It’s that time of year again! Guitar Center is doing their annual “search for the next great undiscovered blues… something or other.”
If you haven’t known me that long, you may not know that I’ve done this about the last 4 or 5 years in a row with marginal success… but it’s fun every year and I get a T-Shirt 🙂
This year I’ve decided to make this is a little more of a community effort, and here’s how you can join in…
Instead of me choosing a jam track and just going for it, I’d like you guys to help me choose the jam track that I’ll play to.
Then, on the night that I play, I’ll do my best to video the performance and I’ll transcribe it as best as I can and do a lesson explaining how I approached the track and what I played.
Sound good? Excellent!
The tracks are all at http://gc.guitarcenter.com/battleoftheblues/tracks/index.cfm and if nothing else go download them so you can play over them. A bunch of free jam tracks is never a bad thing.
Take a listen to a few of them, and leave me a comment below with the one you think I should play over. In a few days I’ll go back through the comments and see which one appears to be the most popular choice.
I know it’s not very scientific, but it’ll get the job done.
And to get you in the mood, here’s a couple of videos from last year
227 replies to "Join Me For GC’s Battle Of The Blues 2012"
It happens to be an awesome in addition to helpful piece of data. I will be grateful which you simply provided this beneficial details about. You need to be us all up to par this way. Thank you discussing.
awesome guitar playing! wish i could play like that! luke.
omg griff still in love or whiteys blues ….i can hear it now you ll cash in big time and maybe some day ha ha ha old stone fingers will to
Hi Griff, it has been a while but I am still here bro. I heard all the jam tracks and I think that either,”Classic Stop-Times Blues” or,”Country Slow Blues.” These two tracks give a guitarist of your high caliber a chance to breath while you get down and deliver. But you are like a musical chef. What ever track you decide to serve is going to be a masterpiece!!! Good Luck my friend and teacher of higher learning!
Griff that was phenomenal! Awesome job. I think SRVspirit took control of your fingers for awhile. Since there is nothing broken, then don’t fix it, stay with this one throughout the competition. If you have to come up with a back up, I can hear you playing with the jazz-swing blues backtrack with some Robben Ford weaved into it. We are all cheering for you.
It hard to use a word to describe the beauty of musical expression, but that’s awwwesome!!!
I’m glad you are my instructor and thanks for all that you do.
Every one has their favorite groove you should just put yours on and enjoy,but since you asked maybe “Train-Beat Blues” but then “A Minor Affair” would give you a lot of room to really show what you got.
WOW. Had them both playing at the same time. Way cool.
Boy..now that was good my friend. !
nice work, griff.
Go for the GOLD. Play Funky Mambo. Best of luck. Play well as only you can do.
Absolutely Incredible……..very nice I am 53 years old and have allways had a guitar since I was 10 but never learned to read or fundamentally play other peoples music…wish i could. That was very sweet Griff….awsome technical picking i just love it…blues are my favorite….Thank You Al
chuck berry roll over beethoven thats my pick …
Well Mr Griff, just play that riff. Great stuff, but as I’ve said before it’s not so much the playing,( which by the way, is bloody brilliant), it’s the tonal quality, it’s that I strive for all the time. How??????????????
Do The Junior Time,Man!!!!!
Very nice, many techniques all nicely moved through – sweet! Never herd any of your lives sessions. No wonder oh re the teacher!
Hi Griff; your talent and teaching skills are impressive.
I’d love to see what you can do with “J.R. Time” ala “Peepin & Hidin” (Baby What You Want Me To Do). To me this is enduring easy listening simple melodic blues as I first experienced it over 40 years ago.
Griff, I have been listening to you and/or your band for a couple of years now. In some regard I know how talented you are and in another regard I know what I would like to hear from you. I have to say with your incredible talent, this type of competition it seems that you need to stand out from the rest. The question is always how to do it. I am making a guess that the judges will have pretty good ears and be looking for that “something different” that stands out. For sure playing a song very few will attempt and killing it should do the trick. My feeling is Jazz Swing Blues is your ticket. Not everyone will be able to get this one to swing. In any event Good Luck.
awesome guitar playing
It’s really just some sort of magic ain’t it? Sometimes you got it, sometimes you don’t, and probably most never are blessed with it. Personally, as a listener, when I can’t keep my legs from dancin’, that’s when the magic is happening, be it rock, country, blues, or jazz. But one thing’s for sure, as Marlon said in the Wild One, “it’s got to have the beat.” (Yea! “I was ’round when JC had his moment of doubt and pain”). Check out Billy G’s cover of Tramp on Mescalero. (Going so good is pretty tasty too.) I don’t really know what he’s doing there, but I really, trully love that tune, even better than Buddy Guy’s cover. And I guess he’s pretty good, but to me Billy just, as the chicks say, got it goin’ on, in this song at least. Play something like that and you”ll probably make the finals anyway. And don’t forget that Tex/Mex flavoring. Good luck & may Zeus cast a smile upon you.
the kid keeps rockin’
As usual, you are one of the best Griff. Love to see ya in person someday. Love your DVD’s as well. I’m here in NYC and can be reached via email. Give a shout when you can. Thanks in advance. Twobits
Definitely Austin Shuffle! Love SRV!
Thanks for including us this year Griff! Great idea!!!
i like chicago blues wth b.b.,albert,freddy king styling also georgia rocker. what ever you pick i’m sure you’ll do great
awe inspiring, great lessons griff
Yo Griff, I think you have what it takes to “Win” the Blues Battle. After listening to a bunch of blues tracks they can all start to sound kind of the same. What I think you have to do, and I think you can, is Rattle the people give them something to remember. Take all the technical you know and put it aside, then Reach down deep into your soul and pull out what you find and lay that down on your strings. I like “Novocaine”
Its preaty good.Have you ever tryed dobbie dobbie brothers the song Black Waters. you were talking about appreagios thats a good one one your last lesson . Its very interesting.the chords are very interesting.Also SO EASY! Take care paul guitar57
Hey Griff, I don’t know what’s wrong with all these folks saying your playing is too technical & not melody driven, etc. This is a guitar competition ! Yer gittin’ judged by what you do, not by hints & maybes.. Smilin’ at the crowd is ok, but that’s not what they’re there for. They don’t want to hear you comping a backing track, they wanna hear you git it ! Personally, I think you’ve got a good mix goin’ ; solid tone, good melodic control, interesting solo work, great speed, clarity of notes, according to the video, a good, solid, professional skillset on display. What else you need besides eight figures in the bank ?
You are one great player, I like your stright on licks, with out the stops. That’s what I really like to learn so that when I play I don’t have to see where I’m going because it’s all in my run, like you do. Great job Griff
Just got me two guitars (fender strat and fender tele) now I have three Les paul too. So I have to learn to play lead now.
Your playing is great but you may consider improving your visual delivery and original licks so you are different from many other blues players,. Consider a choreographer to help amplify your visual
Impact when competeing with other contestants. Hope this helps you to win You deserve it
john K
hey I went and signed up today to go compete must for fun
Very impressive my friend. Man, your bends are so precise, dead on I mean. Really loved the fancy finger work on the second video but to me your bends really stood out. You are an awesome player Griff and you will win this competition….THIS YEAR. Take care bro and keep rockin like you do. You really are very impressive…I love your style.
great job Griff,enjoyed the music keep up playing the blues
Great tunes, excellent technique i think you are in with a great shout. By the way can you provide any tabs. lol.
Hi Griff. I am a beginner guitar player so in no position to criticize anyone’s playing. That being said however, I do know what I like. I bought your course because your playing just blew me away and your teachings totally make sense to me. You know, less notes and razzle dazzle and more melody and feeling. Your favorite players are guy like Freddy King and Eric Clapton for that same reason. (also why they are legends) I didn’t really feel that in these two performances. To much technique for my taste. I didn’t seam to “flow” Don’t know if that makes any sense to to you but I don’t know how to explain it any other way. The rules might be different in this type of contest but I would still go with more feeling and melody. Something that tugs at your soul…You are an awesome player. Make them love you 🙂 This is your year to be number one.
Respectfully, John
I attended the GC drummer competition last year to support a friend of mine. They identified the judges in advance, including brief bio’s for each. If you’re serious about winning, have 2 or 3 compositions ready and tailor your choice to the judges’ backgrounds and what other guitarists may have played before you. Or…you could just have fun and get a cool T-shirt!
Very well done Griff,in time I will be as good—–oh wait—I don’t have another 50 years !!!! You keep that up and no one else has a chance !!
I liked Austin Skyline, too, but thought it would be too popular a pick among the other competitors, making it difficult to stand out for the judges. But, good luck, Griff, and remember what Pete Anderson says on the website, “It’s about composition”.
You do both !!!!!
Didn’t that feel a little weird performing in a Guitar Center? Oh well you were on fire anyways. Good luck with the competition.
Please let PAUL know that the GREAT Greg Allman does not spell his name like the NUT. And, just for the record, the GREAT Vaughan brothers spell their last name with two A’s which is not the norm for most people with the last name Vaughn.
Your choice of tunes-“Austin Skyline Shuffle” is the best one you could have picked. Good luck!
What criteria for this contest would the judges be looking for? You did a great job.
Hi Griff,
I hadn’t read the other comments before I wrote. We all wish you well but less complex.
Hi Griff,
As a student of yours for some time I would like you to play over A Minor Affair. I’ve looked at both the videos and I think you are falling into the trap of playing too much, too complicated and not being melodic – just because you can! All the things you teach us not to do. It may be the problem that all teachers have when they know how to play everything and want to prove it when they play.
I once met the choir master and organist from St Martin’s in the Field, a large church near Trafalgar Square in London. We were listening to classical music in a car with an amazing stereo and I thought that he must be in heaven. He said it was the opposite because all he could see was sheets of music passing him by with all the instrument parts written out. He was so close to it that he had lost his love for music.
I think if you played less notes and made them count you would win over and over again. Sorry if this isn’t what you want to hear but it doesn’t sound musical to me.
With very best wishes,
Great technical playing. Just for my taste, the jam could use a little more swing or “style” in the playing. Like even some diversification. You’re a great player, and so are the kings of blues, but the kings, have the swing, and the deep rooted soul in the feel of the tune. Go for it you can swing the win.
you kick ass bro love it
Great work – but to win a competition the playing perhaps needs to be less technical and scale driven and more melodic with a defineable hook and is capable of being more readily digested by the judging panel?
Great coming from the guy who can’t even get past the four note solo though!
Hi Griff,
A couple of years back I had the fortunate experience to be in Zac’s camp (I can’t remember his last name) and he went all the way to the GC Blues finals and was one the the 4 finalists that played in LA along with the Black Crows.. He however did not win the finals.
Dude you are the most awsome player I’ve ever had the privilege of taking lessons from.
Here are some of my take aways from Zac’s camp:
Keep your licks fun and less technical (not so scale driven), Really like Glen Smith’s input. He’s right on the mark there. Keep your eyes up a bit more and on the neck a bit less. You truly know your stuff, just relax and again have fun up there. There are lots of really excellent technical players out there so you’ll need to do something to set yourself above those guys.OBTW; anything you can do to get the crowd going is really a plus too.
Keep up the great work.and gook luck this year……
I won my night last year in toledo. Lost to t burner from a Columbus store. He lost in Ann Arbor. That guy lost in Chicago… Got my T shirt tho…
Some of those tracks are not recorded as well as others (110 in Shade), and some are too full or too open. To fit your style (per your lessons and website performance videos), I recommend Classic Stop-Time Blues. It allows for tasty verses, breathing space, and solos at a pace that will keep things under control. Second choice: Jazz Swing Blues. Go, Griff!
Hey Griff ,I think they were both great, and I think you are on a track equal to anybody . you can stand tall with all your peers. I look forward to all your e-mails and the lessons are great.
hey Griff, thanks for the videos–impressive, especially since you have to
play over the tracks instead of with humans. ain’t quite the same feeling.
I did download all the tracks for practice–thanks! have no idea what will
be the best for you. Enjoy the competition–we’re all rootin’ for ya!
Too busy and needs to be more melodic. Think of “Albatross” or “Parisienne Walkway” as good tunes that people remember. Keep up the practice and you’ll be a very good guitar player one day!!!
don’t treat it as a competition,you play too many notes leave some air between them.
just bait them with a hook, then they will be yours to reel in.
treat it as a song.you go in too many directions.
keep it simple,but effective
play like you are playing for yourself.
good luck brother,
your friend, tas
Griff, I’m sorry, buddy, but those videos look like a chops fest. Dumb it down for the masses. Hook ’em with a good melody that you build around. You’ll still have opportunities for flash, but treat it like a song, not a 4 minute solo. (Think SRV’s “Lenny”.) That will likely distinguish you from the competition. Haven’t checked out all the tracks yet, but I’m thinking a slow blues would be good.
Hi Griff. Man, I new you were awesome in your teaching CD’s, but, I didn’t know just how good you are. It is a pleasure just listening and watching you perform. I myself am just a novice, but I love the blues and I love how you interpret it. Keep it up. And thanks for all you do. Gil
Man, it’s hard to choose. I listened to them all and they’re all great. My favorites were in this order: Whitey’s Blues, Still in Love, Georgia Rocker, Novocaine, Slow Down Blues, Classic Stop-Time Blues, Highway Sign, J.R. Time, 110 in the Shade, and Country Slow Blues. I think all these make you feel the blues.
Hard to choose just one jam track. I’d like to hear what you can do over the Novocaine track, but I also like the Little Girl Shuffle (sounds a bit like Duke Tumatoe). I also think you’d kill it over the Funky Woman track. You pick. Thanks for all the inspiration via BGU.
Hey Griff Man, I think the tramp groove track is gonna pull it through for ya with the licks your known for. Good luck blues guy.
Tough call on the tracks, Griff. I’d probably go with Austin Skyline Rag or The Jazz Swing Blues. Really like the Jazz Swing Blues. Whatever you choose, I can’t wait to hear what you do with it. Best wishes.
Hi Griff,
For me –
J.R. Time, if you want to get real nasty with your guitar.
But Big Band Blues or Whitey’s Blues seem to be clean enough tracks to really show a range of emotions in a persons playing.
I’ve watched a few of these competitions – and if the judges aren’t feeling it, forget it.
All the best.
Hi Griff …..been a loyal supporter from the beginning and get your courses as they come out (when they suit the stage I`m at) The last one I got was “Theory made easy” I flicked through it as normal and my head exploded ….so I went back and started doing it piece by piece …What a great course …I would recommend anyone to buy it …..back to “Battle of the blues” I would not presume to tell you what or how to play BUT watching the video it sounded like Jazz or some upbeat funky stuff not Blues at all …your skill is without question but playing a constant stream of fast notes is forgettable , why not pick a track where you can wow em with your soulful bends and give them a few licks that they can`t get out of their heads with your skill you should walk it .dont forget the clue is in the title ” battle of the BLUES ” BEST of LUCK
For those who want some help on the keys, here’s a link that may help. http://www.free-guitar-chords.com/blues-backing-tracks.htm I feel okay in sending it since the site had the good sense to give a shout-out to the BGU.
Griff, thanks again. Your note made my weekend. I still like one of the slow blues for you to showcase your talents but its all about you. Have great a time.
Great job as always
I’m a big fan. I have a couple of your coarses
I got to attend your first BGU live 2011. Had a great time
Keep up the great work and gool luck this year
Cool guitar work (cool as used in the old days, especially when referring to cool jazz stuff ie 50’s – 60’s) The drumming: a little uninspiring: no bass? But I guess thatsintentional so judges can focus on the guitar.
Fantasic playing thats know the neck,great job.Rob
Damn Griff, that was hot. Don’t know what first place sounded like but it’s hard to believe they beat you. Maybe they need better judges. That stirred the soul brother. The way bluse is suppose to. Make me realize I have a long long way to go.
Hi Griff,
Feels like less should be more more, its the spaces between the music that make it memorable, less blues shred, more feel. Only thing left out was the kitchen sink.
Needs backing track with changes of pace.
Like Mick Jagger says
I know it’s The Blues but I like it!!!!!
fantastic performence thanks griff.ihave a long way to go.erdogan
Hi griff this is how it goes for me first one is ,,,Big band blues,,2nd Talking my baby down, Whiteys blues , Auting skyline shuffle,, slow down blues,, classic stop time blues….. does are my picks,good luck again.
GREAT JOB ! ! ! Made me pick-up my Guitar and play; My Wife is yelling at me to stop playin’ and get to my Household chores. I’m sure going too miss her…LOL. Good Blues Tune; You definitely inspire me to keep playin’.
So cool Griff ,I wish you would have included a video of the winner as well ,,I hope you win this year, that will make my day ,thats for sure, best of luck to you.
Brll, nice playing.
Thanks. This was a real treat. Your emails always seem to open the door to something new. I haven’t listened to all 35 tracks but so far my favorites are country blues, novacaine and a minor. Could just be the mood I am in. Whatever you choose, I will look forward to hearing it. Best of luck!
Request to someone out there: on the new tracks Pete points out the key. I can puzzle it out on the others but if someone has already done it, could you share. With appreciation.
Hi Griff, this is in response to your e-mail to me about the Battle of the Blues. in a word…Nice!
I watch and learn from many sources, yours mostly but I like to see how a person uses the neck for his own voice, like say, Sonny Landreth or Eric Clapton does. I watched your video on George’s version of Oklahoma Sweetheart, that sort of back beat with the right hand is tricky but I think I have it, thx a bunch. I tend to bounce around from format to format, I guess I get bored easy but I have gotten the greatest amount of solid learning from you, I have improved in skill and technique a vast amount since ordering your bgu system. I’m really starting to have fun with it. Now I’m slowly grinding through your fretboard note learning technique, it works! I have C and G down pat, front to back, slow and fast, back to front, blind. It just takes desire, you have to want it. The first few attempts I admit I skylarked a bit but then settled down and really went at it.Once you have it, like you said, you have it. I go back over it every time I practice then move on to the latest one then I just do scales, your song tabs etc. Thank you!
qreat a little greg allmond style
Great, Great performance absolutely fantastic, Bro.and nice guitar aswell!
Fantastic! way to go Griff thank so much.
Great to see you outside the school house.
I like the Country Blues, but you are so good any one of them could be a winner. One sugestion, you make it look too easy, next time add some pained looks while plying.
I forgot to vote: A minor affair and Slow down blues.
Way to go Griff! I like the way you lay it all down. Nice blues!
Hey Griff,
Too many to choose from but the one that really grabbed me is Funky Woman. I had some fun with it but I’m sure you’d rip it up. Thanks for all the help and motivation. You are a true inspiration!
Hey Griff, You made that 335 Dot sing! Whether it is on video or live you make it look so easy. This year the song should be Austin Skyline. Its kinda got that “Don’t Lie” sound. I just went back to listen once more, ya thats the one. Good luck!
Jr time is the track for you
Griff there is no doubt that you can play and I enjoyed many of your lessons. I suggest that you slow it down. You are putting way too many notes in your runs. You are missing the “feeling” aspect of blues. You appear nervous to me in your videos. You are all over the fretboard. I can’t seem to follow the melody. It appears as if your are trying to impress your audiance by working the fingerboard instead of working your audiance. I am not being critical about your playing but after having played for 48 years I have played it all and have seen and appeared with many top dogs. Good luck!
Awesome Griff, great technical knowledge, great feel. Way to go. And thanks a lot for the lessons!
jam on dude grate job keep it up!
Great play and love your lessons a lot, keep going, your application in guitar lesson is very appreciated.
Go with Jazz Swing Blues.
awesome play i love your lessons i stopped watching other lessons sites just not up to yours.thanks you for taking your time to do these lessons.i live in san diego county area and would travel to rancho cucamonga and watch you compeat.Ive watched at local stores and there not on the up and up.that said please post when you will be playing for those of us that can make it to watch you perform.good luck.rock on blues.novocaine is my choice.gordon
Good show! Kick some butt.
Hi! Griff, Thank you for sharing and thanks for the invite. The song I chose for you to play is Monkey Paw. I listened to all the jam tracks and here are some other songs I like. Devils Corner, Novocaine, J.R. Time, Talkin’ My Baby Down, Austin Skyline Shuffle, Classic stop-time Blues,Chicago Blues, Big Band Blues. Hope you like my song selection. Good Luck! With Battle of the Blues. Have a great weekend! Rhonda
Hey Griff, loved your playing, maybe some day I can play 1/10th as goog as you I will be happy. I started playing last year and singed up for your “blues guitar unleashed’. I’m 69 years old but am learning and having fun with it. Larry
The second.
You’ve got my vote!!! Stunning licks!!
train-beat blues blows every thing away thats the track i think you should go with
Griff, by my website you’ll realize I’m the old guy that has picked up his guitar again after 40 years of playing bass…just something I wanted to do and all your lessons have really given me a jumpstart…nuff stated about that.
To the subject: lose the “big body” and grab the solid that rips, screams and tears…the one you most often use on the blues guitar dvd lessons. The stuff you were putting out was great and made a statement…I watched, listened and mentally coverted it to…what it would have sounded like on the solid “strat” configured guitar I have most often seen you with on the lessons. I’m not a supremist guitarist that has any “guitar-rites” to make statements about playing the guitar. I’m the guy that spent my time in the corner of the stage with the 4-stringed (later 5-stringed) bass listening to quite a few different guitarist and seeing crowd influence. Yep, I’m bias to hearing the scream of the strats and teles. So, just consider your solid body and “rip and tear”. I do so hope I haven’t overstepped my “comment limitation”.
Country Slow Blues, Slow Down Blues, and Little Girl Shuffle are the tracks l Iiked the most. The first two may be simplistic but they convey the real feel of what the blues was in the day. Blues is not about technique it is about feeling the music. Well that is my two cents worth anyway. I think you could give a great performance on a slow blues.
Very tasty Griff. You could tell everyone was digging your playing. I couldn’t even watch the guy that won last year. Just wayyyyyy over the top. No accounting for taste, I guess. I like your style, and I am grateful for the lessons. Proud to call you Teach! Good luck!!!!
P.S. I kind of dig “Georgia Rocker” and “Highway Sign” for some retro blues/rock for the road kind of thing.
hi Griff, working on my beginner blues , (Full Out Blues). live in N. Y. . self teaching with your tapes and books, still a beginner (long way to go). i envision you with the TRACK- Talking Down My Baby. it seems like one of the fastest blues songs ( a plus). one that you can really handle and show off. i am a beginner what do i know!!!!(ha-ha). in any event , have fun and win one for the gipper!!!!. happy strumming!! raytuned…..until then…..!!!
that country slow blues is great to just let the licks roll off ur back and really lay down some nice sluff
WoW! An amazing gift! 30+ really well done blues jamtrax for free! I am drowning in cool freebie blues. O, BTW, I think the nasty, dangerous, down’n’dirty Whitey’s Blues blows the others away. I love that groove, Griff. I live on the rock side of the blues, but all the trax are good. But whatever you choose, ur gonna smoke it, I know. Keep the goodies comin’ my friend. We all appreciate it, I’m sure.
Hello Griff, Bob has right; thanks for the lessons, your a great teacher,
Great sound, great player. Thanks again! :-))
Well Griff, I knew by your tutorial videos that you were a good guitarist, but bugger me, you are more than that you are fantastic. Here in England (London) we have a couple of shows similar to that which you are attending, and there are guest players performing, as yet I haven’t seen one with the same smooth technique you have. Get yourself over here a bit smartish, and flash your fretboard wizardry at one of the shows generally held in Wembley Arena, it would be good to watch you play live, the guitaring Brits would love you.
I like Austin Skyline Shuffle but it is to obvious a lot of guys will go for it, for something different go with Swampy Slim.
Cheers & Good Luck with whichever you go with.
Great sound Griff.
Griff, great job, love the style. Always an inspiration – keep rock’in!
PS……..is this video downloadable?
Hey Griff, thanks for the lessons, your a great teacher, i like your style and aproach. I think you should use the JR Time track, that one i think best fits your style. anyway good luck Griff.
Austin Skyline Shuffle
SRV left us, but the spirit lives on. Griff, that track has so much room, I think you could dig a severe channel to something magical and soar above it.
Good luck
ps. wear a dirt shirt
pss growl a little.. some call and response
No question Griff can play, but as a new student I can’t identify with him. Maybe somedaay, but at 78 I don’t have long.
Griff, i give you a 10. Was awsome my friend awsome. I should never have put down the guitar years ago, now i’m paying for long lost time. Thanks for the lessions that inspire me to play every day. Now, once i master the fret board and learn the Pentonic scales, maybe i’ll be more than a playing half a song 57 year old man. Thanks again Griff. Ron Short, disabled veteran and proud.
Fantastic playing! Just received the course, and I look forward to a great learning experience
Austin Skyline Shuffle, good chunky stuff ! Thats my pick Griff, thanks for the downloads.Good luck…
You are a great guitar player and a great teacher as well. All courses that you in DVD are excellent. I have been learning a lot with you.
Success !!! You deserve a good prize.
Great as usual Griff – margaret
I think you should try the Austin Skyline Shuffle as it will alow you to do some fine blues licks with some slide work too! For a real Blues sound, you might want to go with a classic 12 bar backing track like J.R. Time. By the way I do really appreciate all you do for the guitar community! Please keep it coming!
Griff I think that the Jazz Swing Blues is perfect for you.
Played well my friend but maybe to full on the scales. Maybe this crowd was looking for a simpler version of the blues. I know you can burn them up on the fret board but that came though and the feeling just wasn’t there. No speed just the need…… love you like a rock.
Love those videos.
For my picks I like Novacaine and Whitey’s Blues which a lot of people like but Second Line Blues which has some interesting chords, major/minor legato style ala Slow Blues Supplement might be an interesting challenge (probably not for you) and you can get some feeling and attitude into it which some people feel was lacking in the videos .
Best of luck and keep up the great work with BGU.
Sounding good on the video Griff, My vote is to Swing em and straight 8 em with T-Bone (Talkin My Baby Down), or numb em and sedate em with Novocaine, or make em crawl with Whiteys Blues
This is tough because everyone likes their blues differently. I prefer the old timers before rock was invented who played more cleanly and with less distortion. I also like more harmony like
chuck berrie’s double stops. Two of these tracks I think are very different but you could do a lot of what I thing is great is “country slow blues” without the country and “Austin skyline shuffle. My favorite performers are Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Duke Robillard. Three distinctly different styles but mostly clean and more harmony. Anyone who has never Duke Robillard, you owe it toy ourself to try him out. I think he may have passed away but, like many his music will not.
Hi Griff. My choice would be “novocaine”. I think you could demonstrate your excellent guitar skills to that one..Thanks again for all the help and inspiration.
WOW….you are awesome.
C’mon Let The Good Times Roll!!!!!!!!!
Really love your playing and hope to learn a lot from you. Thanks I love
the Rockin’ Blues with Back-beat. and the Country slow blues. Again
Thanks for the songs.
griff u r good.
my suggestion if it means anything at all is,a slower blues,slightly slower where audiences will just follow the sweet moves u have made in all ur lessons!
just a comment,u r good anyway at what u do!
Wow! Thanks for the links to the jam tracks! Lots of great music there.
We can all weigh in on our favorites (I happen to like Frank Morrison’s choices, but in reverse–would go with Novocaine first). But after all, this is all about you and what you feel when you hear the music. And who are the judges? That would seem to me to be a huge variable for which one you finally choose. How about doing several “rough drafts” with several of your top picks, and put them out on your BGU lessons, so we can all see and hear your interpretations. Probably too much technical expertise for you to make into a lesson (although maybe you could discuss some concepts along the way), but would make for some great listening, and that’s something we could all vote on! Best of luck. Don’t just settle for a T-shirt this time!
My Choice would be “Country Slow Blues”
I’ve sat and listened to a lot of Griff Hamlin and nothing has ever moved me more than his recent performance of “The Sky is Crying” and the prior year was “Red House”.
Nobody kills the Slow Blues like Griff. Runs chills up my spine!
You have a little over 2 minutes and you need to grab everyones attention and make them feel it in the first 10 or 15 seconds and hold them until your through.
Nobody beats you Playing Slow Blues! Nobody!
A lot of the other backing tracks seem to busy. I think people need time to feel what your trying to tell them!
“Country Slow Blues” is my choice but the “Austin Skyline Shuffle” would be my second choice!
In a word,some of the best I’ve heard, GRIFF!!!!!!!
I listened,I heard,I Iiked a bunch,Keep it up Griff!!!
What can I say?some of the best pickin I’ve heard in a long time!
HI Griff,
First: Austin Skyline Shuffle
Second: Rockin’ Blues with Back-Beat
Good luck! :o)
Fingers crossed…
truly great guitar work that only guitarist/other musicians appreciate, I do!
nice toe tapping groove,
but that’s it i felt nothing,
way too antiseptic,
would i hit replay, nope!
get some blues into the song,
where’s the feelings for the audience,
that should be the focus not the playing :>)
my 1 pence worth:>)
Hey Griff what a great couple of solo guitar examples. I guess there may be a better guitarist out there somewhere, but I don’t know where. Great timing and use of every trick you lay out in your courses. The speed of the licks is something I just can’t seem to get and I know it starts slow with the metranone and counting, and builds, but lightning is still lightning. Thanks for the show!
as one of the other posters mentioned, this song from last year highlights your considerable technical skills but it is missing an emotional grab, in other words track doesnt have enough ATTITUDE.
The trax I note below,a few slow a few in a faster groove, but I beleive they all have attitude. If I may suggest a few things, for which ever track you choose:
1. make up a story in your head and then let your solo tell the story.
2.Since these trax are lengthy in terms of soloing, perhaps you can pretend to be 3 guitarists, ie Allmans, Early Fleetwood Mac and approach each section as the next guitarist, would enable you to start slow on each section and build, similar to Duane Dicky Betts solos on Stormy Monday or Peter Green and Danny Kirwin of Mac.
3. You can highlight your technique by choosing the part of the “story” where your emotion rises, you certainly have the chops to express this in a very emotional way.
OK, here are my choices for you:
*Swampy Slim..great groove with attitude
*Novacaine…great song for you
*Still in Love…you can really nail this one…slow with attitude
*Whiteys Blues..faster groove with attitude
*Slow Down Blues…similar to Stormy Monday,,use that major/minor thing
*Classic Stop Time Blues….faster groove again with attitude.
You have the chops in spades, just a matter of picking the right track to tell a story with your guitar and let the high emotional points showcase your chops contrasted with the build up, where you can just use your expressiveness and build anticipation.
Hope this Helps
Johnny B
PS: Thanks for taking whichever song you choose and turning it into a lesson for all of us to benefit.
i think whitey’s blues would be a good.its got that real cool groove to it.
Holy Smokes!! This guy is my new guitar instructor?? I can’t wait to receive my course in the mail and get started. Wailing on that guitar!! Great job!
Love this idea Griff. I vote for the “J.R. Time” backing track since it seems to be the most base, roots, authentic, real blues sound that would lend itself to ALL of the things you have been teaching in all of your courses – and yes, including a little slide in your solo too!!
How cool would it be to cite specific examples and point out when you are using Major and Minor Pentatonic -and bits of solos from BBG, BGU, SWS, SBS and your slide course!!! I would even go as far as to use your resonator or acoustic to start with, ala Robert Johnson et. al, with basic blues and then move into your electric for more contemporary players like the Kings, EC etc. I say, give ’em a clinic at BotB this year! Do something no one else has done – play both acoustic and electric on the same song!
play it slow . will show the grate player that your are ….best of luck to you.
Still in Love.
Play slow, with feeling.
After reading the rules that you need to choose one of the backing tracks, I agree with Steve. “Slow Blues” would be great. Get as melodic as possible with traditional blues licks but with your own signature on them. An occasional flury is ok but just enough to have your audience want more but don”t give it to them. Go get em brother!!
Hey!!!!! Griff!!!!!!
Sounds Great!!!!!
Go with the “Diddley Shake” and see how it feels on the strings….
Best of Success to the number spot….
hey griff
After hearing all of the tracks, I would like to hear you play the “Train Beat Blues”
i thank that fit you,and u have a real feel for that one ,so go for it ,happy trails..
Great playing. I sincerely hope you can come to Hong Kong for a concert in the coming future.
hi griff that play was incredible ,plus fantastic you good so go ahead and admit that (((fantastic)))
GRIFF! How could any player have been better? You’re incredible, man. And, a winner in my book.
Hi Griff
Fantastic playing in previous years, but if you really, really wanna win, give them something with a slower tempo (Red House, Austin Skyline). Chuck in some Hendrix, SRV, BB cliches with a GH twist for good measure. Milk it!!!
Its in the bag!!!
Funky woman or funky mambo.I guess I’m just feeling funky.
Griff, sorry to say, but nothing in your style (Griff style) has to be changed, modified, or added, thanks, for being a great teacher, I now respect your artistry after seeing the two clips. Maybe, just bag the Guitar Center thang, and get your band together and do a tour, if this happens please stop in Eugene, our Rainy Day Blues Society on Facebook is a good place to check. Any tune you do will work well, the continuous electronic loop track is what needs to be replaced with real musicians, that will add to the crowd connection.
Later, Mitch
Griff: You da man. Like the choice and the style.
First: Austin Skyline Shuffle
Second: Rockin’ Blues with Back-Beat
Austin is more suited a good blues effort.
Good Luck whatever the choice.
Both are great to learn. Did a fantastic job on both. Both are favorites.
I like Austin Skyline Shuffle. After reading the other comments, I think a lot of your fans want to hear you slow it down (A minor affair) to get a more bluesy sound. Your chops are ALMOST too numerous, fast, and clean (jazz?) … wish I had your problem! Thanks for the fun.
Griff, may I suggest you going with the “Slow Blues” B.B.King-based backing track. I think that slow, basic kind of background will really emphasize your keyboard virtuosity but also will allow more soulful, bluesy sting bends and sustains in. From looking at your performances in the blues competition, you chose your songs to highlight your technical skills, but the songs themselves are just not crowd-pleaser, “grab ya” type songs. I think you should cut back on the amount of keyboard shredding and get more bluesy! Best of luck in whatever you decide to go with!
Maybe take Stormy Monday and totally re write a new version (tempo, cord progressions, feel, etc) for your style of playing and blow them away with not only your guitarmanship but also your writing and skills. You deserve this brother.
Over and Out!
The only tune worthy is an old Boz Scaggs tune: “Loan Me a Dime” that he sang with my guitar idol, Duane Allman, playing the impossibly scorching background lead on it.
Good Luck!!!
This encourages me to get your lessons. Missed your last Unleashed deal – was on vacation.
I will sure grab it next time.
Jim asked” is the public invited to these Battle of the Blues” I have been going for a few years. I have never participated but enjoy listening. Even the mediocre players, I enjoy. A night listening to The Blues, Not a bad way to kill a couple hours. Griff how about a take on Gary Moore’s Parisienne Walkways.
Great enjoyed it very much.
You are one great blues player.
As usual Griff superb Rippin’it’up !!!
Well Griff my man,,
After hearing all of the tracks, I would like to hear you play the “Train Beat Blues”..
I really enjoyed hearing your jams in the recent competition. Well done. I don’t know who won, but you kicked ass…
Next time……
Georgia Rocker gives a good backup without interfering with your solos. Talkin’ My Baby Down has a better grrove but also more going on that would interfere with your solos.
Good luck!
1. Still in Love.
2. A Minor Affair.
Your blues playing is very unique. A mixture of all styles molded into one blues style of magic.
Yours Sincerely, Alan.
Hey Griff,
By the way, when are you going to offer a lesson on the “blues guitar face.” I love how a well timed grimace adds to a solo! I can’t seem to do it without looking stupid LOL.
The blues are like a sad old man tellin his life story. He starts out with a driving steady beat, then goes to tell about how things went bad, slowing it down almost to a crying stage. He then starts to get mad about it all, speed it up to a fast lick. then he’s tired and slows down again, maybe with some harmonics. He starts to get to the end of his story back to a steady rhythm and ends with a fast lick of how things could have been. I think if you could put an old cotton pickers life story into a song it would work real good. Maybe along the lines of SRV’s “tin pan alley”. Thanks for everything Griff. Take care, lrocs
austin skyline shuffle would be my choice
From and old student that still play’s poorly, no fault of your’s, But for Me some old delta blues,
and make it hurt.
Thank’s For our HELP in the year’s Past.
Awesome playing, Both videos were great but my favorite was the 2nd video. Is the public invited to these Battle of the Blues?
Thanks for sharing.
Best of luck, Griff:
I will choose a track soon and let you know.
Hey Griff !!!
Great unique take on the “Blues”
I have been playing the guitar for
48 Years and always look for a new
approach on “The Blues” Thanks !
Hallo Griff, These guys are looking for a demonstration of talent so you have to show them a range of skills. My vote goes for Minor Affair. I’d love to hear this with a slow but really soulful extended melody, (because I think nobody talks about melody anymore) where tone really counts. Then little by little, fit in a few quick burns, and maybe a longer one later on (as in 80s rock ballad) It needs to be understated (like, “I can do more of this if you want, but today I’m not”) but edgy. Don’t know if that helps much, but my thinking is, the more space you have, the more you can move the audience. And to tell the truth, I love minor blues.
Hope the T-Shirt fits.
Best, Alan Reeves.
No kidding it’s not fair – do they pick the winner by drawing names out of a hat? Like the song says, you can “play that guitar just like ringin’ a bell’. Well done.
Hi,Griff brave man brilliant i enjoyed watching
your blues music is fantastic….
Classic stop time blues or Chicago blues….good ole meat and potatoes!
Enjoyable and motivating
Griff, I watched your videos of last year. Did not care for the song choices. Your playing abilities were show cased however.My personal favorites are the old syle Miss delta acoustic type of blues. A good sound with a shuffle. I would suggest playing to their ear, not their eye.
PLay on! Jim
Hi Griff.
Thoes in store contest are desided long before you ever play. I think you are a tec. player and good teacher you explane things well, play all the notes perfect. Myself I have no teaching skills however, I have been playing and getting payed for it for the past 40 years because i am a gutt player my thing is the stage, not the stuido, I hate it in there out last c.d,. wes done in one take print it. as long as there is no offencive bad notes fuck it , sell it.
Hey, great. You can send all the jam tracks you want. I’ll always use them one way or another. It’s great that you share your talent and music. Play on.
That was so cool Griff, I loved it and wishing i could do the same thing
I think I prefer Rockin Blues with Back Beat as well. The download is broke on their site..it downloads Funky Mambo 🙂
I played around and figured out the correct download link for rockin blues…
Hi Griff
In the movie “Crossroad” the the old man said “the blues aint nothin but a good man feelin bad” and I tend to agree with that . So if I were in a competition like this I would try to take them home, so to speak , so many people will be trying to show off their skills and fast playing, that a straight up, clean, blues might just speak to the judges . Remember it takes a really good player to play clean and slow . In that vein I would vote for “country slow blues” and perhaps “Still in love” I also really like “JR Time”also a faster one might be “train beat blues. I would just keep it as clean as you can
Just some advise from a tin ear…Good Luck
My two picks for you are Monkey Paw or Chill’n.
They allow for feeling plus skills! Yes, speed to show skills is great, but feeling and some slowdown straight stuff mixed in adds to the diversity and enjoyment of the listener. 🙂
Great Griff! Nice performance, thanks
My number one man on the guitar. I wish I could play like you. I’ve been practicing your lessons.
Talkin’ My Baby Down– A great groove!! btw thanks for sharing so much knowledge about the blues with us over the years.
Hey Griff
I vote for J.R. Time cause it is a basic shuffle in E. Sounds to me like a slowed down version of sweet home chicago. I figure as basic as it is a good one to select for the wide variety of skill levels that would work on it if many of the BGU forum guys practice it.
But I like all the suggestions so far and from my experience last year the more SRV like you play the better your chances, so the Sky is Falling like one would be good as well. So I guess that makes it Austin Sky Line Shuffle.
I was watching the audience and their reactions were saying, “Man, he can play that thang.” My only suggestion: find a tune that displays BOTH your skills AND your inner soul.
Rock it onward and upward.
Georgia Rocker
The Sky is Fallin’ by SRV – it’s slow, but you can really rip it in the middle and it has A LOT of heart and soul in it…
I must say you are in the grove very well. Only wish after four years of trying to get into that grove only to stay with my chords not to well at that.. Tryed all ways but no luck on bar chords. can not get little pinkie to do the trick.. it will not get ou to were needed..Your outstanding Griff and Johnathon also. Thanks, for all your help anyway OK? BLESS YOU
Awesome videos, there must have been some incredible talent for the competition. I vote for slow blues.
Nice Ripping it Griff….. I’d go with some slow n soul stuff in the minor and you’d take em where you want. Love your stuff.
Georgia Rocker is the one I would like to see you play over this year. Go get em Griff!
Great jams. I have your course and need to get more time practicing it. Oh I do practice but need to get to where you are. I haven’t seen you go all blues master like this before. This was great!!!
Sounds Great!
Your asking for some ideas? Well Im not very good with words but,
I’ve always thought that if you take all the best licks and styles, put them all together and
mix them up, you will have a great tasting song.
For instance, play to the blind. What I mean by this is if you close you eyes and listen without seeing, imagine that there’s more than one person on stage battleing it out. Maybe throw the slide in there for a lead. Then maybe a talk box. Finger tapping, etc., whatever different sounds of blues you can think of.
Make the blind, when they leave, feel like they just heard every great blues guitar play up on that stage.
When you can make the ears taste the different flavors, I believe you would win!
Don’t know who the Assaholics were that voted last year if you didn’t take the whole damn thing…but my first thought of the Blues is always slow, like Country Slow Blues, Little Girl Blues, and even an Austin Skyline blues- something emotional where every note is perfect and hits an emotions…. My second thought of the blues- perhaps one might say ‘gettin over the blues’ is something rockin like- Devils Corner or Highway Sign or even 50’s blues, to get folks on their feet and roused…. Which probably work better on the West Coast. Over here on the right side slow blues is the blues. Just sayin…..
Well, what I noticed is that all of them tracks came with “instructions”. If their creator, Mr. Anderson is as influential as I think he is with the outcome of the event, seems to me you must follow them, no matter which one you choose. I like “Tramp Groove”, of the newer ones, but I would go better with “Little Girl Shuffle”, definitely.
I like the Mambo Blues in B from your 29 blues jam tracks
Train Beat Blues is my vote!
Griff I think the licks on Rancho Cucamonga,awsum, but a bit fast for me to play along to at the moment, but I still prefer this as its seems to flow better,keep up the good work, Jonnyboy.
Wow. Wizard-like.
Why not try something with more of an emotional gut to it this time? I haven’t listened to all the backing tracks, but the wrenching could be done with Novocane.
Great idea to involve us students, the GH Gang.
Hey Griff, I too think the second video was more appealing. In the first I couldn’t follow a patten, tthat would allow me to dive into the playing along with you. It seemed more of a bits and pieces put together, then taking on it’s own emotion. However, the playing was really clean and I sure wish I could play like that, in fact that is way I study with you, lol. Fast or slow, the blues like SRV played you would be able to get in his groove right of the bat, then he would go a little over the top and maybe a das of slide, then right back to the basic groove. That for me was what turned me on to the blues, The Theme is the back bone. To much to fast leaves out the journey of the blues well at least for me. Good luck, play on, my friend. Jim
OMG, who won? – the guy with 7 fingers on his left hand?
the riffs on june 2 seem to show more diversity and sounded more intricate.
both were also pretty good exampals of your lessons as well.
Hi Griff,
I think you have to choose from the five new tracks marked with * ? I recommend you should go with “JR Time”.
The videos are super. You are doing a really great job with both your playing and your teaching – inspirational.
Best of luck.
Amazing what you can do with that guitar and equipment, you are the best
Hi Griff,
You could do justice to most of this stuff, but you would make “A Minor Affair” your absolute own. Best wishes for success on your journey, man!
I guess you already know this, but I will restate it. The best people never win contest. It is popularity contest at best or a contest of political preasure form many different quarters. But if your determined to enter a fixed race, Go for it. Good luck.
Warren Rollins.
PS. Your a professional, you have already proven yourself.
Great stuff!
I like the 2nd video better Grif….you did a great job on both but I think the 2nd one will suit more crowds better….good luck amigo…. Ernie
Way to rip it! Nice.
Hey Griff….great stuff. “J.R. Time” sounds a little old school, but I’ll bet you would rock it.
Hey Griff. I’d like to see you go after it with Georgia Rocker with some slide thrown in (Duane Allman style) or maybe with Austin Skyline Shuffle. Show them some expressive blues line topped with a little slide.
I know you can play fast but slow it down and let your licks speak!! Bill M said it best: “less is more”.
Best of luck this year! And, as you said, have some fun!!
Hi Griff
My vote would go on ‘A Minor Affair’. Reason….I think this song would suit a fusion of Amrican and British blues styles which, listen to your style you could make this your own . Also, it has a smooth beat and flows along …. It’s so flexible and can gives many options of ‘play’ For example, you could run clean guitar in the first part and add a little distortion/reverb for the final part.
Also, it concludes on a very nice minor chord. Loads of options around this to.
Good luck….
monkey paw – less is more – i agree with Bill to some extent, but well i guess you have to show off your skills, more tempo changes and pauses definitely a good idea
Enjoyed it. Hope you go all the way this time around! Best wishes. I can’t imagine standing up in front of a crowd like that at a music store, (I presume) with nothing but a backing track and my guitar. NO place to hide there. 🙂
Dirty Pool. (tough song to play, but you can do it, and it’s real blues)
Red house in the Hendrix style has always been a favorite of mine and a great song to cut loose on!
Gotta tell ya you own it
Slow Down Blues……go with a “less is more” approach this year and you’ll nail it!
Funky Mambo.
My personal choice either Novocaine or Tramp Groove.
Shortlist included Jazz Swing, Whitey’s Blues, Little Girl Shuffle, Country Slow Blues. Nothing very scientific about this, just all the above made me want to pick up my guitar and play something.
Wish you luck with this whatever your choice.
Rockin’ Blues with Back-Beat or Second Line Blues I think Griff.
I also recommend more of your ‘nutso fast playing’ thrown in there to wow the audience 🙂
Good Luck,