Since we did one of these lessons with an ascending idea, I thought I’d give you a descending idea that you can either play by itself, or bolt on to the last one.

Pretty cool, right? Dig it:

    4 replies to "Descending Slurs And Sixteenth Notes Licks (CRSB)"

    • Christopher

      Very cool Griff, thanks

    • Paul

      I’ve found using a high hat rhythm helps with playing fast 16th notes. You can set the dynamics too so that they become somewhat imprinted on your brain.

    • Gary Hewitt

      Thank you Griff, This lesson just pushed a door wide open for me and removed a wall that I kept hitting.
      The runs I was hearing on the records sounded picked but now that I’ve practiced the slurs as you have explained to be consistent timing wise you can’t tell its not picked. Counting made all the difference to get that consistent sound. Gary

    • Michael McCartney

      Thank you, Griff. Hope you and yours have a great weekend. Cheers! 🙂

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