Not long ago, I did another video about what I call, "Blues With A Buddy," and some rhythm ideas to try...
And I said I'd do another video with some soloing
The premise behind today's lesson is this situation...
You and a buddy are hanging out to play some guitar, but neither of you knows the same tune so you figure you'll
The idea behind today's lesson is simple... you walk into a music and pull a guitar off the wall, what do you play?
Doesn't matter if it's acoustic or electric, and
Here's the thing... when we say we're in a "key" in blues, we aren't really in a key at all.
It's a convenience, but it's not accurate.
For example, when we say
In today's video we're going to talk about how to play the blues with more feeling...
Now, obviously, I can't make you feel more or less - that's not really what
Yes, I know, there isn't just one Albert King lick...
But, this lick, or some variation of it, shows up in darn near every... single... song.
So, it's probably worth learning.
In this last video on our series about blues and arpeggios we're going to mix together the sound of the minor blues scale (or pentatonic minor, same thing) and the
When you play the 7th arpeggios we learned yesterday, it's easy to make them sound blocky and not very much like the blues. In this video I'll show you how to blues-i-fy your arpeggios to start making them sound like real blues music.