Wow amazing. Yeah, you and millions of others were using power chords then.

    • Jim

      Power chords are extra fun with lots of over drive. I use them sometimes even with my acoustic guitar to avoid playing the same old first position chords all the time. I am going to add a power chord loop in today’s jam session. This video inspired me to use power chords today. 🙂

    • Born2boogie

      Great reminder on the use of power chords, being a rocker since first learning the guitar in the early 70s I quickly transitioned to power chords being an early Sabbath fan Led Zepplin & status Quo, power chords were essential & still riff with 2 string power chord using 3rd & 4Th strings today. Blues came later courtesy of BGU, but still default to heavy rock, always appreciate your videos & a reminder to revisit rock guitar unleashed

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