It’s awesome to be able to play guitar by yourself sometimes, and in this video I’ll show you that you need a few key ingredients:

1 – You have to “marry” the chord shapes with the pentatonic boxes and scales that you’ll need

2 – You need a chord progression

3 – You need a “groove” in place (oh, there’s that counting and timing thing again!)

More info on The Little Wing Lesson –

    6 replies to "Jamming Alone – Electric Hendrix Style Chord Chasing"

    • pan054

      Hi Griff,
      Love your lesson showing a very practical use of the CAGED system, excellent!
      Also thanks for hammering on timing/counting, something I tried to ignore for years but as you made it clear, it is essential.
      My little problem is: there is no timing info in the tab notation, so you have to have some understating of the classical sheet music notation. In practice it means I have to print the sheet music and notate the beats on it by hand. Educational and character-building, but not very inviting. This becomes a hurdle for some., I know that it slows me down considerably. Maybe I’m counting-impaired :).

      Why is there not some very basic timing notation (e.g. little vertical lines on the beat would suffice) on tabs?

    • Geoff Adkisson

      One of the most valuable lessons Ive received ever, not just from Griff. Thx, man!

    • Matman

      Cracked me up there Griff! that part about the fingers! 4:53 I had to pause there for a while, cause I kept laughin and couldn’t concentrate!

    • Carl Perkins

      Just started working on little wing again I lean more to the SRV version. Real enjoyed this lesson! I have to check out the Little Wing Lesson.

    • Robert Shields

      Dear Griff,
      I bought the Little Wing lesson several years ago and learned the straight style without doing the first fifty some examples. After watching today’s lesson, I am now motivated to go back and go through the first fifty some sections. I would like to be able to improvise with the chords like you do. This is really useful and inspires me to go beneath the surface to learn how to do it.
      I finally gave in to your lectures about counting. At first, it was very hard and made me hate playing the guitar. But I am slowly getting better now I can see why it is so necessary. So thank you for the daily emails. After several years, your persistent emails are finally getting through to me.

      • Griff

        Glad to hear it! I know counting seems a step back for so many folks who have played without it for years, but it really is the missing link for almost everyone.

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