A Blues Key
Lately I've seen a lot of confusion over the word, "key," as it applies to the blues.
For example, when we say a blues is "in the key of E," it's
The Albert King Lick
Yes, I know, there isn't just one Albert King lick...
But, this lick, or some variation of it, shows up in darn near every... single... song.
So, it's probably worth learning.
Picking Vs. Slurring In Practice
This is a quick, but useful lesson on adding slurring (hammer-ons and pull-offs) into your practice routine.
The primary thing here is that we are attempting to make your slurred notes
Funk Blues In C
Not too long ago I did a video about 9th chords... and in the middle of it I did a little funky blues thing that apparently caught some attention :)
1 Way To Play Better In 2018…
You'll see about 37 different "5 ways to play better in 2018" articles this week (I even did one in 2015 if you want to read it it's not like anything
Happy 2018!
Yes, it's the end of 2017 in a few hours... hard to believe.
This has been such an enormous year here at "BGU HQ" that I thought I'd recap a couple
Merry Christmas Baby – Slow Blues
So the other day I was Christmas shopping with my wife and this song came on the background music. What caught my ear was how it's a lesson straight out
Mixing Arpeggios And Blues Scales
In this last video on our series about blues and arpeggios we're going to mix together the sound of the minor blues scale (or pentatonic minor, same thing) and the
Blues-i-fy Your Arpeggios
When you play the 7th arpeggios we learned yesterday, it's easy to make them sound blocky and not very much like the blues. In this video I'll show you how to blues-i-fy your arpeggios to start making them sound like real blues music.