Ain’t nothing today but a fun Peter Green lick I swiped for you from my Blues Solo Construction Kit course…
Learn it, use it, love it!
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Ain’t nothing today but a fun Peter Green lick I swiped for you from my Blues Solo Construction Kit course…
Learn it, use it, love it!
Download this video – MP4 | WMV
39 replies to "Peter Green Shuffle Lick"
Hi Griff that’s spooky ,I was wondering the other day why I have never seen a reference from you about Peter Green ( apologies if you have previously) in my opinion he was the best , so much feel in the guitar I have seen him loads of times Fleetwood Mac and Splinter Band for those who haven’t heard of him try supernatural,curly , out of reach with John Mayall ( pre Mac days) oh well ,love that burns ,black magic woman and say no more Albatross ( Mac days ) I could go on and on , but thank you very much Griff for introducing that lick and I hope you can do some more sometime , I didn’t know you were a fan of Peter Green ,R.I.P Peter ,well thanks again Griff for this and all of your other stuff it is greatly appreciated.
Peter Green’s tone and technique was wonderful. I first heard him on John Mayall’s album, Hard Road. There is an instrumental on that album called “The Stumble”, by Freddie King. Griff, please can you do a lesson on the turn around from The Stumble.
For those who have not heard of (or have never investigated) Peter Green, Hard Road represents the definitive early album and is thought by some to be better than the first Fleetwod Mac album, recorded a year later.
Recorded in February 1967, Hard Road is a pure blues album, with Green playing up a storm throughout. He had taken over Eric Clapton’s seat in John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers and quickly established himself as in Clapton’s league, if not better. On Youtube, you can find a live version of the Bluesbreaker’s version of the stumble, which includes Mick Fleetwood on drums, having replaced Aynsley Dunbar, the drummer on Hard Road. This was the first time that all three of those who went on to form Fleetwood Mac plaed together. The sound on the live recording is pretty scruffy, but the virtuoso playing of Green is worth the effort of listening. It represents the very finest of electric blues playing. Enjoy!
Edge of the Blues is another by Peter Green beautiful tune by the “Master of accent”
Thanks for the lick Griff
Huge fan of Peter Green
Fun fact:
Most people think Carlos Santana wrote Black Magic Woman
It was Peter,
I still play it his way
Likewise. But I also have a blended version
what Peter Green tune did this lic come from.I have never heard of him. I guess that , at this point ,be part of a bag of tricks . Do you really want remember Him that way if indeed he is a favorite?
If you’ve never heard of Peter Green, search YouTube for Fleetwood Mac Oh Well. If you’ve never heard that particular riff (and I can’t imagine that), or for that matter Fleetwood Mac before they were fronted with a vocalist that sounds remarkably like a bleating sheep, you’ll get a decent look and listen at Peter Green. I was fortunate enough to have seen that early incarnation of Fleetwood Mac several times and was blown away by the quality of playing by everyone in the band at that time. No slouches at all.
I like Peter Green, but I really haven’t heard much about him after his stint with Fleetwood Mac. I guess it doesn’t matter, you didn’t talk about him at all and your lick was pretty short as well. Oh well.
Griff probably thinks you’re able to Google “Peter Green”.
Peter Green?
Carlos Santana was once quoted as saying “Everything I know about playing guitar, I learned from Peter Green…..”
‘nuf said……..
I have been making Greenies for 5 years, A Epiphone 1959 Centennial, a 1978 The Paul, a Joe Bonamassa Lazarus, and now the Gibson Greeny repro which showed up last Friday, the first thing, volume settings, tiny movement causes big changes, tone knobs are essential to reach your desired sound. Start tone knobs at midrange and adjust volume. Start with switch mid. Now set volume to 7 and very slowly increase one and the other until you get what you want.
Thanks for this Griff! You NEVER FAIL to hit the right groove….A wonderful Thanksgiving Meal…Then, Play On!!!
Thanks Griff.
Always feel Peter was blessed with a unique technique and sound.
But really under estimated and unappreciated by the general guitar fan compared to Eric etc. Similarly Gary Moore.
Saw Greenie so many times during 66 and 67 with Mayall and Mac.
Usually at the Marquee.
YouTube contains lots of archival and fairly recent concerts.
Chris Hutchison,
Perth,Western Australia.
listened to Peter green since he was in Fleetwood Mac
Some of the licks in slabo day a genius.
Loved his music since I met him in 1968.
Hi Griff,
Nice cool lick. Saved for later but like it.
I would like to wish you and family and all the BGUers a Merry Christmas & Happy New year for 2018, have a safe and happy holiday.
Weather this week approaching 40C summer
Thanks Griff
Actualy Peter green is my favourite guitar player. I think that he is the best. few notes and telling so much.
If you can one day check out ” Sugar mama ” by peter green and let me just know the chords and riff I will appreciate and for sure I won’t be the only only one. The intro I got it already
many thanks again
Thanks Griff! Very useful stuff. Put on a jamtrack now and you can use that anywhere even in slow blues if you slow it down
Oh man, that is a fun little lick.
I don’t know much about Peter Green. What do you like best about him or his style?
And what would you say are some of his signature songs?
Fleetwood Mac started off as ‘ Pete Green’s Fleetwood Mac ‘ .. listen to any early Fleetwood Mac stuff, it’s him ! Gary Moore RIP pays tribute to him with the LP ‘ Blues for Greeny ‘
Try playing ‘ Albatross ‘ a very slow Peter Green thing or ‘ Oh well ‘ etc. was in his hey day one of the best [ opinion ]
Peter Green’s Original Fleetwood Mac.
Nice bends, very clean.
Thanks for all the vids Griff.
I like the quick concise teaching style in this vid.
A simple lick “maybe to memorise” but to play well? with a bit of practice possibly. The bends to pitch are certainly great practice and it does sort out any sloppiness in the execution. It can either sound great if accurate or bad if played without conviction.
Always been a fan of P Green. Saw him play at Coventry when I was still at school – brilliant. This lick crops up in ‘Stop messin around’ from his early Fleetwood Mac days. Thanks for the tab.
My all time favorite guitarist, I had his producer Mike Vernon & the mighty combo do a gig for us at a little club I used to run earlier in the year it was a great evening, he has a guitarist named Kid Carlos Spanish I believe, he not only plays like peter but also looks like a young Peter check him out.
Oh Well—-gotta love Peter Green. I’m pretty sure Mr.Santana would second that. Thanks for the tasty riff
Do want to tackle The Supernatural? Or Albatross? I saw him play with Fleetwood Mac but never with Mayall. He was good.
Great choice Griff. I’ve always had an ear for Peter Green’s work with Fleetwood, Procolharem. I used to dream in those riffs, now thanks to you maybe a start at actually playing them.
Nice lick from Peter Green who I first encountered as a 17 year old when he was playing in John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, and making light work of replacing the irreplaceable Eric Clapton. He made just one album with Mayall, “A Hard Road” which was released in 1967. It is a great blues album and I recommend it to anyone who loves to hear the gorgeous tone that came out of a ’59 Les Paul in the hands of a 20 year old master guitarist. Check out in particular a Freddie King number, “The Stumble” where he is on fire, playing with verve and vertuosity. Any chance of doing the tabs for that piece one day, Griff?
Great pickup lick,also when are the shirts available?
What shirts
I want 1
How on earth do you always make your playing sound so clean and clear.? I guess it must be attention to the little things and the result of taking the time to listen carefully.
Thanks Griff! Love Peter Green! Was the 1st blues I ever heard way back in 60’s when he was with Fleetwood Mac! Danny Kirwan was also a great blues/ rock player with the Mac back in the day when they were strictly blues! Great vibrato technique!!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving ! If your ears were burning it was me be thankful for YOU, & what you teach us all. This was a great lick lesson as i am just learning lead work (if you want to call it that) i call it FUN! Please keep more of these little quickie lead licks coming.Respectfully,Kim
Thanks Griff for the lick from the superb Peter Green!
Thanks griff. Your right mr. Green my fave too i especially like dr. Brown it would be a great lesson.
Cheers Griff
For the lesson big fan of Peter Green another tragic life story
Great lick Griff, I love Peter Green, I need your love so bad ,and Fool no more classic solos too, Cheers.