While we often talk about how blues is based around 7th chords, those are just suggested chords. In reality you can substitute the 7th chords for 9th chords… and you want to.Here’s a blues in C based around 7th and 9th chords. This one is straight out of lesson 3 from Blues Guitar Unleashed. You probably won’t be able to get the chords just by looking (even a lesson 3 feet away from me can’t see them) so you’ll need to download the PDF of the whole lesson.

    117 replies to "9th chord substitutions"

    • Clem

      Thanks Griff,
      I have not made it this far in the Blues Unleashed yet…

    • […] 9th chord substitutions — Blues Guitar Unleashed Blog – From day one I have always been enthralled with chords and different areas of the guitar to play them and how to embellish the chord to sound better than what bands … […]

    • Dave Douglas

      Hello there Griff,

      Thanks for sharing this stuff man.

      The videos to let me know how it is supposed to sound & the PDF so one of these days I can get around to working it out.

      Dave in the Adirondacks
      The old guy with a bazillion and one interests and not nearly enough time to scratch the surface. Frustrating, but to quote Sinatra “That’s life. that’s what all the people say…”


    • Paul Warner

      From day one I have always been enthralled with chords and different areas of the guitar to play them and how to embellish the chord to sound better than what bands play or what you hear on a record, if you are picking the song out. I used to have a big ole chord book, the ones with the 8000 chords and then I would find different areas of the guitar to play common chords and when people saw me doing this they thought I didn’t have a clue when it came to playing guitar, ah but I did, and it was so much fun playing 9th chords because I could finger them and they couldn’t. That was fun…..

    • Rustie

      Do we really, really need to know all this stuff Griff? I mean, Buddy Holly was 21 when he died, he wouldn’t have had time to learn all this – but he still played great guitar and wrote timeless songs. Is this theory overload?

      • sylvia

        Obviously Buddy Holly was blessed with a natural talent, I know that I need these great lessons. theory has not come together for me yet but I’m not going to give up.

      • Sam

        Playing and knowing what you are playing is a powerful feeling. Don’t discourage those with inquisitive minds and a thirst for learning.

      • chris

        They say “knowledge is power”. So if one is to have total command of their guitar, why wouldn’t they want all the knowledge they can posses. I believe in order to have 100% command of your guitar, you do need these 9th chords.

      • Bobby G

        No you don’t “really really” need to know all this stuff. But if you are a newbie age 12 with any aspirations to staying in music and playing the blues, important stuff like lack of spacing which Griff pointed out is one of the most annoying thing I hear from young players who feel the need to be heard simply because they don’t understand the Blues (I have been playing for 54 years, and still learn from Griff). Buddy Holly played a decent guitar but his claim to fame was actually singing the song, “True Love Waits”.Listen to the spacing in the song and learn.

      • Robert Henderson

        I got to thinking about all of the blues and semi-blues progressions in a lot of Buddy Holly songs. And I had my doubts that he didn’t know any 9th chords. Just because he was 21 when the accident happened doesn’t mean he didn’t study guitar and know 9th chords. Hendrix was young too and I guarantee he know not only his 9th chords but because his hands were so large, chord shapes that I could even think about playing. So I got to looking around and here is a YouTube link to some vintage footage of Buddy Holly with a lot of still pictures and if you look carefully he is without a doubt playing 7th and 9th chords. In Griff’s defense I would say that this stuff is only overload if it feels like overload and in that case it probably is more information than someone might be ready for. On the other hand if a person is ready for it, it is then one of the missing puzzle pieces that absolutely have to be put in place to be able to see the big picture and not go insane over not knowing what you don’t know. My opinion is that 9th chords are a must!

      • Stanley King

        I started playing at age 8. By the time I was 9 I was already learning bar chords and 7th and 9th chords. I didn’t know they were 7th and 9th chords or what they were called. But I had a friend several years older than me and when he would show me a new song to learn, he’d just say play the chords like this. I might not could name em, but I could play em. Guess that’s really all that matters, I learned their names on down the road. Point being, if they’re in your repertoire it never hurts.

    • Lawrie

      I got the video to work using my brain. Volume too!! LOL
      Another really good lesson. Thanks Griff

    • Mark

      I can’t get the video to play

    • phil

      Great video lesson, thanks.

    • Richard John

      Nothing but blank space where video should be.

      • BOB


    • Ron sopa

      Try playing the ninth chord without the high e-string ot the low e-string
      A much jazzier sound to it

    • Wayne Walcott

      I love your teaching style so, I am thinking of getting back into playing again. Its been awhile for me and the usual excuse is making an excuse. Lol!!.

    • Barry smith

      Thank you griff.it really helps my timing and much more plus plenty of inspiration for creativity . You’re a wonderful down to earth teacher. Best I’ve found in years.

    • Barry smith

      I learned a different and easier way from you that will be hours of fun and added chops to my arsenal. Thanks for helping, for many a person you’ve saved from giving up out of hopeless frustration. You sure make it easier and more fun,anyway. Bless ya and keep up the good work.

    • Butch

      Good stuff Griff. Gonna start using on my next gig,,,,, I was looking for some way to quite competing with the bass player and I did not realize that it would be that easy. Thanks Griff!!!!!!!

    • Tex Salerno

      Even with ear phones the audio was way to low.

      Still another great lesson.

    • David Prior

      Hi Griff…. My comment is… I saw your band play and coup M15 last night and you guys and your wife were so good.. I loved it , you can really play good…What a great band..there were 4 of us in our group… Talked about it the rest of the night…… Wow… I figured your about the bests guitar player I have ever seen in person and I had no idea you sang so good too.. Good job… see ya next time your around…David Prior… I have you blues Guitar unleashed.. had it for about a year and kind of slowed down when I got to all those C9 chords etc… Guess I’ll get back to it now after seeing you….I live real close to you ..I live In Riverside…Wish I could have talked to you after the show…..
      Well take care and I’ll see you for sure next time…

    • Don Elison

      Hi Griff: Finally a Gitfiddle effectionado who really does know his stuff from one end to the other. A great guy who can convey this information in an easily understandable way and is not too dern selfish to share his deep secrets with us Hinterlanders.
      Great lesson, great info, great presentation, great pressence and style,
      Thanks Griff, love ya and yer info,

    • Mike

      Hi Griff, I’m unable to open any of the videos from the main site. Only able to open the intro as a WMV file. Play alongs are just audio. Help! Thank you.

    • Efrain Rivera

      Love it

    • Keith

      Uh, I would love to comment on a video. But ,uh, it’s NOT THERE!

    • Brian North

      Great lesson Griff.
      Tell me have you ever heard of a very unusual blues guitar player named ‘Seasick Steve’?
      True amazing blues player. Just came across him last week on ‘youtube’

    • Terry

      Ok, I give up, how do I make it play?

    • carl sheryn

      Brilliant thanks Griff

    • Fran Mercuri

      Thanks Griff, this is my current lesson with BGU and it jams real nice once you get the fluid movements of the cord changes. I love the bassist effects here. This stuff makes practicing a lot of fun.

    • Ray Jackson

      Another useful chord for the collection. Picked it up straight away. No problem with bending my third finger backwards across the top three strings, but, my second finger tended to dampen the fourth string, so I just closed the third and first fingers slightly which led to my second finger laying on and reaching over my third finger, problem solved, a full and clear 9th chord. I know it sounds awkward but, it’s actually quite easy and I get the chord every time. Whatever it takes!!!! Ray (UK)

    • al bramlett

      I love it.

    • al bramlett

      That’s smooth. Thanks

    • Charlie Dale

      Great lesson on unlocking the chord substitution thing. For me that’s the part that makes the whole thing a heap more interesting and lots more fun when you know what’s coming up and how to add a bit more colour and style to playing the blues. Thank you. (Video and sound was perfect on my system)

    • Troy

      Thank you very much Griff-and the audio is just fine on my laptop.

    • philip

      Darn it Griff !! Sure wish people would stop complaining about your posts. You try your best but can’t be sure they are going to play on 100% of everyones computer. If they can not figure it out from the Audio and Pdf downloads , Darn !

    • spanky stranglebanger

      i always heard these chords in SRV songs….could never finger em out…as i am a lazy bastage..thanks for fixin up this vid…it really tightened up a few things for me….party!@

    • Jack Sperry

      Ken below is righ, thet audio is just above a whisper. I’m on a Mac system and you can’t change the audio on your video to increase sound and my Mac is maxed. This is an issue on a lot of the videos you send out . Luckly I’ve got three of your courses but it would be nice to have better louder sound when I travel and in a hotel room to practice,


    • don bender

      This will be very usefull to me. You are getting through to me now. I have been more serious since just before Christmas. I don’t think it was any one thing but a series of things that finally made sense. Thank you. Please keep up the good work.

    • john strickland

      For some reason I’m not able to see it.

    • Mike

      Does any one see the vids? I have tried reloading and I see space for the vids but no vids. I like Griff’s style and love to see the vids when he publishes them. I plan to grab some sets once I get through the other vids I have for blues.

    • Quero

      Very nice lesson indeed! It makes guitar playing a bit easier and more fun!

    • Ken


      Check the audio—-it’s just above a whisper

    • Tony

      Very Cool Griff, another piece of the puzzle. Thanks

    • Donny Dundas

      Hey Griff, You are a very gifted teacher. Not only do you love to play, you also love to teach. A great combination! Similar to the combination of voice, guitar, bass and drums…always good and always different but always just what we Love to hear! Imagine if everyone played exactly alike. No matter how good they were it would get a little bit boring very quickly. But with guitar, everyone has their own fingerprint and style as unique as their personality. Please continue with your great work and don’t let us slow pokes discourage you, we won’t stop trying if you don’t stop teaching! Thank you. Don in New York

    • carlis

      thanks griff……another great one…..wish you had video with it tho……..

    • Phill Martin (PeeJay)

      Hi Griff, No video again on this one.
      Regards Phill.

    • eben

      you’ve always been great in ma life. thanks for that great one.

    • Kitty

      For me the hardest shift is from the C9 to the G9
      It will take practice
      Thanks, Kitty

    • Tom

      No show video, completely blank (yet again)

    • Jim


      The C9 chord is supposed to have a Bb,…your 7th position shows an A instead, which would be a C6 add 9 wouldn’t it?

    • Jerome Kelley

      Got a blank page, need to color it blue, put in some 9th chords, though 7ths will do.

    • Mark

      In your second sentence…..”can substitute the 7th chords for 9th chords”…… the whole idea of this video was the complete opposite, correct??????

    • Mark

      Not sure if you have sound on the Fast Version.

    • jimmy

      video showed but =sound volume was pretty low,,hard to hear what the chords sounded like,,not complainin tho still got the pdf :-))

    • not stevie

      Hey Griff….What the ???

    • Daddy-O

      The page was as blank as my stare.

    • Terry

      Sorry Griff, Vid won’t show for me either.

    • Dan Reeves

      video wont show

    • Lloyd

      Hey Griiff. Video and sound are still not in sync.

    • fred

      video will not show

    • Rhonda

      Hi, Thank you. Another great lesson.

    • Allan

      I need to have a look at these 9th chords

    • Tony Srader

      this is a great learning tool and a great teacher that rocks the blues. If you dont beleive me go to u-tube and listen. Just type in griff blues and look out. He really knows what is what just set your blues clock and vibe the blues. Hes downtown uptown and the best ive found. seriously, if your going to learn do it with the best. Ive been playing country and write my own music for 50 years and ive been around so take it from me and get griff. you want be sorry and thats a money back gurantee. Well! I like his sound so I cant say enough about him. Ok! ill shut it.

    • harold

      Perhaps an easier way for beginners to get this is to start out with the B7. That form can be moved and modified. Great lesson. Thanks.

    • Steve


      I’m really enjoying your BGU course – I am digesting all of your material slowly and I’m trying to resist the urge to fly through it quickly (as is usually my approach).

      I think I may be missing something though.

      On page 20 of BGU (regarding 9th chord substitutions), you mention “…you should know what they are before I show them to you if you finished lesson 2…”

      However, in my printed copy of BGU only 7th chords and the 12 bar blues format are discussed by the end of chapter 2.

      Maybe it’s something the DVD explained but was not included in the spiral bound book?

      I will go back and review DVD 1 again – it never hurts to review.

      Thanks again for what is by far the best guitar video course I’ve ever seen!

    • Eric

      Griff…..great lesson on rhythm playing and that you don’t have to play every note all the time….

    • jimmi

      i like your teaching style man, this is the first time I’ve seen your videos. i understood and knew what you were saying about c9, major, minor and dominant chords, which makes me think that maybe im not so bad at learning on my own.
      i play those kinda chords a lot and use my thumb for base notes.
      thanks for the great lesson

    • michaelbird

      hey griff i would like to someday start a band and call it the tweedilies

    • Douglas Collins

      Ah Griff, another big thank you for the C9, F9, and G9 lesson.


    • Bryan

      Griff – You’re the best, thanks for this!! My rhythm playing has been getting stale as of late and the 9th chords really add some spice to the mix.

    • David Price

      Hi Griff

      Thanks for your bits and pieces. I’m a jazzer but I’m finding your stuff interesting. I have to say that in all the hundreds of years I’ve been playing, I’ve never come across the major blues scale. I practice a lot of scales and have now incorporated it into my daily practice and teaching – and it makes very useful licks.

      Well done,

    • Roy

      One more time, great stuff on the 9’s ( learning is easy with griff) That is my new saying.

    • Ed Mintun

      Thank you for this one about 9ths. I feel like I really made progress. For some reason this lesson was easier to pick up for me.
      Thanks again, Ed

    • Tim Thompson

      These are really awesome lessons you send out, but the last couple I have received don’t have any sound. I don’t know what the problem is, but I still appreciate the lessons!

    • Doug McCarten

      Hey Griff,

      Thanks for all the great info. and 9th are pure class. I’m having a volume problem. I have my computer volume at the max but the volume control on your attachment is at a whisper and can not be adjusted.

    • Simon Koumparos

      Hey Griff, what is it with you man?
      Best guitar teacher on the Web and all you appear to be attracting lots of geriatric Blues guitarists (just for the record I’m 65).
      So is it just you Griff or is it because we oldies the only ones who appreciate the genius of Blues music. Probably both I suspect. Great teaching encourages us to attempt to make our own music in a genre that is predominantly improvisational.
      Many thanks fro the ride buddy and please keep up the great work!

    • mike

      hey Griff.
      been on a serious road trip and med trip(perscribed that is) and when I saw this, said to myself this has got to be worth hearing. sure enough, old loyalties pay off again
      thanks amigo.

    • Philip D'Angelo

      You are the best – my playing is coming along thanx to your free lessons. I can understand your explanations that have evaded my comprehension in the past you really know your stuff. I will continue to develop my blues style and hope to jam with you one of these days.
      Thank you so much!

    • Harold Bedford

      Dear Griff,Hate to grumble but half of the lessons for pdf won’t work.says they are corrupt.

    • mike

      Hey there Griff…. once again you have come off with a truly great lesson. I love those ninth chords they are candy to my ears. Happy thanksgiving everybody

      • Johnette

        That’s a wise answer to a tricky qusieton

      • compare the market7

        Ayuub sxb waxaad u malaysaa halkaa in wax kaa qaldan yihiin. Sharciga saxaafada ayaa qaba in qofku uu cadeeyo haddii uu arin uu moowduuc ka qoray uu lug ku leeyahay. Sidaa darteed ayaan u qoray in aan ka mid ahay maamulka shirkada. ee ma ahan in aan is amaanayo iwm.U codee: 1  1

      • i have not purchesed a pair ,i do like the sneaker and plan tu make buy some…i designed some sneakers myself, and wud like tu work wit u on it…….i am in a rush so i call them……………WAT. U . SEE,,,( W.U.S)…wat.u.see….look for me

      • Great to become going to your weblog again, it continues to be months for me. Well this post that i’ve been waited for so lengthy. I need this article to complete my assignment within the school, and it has same subject together with your write-up. Thanks, terrific share.

    • Mark

      Griff, this is the second request.? Could you show how to play some lead riffs from Magic Slim and the Teardrops I have tried to find Guitar Tab on his music and have not found any.

    • Bill

      Hi Griff,
      Well, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, there were a few by the way.
      I ordered your course online, I’m barely into it, just got it yesterday. I’m fighting the Flu right now, don’t feel like playing anything but sick. There might be a good blues song in that experience.
      I ordered because you give a year to return if I don’t like it and you have impressive videos and a great sales pitch.
      I’m a born skeptic, we’ll see how it works out.

    • Bill

      Hi Griff,
      Well, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, there were a few by the way.
      I ordered your course online, I’m barely into it, just got it yesterday. I’m fighting the Flu right now, don’t feel like playing anything but sick. There might be a good blues song in that experience.
      I ordered because you give a year to return if I don’t like it and you have impressive videos and a great sales pitch.
      I’m a born skeptic, we’ll see how it works out.

    • Robert

      Just wanting to let you know that I have finally got my ring finger to bend into shape for the 7th and 9th chords, as in lesson 3, and am moving on to the next set. It seems much easier now…hope that continues

    • Fumble Fingers

      Sorry guitar pickers, but I am not called Fumble Fingers without reason. I can’t seem to figure out how to operate this security code thingie on this web sight. I just found this sight and ordered the Blues Unleashed DVD set. I am looking forward to learing from it. I have three other sets from other teachers, some of them big names, but none of them seem to teach the way Giff does. They all teach how to play a song, but then I don’t know what I did, or why I did it, even though I know how to do it.

      Giff teaches HOW and WHY to play and THAT allows me to use the music principle he taught to play OTHER STUFF. The other DVD sets I have from various teachers just give me enough information to play one song and I cannot use what they did to do anything else because they don’t make the kinds of musical theory relationships that Giff does in his lessons. At least, that is what I’ve been able to get out of watching all of the clips from lessons he has so generously provided for free on this web sight. If the Blues Unleashed DVD’s are anywhere as good as these free clips. I am going to learn a LOT and I look forward to discussing it here with all of you. Most of you are waaay ahead of me, but that’s good because you have already crossed the bridges that I have yet to cross , so you can guide me around things that I would stumble on if you didn’t stear me straight. All the best to all of you pickers.

    • Fumble Fingers

      Will this work?

    • Fumble Fingers

      Will this work?

    • Fumble Fingers

      This is a test.

    • Michael

      I just got my BGU package in the mail, and am very happy with it. I, too, looked around online at many ‘blues guitar’ courses, got on your mailing list, and knew early on that your teaching style is the best I’ve come across, and I felt like your teaching would finally get me over the hump, make a good player out of me. I’m another one of those over-60 blues fanatics. I’ve fooled with blues on guitar (mostly fingerpicked country blues), mandolin, and piano over the years, and have had a lot of fun playing with other folks, but I want finally to put it all together on electric guitar. After just a couple of lessons, I already have a clearer grasp, and a better sound, than I’ve ever had. Nothing like knowing a bit about what you’re doing…a couple of months of practising what you’re teaching me, and I’ll be ready for my local blues jam! Thanks.

    • Gordie

      Like some of the other ‘posts’ I’m over 60 and wanted to learn some guitar, particularly blues. I have not touched a guitar since my teen years (playing folk tunes), but remembering most of the chords has cut down the learning curve somewaht. I bought a used Squire (by Fender but still obviously not a real Strat) and have been using your free stuff for about a month and it is fantastic. I will definitely be buying the lessons within the week. Why? Because your teaching is simply the best of the dozens (if not hundreds) of teaching websites I visited and I’m not going to take advantage of your generosity and your great talent for playing and teaching. I love seeing you and the band on YouTube also!
      I’m still having a tough time with muffled sounds when my fat fingers get in the way on certain chords. Can I blame the guitar and tell my wife I need to upgrade to the real deal right away?
      Looking forward to getting your lessons.

    • Gordie

      Like some of the other ‘posts’ I’m over 60 and wanted to learn some guitar, particularly blues. I have not touched a guitar since my teen years (playing folk tunes), but remembering most of the chords has cut down the learning curve somewaht. I bought a used Squire (by Fender but still obviously not a real Strat) and have been using your free stuff for about a month and it is fantastic. I will definitely be buying the lessons within the week. Why? Because your teaching is simply the best of the dozens (if not hundreds) of teaching websites I visited and I’m not going to take advantage of your generosity and your great talent for playing and teaching. I love seeing you and the band on YouTube also!
      I’m still having a tough time with muffled sounds when my fat fingers get in the way on certain chords. Can I blame the guitar and tell my wife I need to upgrade to the real deal right away?
      Looking forward to getting your lessons.

    • Greywolf

      I’ve been a professional musician for 48 years. You are a Guitar God! who said you can’t teach a old dog new tricks. I’m always looking for new ways new cord patterns and anything that will give me a better edge in the music industry. Your lessons are fantastic thank you so much your ease of playing is inspirational……………….Greywolf

    • BlueRick

      I like what you’re doing here. These chords and your intepretation of them are quite useful.

    • Harlan (Bud) Taylor

      OOPS. Sorry about the off topic post. Bud

    • Harlan (Bud) Taylor

      Hello Griff, Just received the kit today. So far the packaging for the discs and the manual have already given me a feeling of confidence that I have purchased a quality product. I have been fooling around with guitars most of my life since my parents thought they were doing me a good thing when they bought me a Hawaiian guitar that I never really took to. I know most of the chords and can play a few simple licks . I guess I would be considered a strummer. I’m 67 and not real stupid, but I have my moments. I have been following your emails for quite a while and have been impressed with your teaching methods and you as a person. One of my goals is to be able to accompany myself while singing old time blues songs around the campfire or on the back porch. Yes, and I know how to get to Carnegie Hall. Practice, practice, practice. Now that I am semi retired I intend to devote at least 20 + minutes per day to this end. Thanks for being there. Bud

    • Vinnie


      I’m 70, or will be at the end of the month. I’ve been playing for about 4 years. Mostly just rythymn, but am trying my hand a the blues, which I love. The hands don’t work as well as they used to, so improvising is going to be important to me. This video clip put me back into the lessons.


    • Vinnie


      I’m 70, or will be at the end of the month. I’ve been playing for about 4 years. Mostly just rythymn, but am trying my hand a the blues, which I love. The hands don’t work as well as they used to, so improvising is going to be important to me. This video clip put me back into the lessons.


    • d.m.

      Hey there,

      like the lessons. great sounding chords. love the sounds of those 9th chords.
      keep up great (work) sounds and clips for us to follow.
      again many thxxxxxx

    • vit

      Hi, Griff,
      MANY of your lessons are pretty useful not only for beginners (sort of am I because I didn´t play for over 20 years, but I am back now 🙂 Not to play all the time is VERY important advice – thanks for saying that! Ol´masters know that the “not-played-notes” are sometimes the most important – if the rest are the right ones 🙂 MANY THANKS for all you are doing for us!!

    • Stone Piano

      Hey – I just saw the clip on your other post from the live event. That’s what I’m talking about! Excellent jam. That’s why I play guitar. Stuff like that.

    • Stone Piano


      This is another great lesson. I have bought your previous blues course (Playing Through The Blues) and LOVE IT!

      On this occasion, I think that the mp4 download version of the intro is not playing correctly. But the lesson content as always is awesome value.

      There’s just one more thing I’d like to request from you… I’d like to see you post some more videos of you and your band performing. It’s such a cool blues band, and I’d like to hear you play live, but I’m not in the USA. Anyway, if you have in the time, I’d love to see some more of the band performing. There’s nothing like the real thing of putting music on the stage to put all these lessons into context.

      Many thanks,

    • Walt

      This is why I`ll Never Buy and Pay for online Video Lessons—-
      Half the time they don`t work— Ya hit the Play button and that
      Wheel in the Middle Spins and Spins ane No Video Plays– That
      little Wheel just keeps on Spinning and Spinnin`………………..

      `GotaGoNow` Wal of the `RAPIDS` `CEDAR` that is………..

      • Griff

        That’s why there are links under ever video player to download the lesson. If you can’t watch the video in the player window, just scroll down a little bit and right click on one of the downloadable videos to save it to your computer.


    • Doug


      Thanks for the great lesson on 9th chords. I’ve played acoustic blues, by ear, for 40 years and have been learning electric guitar for about a year now. I’ve resisted music theory all this time thinking of myself as a blues purist. But with your laid back instructional style, I’m actually learning skills while the theory is working its way past my stubborness. It’s helping me think diferently about what I’m playing. Your instruction is really good.


    • Johnny M.


      Thanks for the great lesson! I love 9th chords. I have been playing for just over a year using the mel bay method. I love it. It really works for me. I know your course will take me where i need to go with the blues. I just want to say “thanks” for all you do for us beginners, you really know your stuff. Thanks again ~~~ Johnny

    • Danny

      Hey Griff, Thanks for sharing the 9th cords they sound great and you were right
      you don’t have to play all the time and to me the 9th cords sound a little stronger
      on my blues patterns.

      Danny D.

    • Mal

      Hi Griff, Thanks Mate I am having a great time with all these videos on the blues and the info you send me once, again thanks Griff . Mal (Australia)

    • Karl Farren

      Hi Griff,

      I love the sound of 9th chords. I use them most of the time instead of Dom 7th, especially on a ‘quick IV’ change in the second bar of a 12-bar pattern. I love the way T-Bone Walker used them. Also pretty much indispensable in playing funk.

      Thanks and regards

    • Pete Stafford

      great stuff………………. I here a lot of lead sounds in those chords

    • chris

      i love this sound although is it not bordering on jazz? cheers, chris

    • Rob Overcash

      Griff, I am 52 years old, I use to rock guitar when I was 22. I haven’t played guitar in 30 years. Recently I had urges to play again, why I don’t know but I am glad I found your website. Now I have really sore fingers and having tons of fun learning the blues. You put allot of effort in reaching out to people and teaching the best and easiest ways to learn playing the blues. I greatly appreciate your efforts. Now I need to invent a playing glove for sore fingers because I want to keep it going lol.

      Morgantown WV

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