Blues Guitar Lesson - The Albert King Lick

The Albert King Lick

Yes, I know, there isn't just one Albert King lick... But, this lick, or some variation of it, shows up in darn near every... single... song. So, it's probably worth learning.
by Griff

Blues-i-fy Your Arpeggios

When you play the 7th arpeggios we learned yesterday, it's easy to make them sound blocky and not very much like the blues. In this video I'll show you how to blues-i-fy your arpeggios to start making them sound like real blues music.
by Griff
Blues Guitar Unleashed Blog

9th Chords

9th Chords are some of my favorite chords to use when playing the blues. So let's talk about them today... Download this video - MP4 | WMV
by Griff