First... notice that this article is "Learning A Blues Tune," (singular, as in not tunes.)
Why? Because (we) guitar players have a habit of trying to learn a LOT of things at
It seems there is a lot of confusion about bends... which is a shame because they are THE coolest thing about playing guitar.
Bends allow us to do on a guitar
This tune seems to be really popular as I have received a LOT of questions about what Joe is playing for the intro of this tune...
Instead of answering all the
I got such a great question about soloing in the style of... [insert your favorite guitar player here.]
The question was basiscally:
"If all those guys were playing the same box shapes
This is an idea I call "stairstep" pentatonics... and I stole it from Robben Ford, Joe Bonamassa, Eric Johnson, and some other modern blues players.
I'll provide the tab under the
I had a question from Chuck (one of our fearless forum moderators) about my choice for a lick for Position 3 (using the Blues Solo Construction Kit method) over Clapton's
Your guitar fretboard is a strange and wonderous place... and the longer I play the more I realize that each of us eventually develops our own mental model of it
One of the first things most of my students go for when playing over a slow blues is more speed, and that doesn't usually work out as intended.
The thing with
Today's video is another along the classic lines of the Muddy Waters classic, "Mannish Boy."
As we've seen in other videos, there are a lot of options and a lot of
As blues players, the name Robert Johnson comes up about as often as the word guitar... but there's another Johnson, not related to Robert Johnson, who many would say was