In the early sixties, blues guitar was going through some major transitions. In fact, the guitar in general was quickly becoming one of the most recognized and popular music instruments
You've probably heard of the "Blues Boxes" that I use a lot and they are used by many instructors around the world.
The minor blues scale is fundamentally a pentatonic minor
Here at Blues Guitar Unleashed, I don't like to throw big amounts of chord theory your way. I will say that understanding theory can help your playing, but we've been
One of the heavy players in the blues circuit is and has been Guitar Shorty. Shorty has played for audiences all around the country, written some really good stuff, and
Coco Montoya is considered one of the heavy hitters on the touring blues scene today, and he seems like a guy who is staying true to the blues and works
There are a lot of reasons why I decided to create my course entitled, "Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed," but one of the main reasons was to celebrate the history of