Matt Schofield is one of the new blues guitarists that I have been listening to for some time now. He mixes blues, rock, and jazz elements as I do into his music to create a new style of blues guitar that we are seeing more and more of these days. I thought it would be cool to catch up with Matt on the road with an article from the Union-Bulletin in Walla Walla featuring an interview in which Matt talks about how his songs have matured on the road. Also included in this post are two live performances featuring songs from Matt’s recent CD release, “Anything But Time.” I hope you enjoy the performances and article as much as I did and that you dig even more into this great blues guitarist.
I want to start off with the article I came across from the Union Bulletin in Walla Walla that features excerpts from an interview with Matt Schofield. Matt talks about his music and how it has progressed while on the road. Check out the full article at http://union-bulletin.com/news/2012/sep/20/schofield-bands-blues-develops-personality-road/#.
WALLA WALLA — Don’t expect the same show this Saturday out of British blues guitarist Matt Schofield as you saw last year. Unless, of course, what you’re anticipating is a packed venue and a high-energy mix of blues, rock and funk.
Otherwise, the beauty of a great blues show is that it almost never sounds the same way twice. From the studio to the road, songs seem to take on a life of their own, Schofield said in a telephone interview from Canada last week.
“You make a record, and it’s just a moment in time,” he explained. “You tour those songs for a year, and they develop. It would almost be nice if you could record them a year after. They take on personalities.”
The battle of an improvisational musician is always reaching for the definitive version. For fans, that means a one-of-a-kind experience.
“I don’t think some people are aware of how great the feeling of live music can be,” he said.
Even better in a place where it’s appreciated, which explains Schofield’s quick return to the community.
The latest album mentioned in the article above is “Anything But Time,” by Matt Schofield and his band. I thought it would be cool to share a performance of the title track with you so you can get a taste for Matt’s playing and his album. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS70i3-ameU.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/WS70i3-ameU” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
Lastly, I found another performance from the Matt Schofield Band featuring another song off the new album called, “See Me Through.” Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CIop15kx8w.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/3CIop15kx8w” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
I hope you enjoyed the article and the performances as much as I did. I’ve been a fan of Matt Schofield’s music for some time now and I hope you are a fan now as well. Stay tuned for more coming your way from Blues Guitar Unleashed.
4 replies to "New Generation Blues Guitarist, Matt Schofield"
I really like the guitar solo, fantastic! thanks Griff!
I like the song and the guitar solo and that’s what I’ m trying to learn.Enjoyed it, thanks Griff.
Yep, sounds good, its real blues old style I think.
Love it! Great post Griff!