Tab Benoit has been in the music scene for many years now and is getting the recognition from the blues crowd he deserves. Tab tells all about his home state of Louisiana in his songs and even founded Voice of the Wetlands to help raise awareness nationwide of problems on the Gulf Coast. There’s definitely a raw, down home vibe you get when you listen to Tab Benoit, and there’s even some Cajun spice mixed into it. If you’re new to Tab Benoit, then you’re in for a treat as I collected a few video performances that showcase he and his band well. If you’re a seasoned Tab Benoit fan, then hopefully you’ll still enjoy the post and get some new information on the restoration of the Wetlands that Tab finds so important. Regardless, you’re in for a treat as Tab Benoit puts on a great Cajun blues show.
The first performance I want to share with you features a song called, “Shelter Me.” Tab Benoit has seen some fame with this song as it has been used as the intro song for the television show Sons of Guns. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z_slWb-UNU.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/-Z_slWb-UNU” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
The next performance strips it down to bare bones. Tab Benoit performs solo with a song called, “When A Cajun Man Gets The Blues.” Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqv5PnKm-2k.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/hqv5PnKm-2k” height=”420″ rel=”0″]
Lastly I don’t mean to get into too much politics, but Aspen Daily News Online wrote up a good feature on Tab Benoit recently that sheds some light on his efforts with Voice of the Wetlands. Read up more about it at http://www.aspendailynews.com/section/home/154684.
Protest tunes don’t typically sound like Delta blues or Cajun music, but Tab Benoit is changing that.
The Louisiana guitarist and singer has paired his on-stage skills with environmental activism that hits close to home for him. He’s become a leader in the call for wetlands restoration along the Gulf Coast, an issue that receives national attention only when storms threaten or hit Louisiana, as Hurricane Isaac did last month.
Tab Benoit is a great performer that puts a lot of heart into his music and his home. I hope you enjoyed this little feature on the Cajun blues guitarist
8 replies to "Cajun Blues Guitarist Tab Benoit"
nice article, keep the good work going
ive been a tab fan for many years and saw him twice this year in my home state COLORADO he is a very hard working guy bringing blues to the forfront…i just love the guy and his music…he has his very own style!
Wow! I really feel the blues ringing, with this song!
Man, this south LA dude has the real blues. GREAT JOB TAB.
Saw Tab up here at the North Atlantic Blues Fest in Rockland,ME. He KILLED it.
Been a fan of Tab’s for a long time….have seen him a few times in a small club setting…saw him onece when he broke four strings on his last song…my son got them, our tickets and had a plaque made for my birthday…he was actually a drummer before playing guitar…like his style..nice videos…thanks…later.
That is some cool blues dude.
Great sound and nice interaction with the audiance…..!
And the folk music of the south!