If you're like most of my students, you have more than just 1 thing you're working on...
Sure, you probably started with Blues Guitar Unleashed, or maybe 5 Easy Blues Solos...
Coming up with today's video was one of those "A Ha!" moments where I finally noticed something that a lot of blues players do but I've never seen it really broken
It's hard not to love Billy Gibbons' playing... it just oozes so much more cool than most of us will ever have :)
Well several years back I found a video
A lot of times you want to play some blues and you just need something simple that will fill in the spaces between the vocal lines.
Better yet, something that moves
Many times over the years I've heard the question, "How do you start your blues solos?"
And for the longest time, I didn't really know how to answer that. After all
Once upon a time I asked about Roadmaps and what ya'll want to learn... and one of the most common requests was about playing and singing at the same time.
Today's video is one of my off-the-cuff "video blog" posts, because sometimes it's just easier to show you than tell you something :)
One of my students was asking about the
An important technical element for both beginning and more experienced playing is the use of the picking hand to keep ringing notes under control...
In fact, what you may not have
This is a little bit of an off the cuff kind of thing... and you'll notice it's more "blog" than "video" because it's just in my office...
But in this video