Straight up, I’m going to show you a lick from more of the major blues sound…
BUT, here’s the thing, major blues licks usually bring along a bit of the minor blues scale with them…
Minor blues scale licks usually stand alone (kind of weird, but it seems to work that way a lot.)
You have to learn this and memorize it and play it if you want to be able to use it… no one wants to hear that, but it’s not something you just play a few times and you own it.
Click here for the Jam Track (slow blues in A)
50 Major Slow Blues Licks By The Box –
And here’s the TAB:
5 replies to "Major Blues Lick For The I Chord"
Undoubtedly this is a naïve question: when you talk about playing major over the four chord, are you talking about playing some notes from the A major scale over the D chord, or are you talking about playing notes from the D major scale over the D chord? Sorry to be thick….theory is a new concept for me and I’m struggling.
Griff….thank you for all the lessons. I’ve bought several of your courses and they’re a big help, but the Major scale over the blues is a new concept for me.
I always thought I could copy rhythm and the licks by ear with the help of the Tab. I’m now working purely on counting and if you’re not used to it, it’s painstakingly trying. But … it gets your Time tight. Blues is mostly triplets- so that means 1 & a, — vs counting 16ths 1 “e” & a. Worth the investment to subdivide the beats and count.
I am confused! I have followed you, Griff, for many years and have many of your courses. I have (I think) heard you say through the years that in a major blues you play major pentatonic over the one chord and minor pentatonic over the 4 and 5 chords. This is very contradictive, it feels like my whole blues guitar world has now been turned upside down! Suddenly I can blend major and minor over the 1 chord, play major over the 4 chord and choose between major and minor over the 5 chord. Have I missed something somewhere, or whats going on?
Fantastic, thank you Griff. A great lesson as always. I really need to finish my BGU course.
That is a great sound. I am getting more used to counting. I just have to force myself to do it. It really helps to get the timing correct. I have to add this to my riff list and then play through them all again and again. This is the hardest part for me. I quickly forget riffs if I don’t practice them regularly.