It's one thing to learn your 5 boxes of the pentatonic/blues scale...
It's another to be able to navigate between them effortlessly. And one of the best ways I've found to
Aside from the basic 5 boxes of the pentatonic scale, this pattern is one of the more powerful patterns I know of...
I use this a lot just in day-to-day blues
This a faster, classic rock ascending lick focused on sixteenth notes, slurs (hammer-ons and pull-offs) and using the minor pentatonic scale (in C minor.)
You could also use this over a
Wrapping up our 5 new shuffle feel blues licks this is a lick from box 5 today, which means tomorrow we'll be putting these together into a cool solo.
This is
This is a new shuffle feel blues lick coming from box 3 of the pentatonic/blues scale, which you may or may not be all that familiar with...
But don't worry, I'll
This is a new shuffle feel blues lick coming from box 2 of the pentatonic/blues scale, which you very well may know, but we'll cover real quick.
There will be 5