Blues Guitar Unleashed Blog

Happy 2018!

Yes, it's the end of 2017 in a few hours... hard to believe. This has been such an enormous year here at "BGU HQ" that I thought I'd recap a couple
by Griff

Blues-i-fy Your Arpeggios

When you play the 7th arpeggios we learned yesterday, it's easy to make them sound blocky and not very much like the blues. In this video I'll show you how to blues-i-fy your arpeggios to start making them sound like real blues music.
by Griff

The 5 Boxes? Now What?

Yesterday I read a question on an online Facebook group about the 5 boxes which (basically) read... "I've learned the 5 pentatonic boxes, now what?" Which, sadly, is an extremely common question...
by Griff