In today's video you'll (sort of) see how to play Wind Cries Mary by Jimi Hendrix...
I say "sort of" because I'm not going to walk you through it note for
On one hand, I've got a great lick for you today if you're a blues/rock kind of player.
On the other hand, if you change this from straight feel and fast
Let's say you want to improve your blues soloing and you're a little tired of just playing the pentatonic/blues scale over the entire 12 bar blues the whole time...
You want
Nothing but a fun lick today...
If you're a blues rocker, you'll totally dig Johnny Winter's version of "Good Morning Little School Girl" and how he uses this lick is super
While "Little Red Rooster" certainly isn't the only song out there in open G tuning... it's one that you'll have a hard time not playing once you start :)
And there
We spend a fair amount of time talking about how (or, more accurately, when) you start blues licks... but we don't often talk about how they end.
And you might also
It seems there is a lot of confusion about bends... which is a shame because they are THE coolest thing about playing guitar.
Bends allow us to do on a guitar
This tune seems to be really popular as I have received a LOT of questions about what Joe is playing for the intro of this tune...
Instead of answering all the