There’s no confusing the real Guitar Slim with anybody trying to take on the name nowadays. Eddie Jones, the original Guitar Slim, had a very short, but also very eccentric music career in the 1940s and 50s. His sound was distinct since he was one of the few Delta blues players who went on down to New Orleans instead of up to some of the more popular hubs like Chicago or Memphis. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much video being taken back in that time, because from what I hear, Guitar Slim put on quite a live show. I came across a short bit of footage from a Buddy Guy interview talking about the real Guitar Slim and a couple of his tracks that feature some real blues. Guitar Slim was the real deal, so I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I did!
Let’s start off with an introduction like no other. Here’s “I’m Guitar Slim” by Guitar Slim at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etZmdNgtRTk.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/etZmdNgtRTk” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
Buddy Guy shared one of his own personal stories about seeing and hearing Guitar Slim for the first time. Check out this great story at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyfcGqKtOeo.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/wyfcGqKtOeo” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
One of Slim’s biggest hit songs was actually produced by a young piano player hanging around at the time named Ray Charles. You might have heard of him. Enjoy this hit song “The Things That I Used To Do” by Guitar Slim at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6qh4QLiMkg.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/I6qh4QLiMkg” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
I hope you dug hearing from the one and only Eddie “Guitar Slim” Jones. I wish we had a whole lot more to hear from this great blues guitarist, singer, and entertainer. There’s more coming your way at Blues Guitar Unleashed, so stay tuned.
6 replies to "Low Down, Classic Blues From Eddie “Guitar Slim” Jones"
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Big Easy Magicians, what else would one expect?! I been trying to get you to teach me to play guitar so I can learn to do stuff like this; sounds easy, but you gotta know your knowin’s to lay it down right!
what a wonderfull old time guitar sound..back when everything was a little more pure ..thanks for posting this Griff
i could almost swear i remember hearing that last tune on the car radio when i was a little kid and my brother used to use me for “date bait”back in the days of “yore”.his vocal quality seems a lot like little richard.thanks griff.
Excellent wish there was a whole lot more! Can hear the influence of Ray but the guitar is all Slim
Yes sir….. great stuff.