So... I was in the studio yesterday and did a little Live stream on Facebook about the pedalboard I used in Memphis back in October for BGU Live.
It seemed to
Don't you just wish sometimes you could sit down, grab a guitar, and just play?
I often call that "Playing On The Porch" style playing, because it reminds me of my
Over the years you may have heard me talk about "Hows" and "Whats," when referring to skills or ideas you will need to be proficient at...
Well I've also heard them
A lot of folks wonder about how the blues scale(s) and the blues chords go together...
Well, there's no 1 right answer, there are (as with most things) a lot of
Guitar playing revolves around a lot of different skills... some of them are basic like plucking a string, while others are a bit more complex like strumming in time.
Some skills
Recently I've been "conversing" with quite a few students (both privately and digitally) about their biggest struggles...
Well I've been reading through some of the responses over the last several hours
Today's video is not for everyone, and I get that...
Some folks love this type of sound, some folks down, and either way is okay. I'm not saying you have to
Well, it's hard to believe another BGU Live is over... but wow, what a great time we had!
In case you couldn't make it out, I've got a few early videos
Who doesn't want to sound cooler and at the same time play slower?
It seems that when you want to add some excitement and "mix it up" in your solos, that
At some point most all of us go through a time when we'd love to play... but just can't.
Often it's some sort of medical thing, or maybe it's an extended