Quick history lesson for you…

I did my first online blues guitar course, Playing Through The Blues, in 2006…

A couple years later, I figured out a lot of things and expanded it to create Blues Guitar Unleashed in 2008…

Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed came along in 2012 and has been nearly as popular as the “electric” version ever since.

Blues Guitar Unleashed got the “2.0” treatment in 2015, so it’s high time that Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed got the “2.0” treatment, and I am happy to report that after many months of working on it, that has happened! (If you want to see it, head to https://acousticbluesguitarunleashed.com and if you have the old version, you’ll now see the new version in your member area.)

To celebrate, I’ve got a fun little acoustic blues tune we’re going to work on for a few lessons. I call it, “Lonesome Train Blues,” and we’ll start with the basic groove of it today.

If you have trouble watching it because YouTube keeps asking you to prove you’re human, you can go here and see it – https://youtu.be/UHnPWgMK_sM

If you want the TAB for this, click HERE

    8 replies to "Lonesome Train Blues 1 – The Groove"

    • Michael+Chappell

      Hey Griff,
      I like this course and as I have the old version I will check the course out in My Account member soon. I like the 12 Bar in E lesson as a good refresher, I can play the B7Bar Chord even a bit of a stretch but I prefer to play that B7 as an Arpeggio like you said. For those that don’t have the old version this version ABGU2 would be certainly a Course to purchase so to have some songs in Blues to play on the Porch of with family & friends..
      I like it and will get onto my member portal soon.

      Thanks Griff

      Michael- Sydney Aust Feb 22, 2025.

    • Larry Kulesza

      What model Gibson are you playing? I ask because I have an old Gibson parlor guitar that looks like it has similar dimensions. Just curious.

      • Griff

        It’s an L-00. I’ve had it a year or so and have really enjoyed it. Definitely a favorite

    • Jeffrey Broder

      I have the beginning blues lessons that I am 1/2 way through and also have the unleashed 2.0. What is the difference with the acoustic blues lessons?

      If I have the others do I need to get this?

      • Griff

        Acoustic blues is a different approach because I assume you are playing by yourself with no band. The notes, scales, chords, etc., don’t really change, but the songs and solos are very different. You certainly don’t need it, but if you find yourself playing by yourself, without a band or jam tracks, you might enjoy it.

    • Rob Good

      I purchased the original Acoustic Blues Guitar Unleashed. Is there a way to upgrade to 2.0?

      • Griff

        You don’t have to, if you have the original, you now have the 2.0 upgrade in your member area portal.

      • ACE DRAGON

        I saw, there are 8 bars, then towards the end. you have12 bars. kind of confusing, but I get it.
        I learned this year’s ago from you. I like the new turn around.

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