“Discover How To Always Hit The “Money” Notes When You Play Your Blues Solos…”
With the power of arpeggios, plus my tried-and-true tricks and shortcuts to make them sound more “bluesy” and musical, you can be nailing every single chord change and turning heads with your solos, even if they aren’t fast or complex.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever listen to the solos you play and think, “Wow, I thought they would sound better by now?”
Well, we all know that the pentatonic and blues scales are the ticket when it comes to play great blues solos… after all that’s the basis for blues and the scales behind most of your favorite licks.
But what if I told you that you can add one extra thing to your pentatonic and blues scales that will really make your solos cradle the chord changes – not just make it through them?
But first, let’s be clear…
This will take some practice, as all things guitar do. The system I’m going to show you isn’t super complex at all, in fact it’s very simple…
But if you think for a minute that you are just going to watch a few videos and instantly be 10 times better than you are now… well that’s just not reasonable.
Interestingly enough, arpeggios, and soloing with arpeggios, is a system that jazz players have used for decades.
And if you listen to some of the more “vintage” blues players like Lonnie Johnson, and even some of the old BB King recordings (this is way before “The Thrill Is Gone”,) you can hear that they play to the chords beautifully.
In fact, if you take the band away and just listen to the lines they play, the chords are so well defined by their soloing that you can still hear the changes going on, even with no band at all.
So arpeggios can work, when you learn them right and add some of my special sauce… and with that let me show you what I have for you…
Exactly What You’re Getting

Chord By Chord Blues Soloing is a clear, concise, path to get arpeggio shapes into your fingers, and have you using them in your own solos, FAST.
With a little over 3 ½ hours of video, jam tracks, 2 complete solo example (36 bars each), and of course, complete TABs for everything… there is no stone left unturned.
You’ll learn all the chord shapes you need for blues in 7th, minor 7th, and major 7th. We’ll also cover “tall” chords (9th, 11th, and 13th.)
But really, that’s just the foundational stuff… you could find that in many books or videos out currently.
What you need are the 3 most important elements – 1) how to practice the shapes to remember them so they won’t leave if you don’t play them for a day or two… 2) how to blend the shapes together so that you can play through the chord changes… and 3) how to “blues-i-fy” the arpeggios and mix them together with the pentatonic and blues scale you already know and love.
It’s About MORE Than Just Playing Better Blues Solos…
As guitar players, we all have that desire to “master” the fretboard… and at the end of the day we’re all dealing with the same 7 notes…
But, as you know, we can package those notes up in a lot of different ways: pentatonic “boxes”, chords, modes, major scales…
And arpeggios are another way (a very important way) to view the notes on your fretboard, and another great way to find the “sweet” notes you have been looking for.
So let’s break down exactly how this is going to work and what you’ll be getting:
- All of the most important arpeggio shapes for major 7th, minor 7th, and dominant 7th chords. Plus I’ll show you how to practice them, and how well you’ll need to know them, so you don’t forget them and you can see them on the fretboard.
- How to blend between the 3 different shapes over a 12 bar blues using the concepts of minimum distance and line direction to create new and interesting phrases and sounds for any style of music.
- How to start the arpeggios from different tones in different parts of the neck. This is something I’ve rarely seen anywhere else and it’s one of the biggest stumbling blocks I see with private students. You have to be able to start in the middle of an arpeggio, you almost never start from the top of bottom in the real world!
- In depth discussion of blending the arpeggios specifically for a 12 bar blues. We’ll cover the I to IV, the I to V, the V to I, the IV to I, and the V to IV. You’ll get tons of experience working with every single chord change broken down into tiny pieces so you’ll get it under your fingers.
- My best tricks to “blues-i-fy” the arpeggios. By not starting on beat 1, but starting off the root, blues-i-fying the 3rd, and mixing in some minor blues scale sounds, you can create super bluesy licks and phrases that sound incredible and still sound authentic.
- We'll also talk about the 6th chord, which is common in blues but not much in other styles, and we’ll cover “tall” chords like the 9th, 11th, and 13th chords. You’ll even see how you can use those “tall” arpeggios to create broad phrases that really take your listener on a journey (and do great things for your technique while you are at it!)
- A 36 bar solo over a slow blues in A so you can get over a dozen MORE lick and phrase ideas to use.
- A 36 bar solo over a shuffle in E for yet 15 MORE lick and phrase ideas to use in your own solos.
- All the jam tracks, including long jam tracks for you to just noodle over.
- Complete TABs and every example notated both in the manual and on screen.
So Here’s What To Do Next
Chord by Chord Blues Soloing is just $67 and you get it instantly as a digital download or you can stream it your tablet or smartphone…
It never goes away and you can access it any time, from any device you own. You’ll have access it via your secure member portal. Plus, there is no shipping involved – it’s super easy and you’ll have it within a few minutes of completing your purchase.
However, if you prefer to have me print out the manual I can do that for you, and there is also an option for DVDs and CDs if you want.
The choice is yours, just click the “Add To Cart” button that fits your style, and complete the secure checkout to get your copy today.
Please remember that since this is a brand new course, DVDs and Printed Manuals are in “pre-order” status, and will ship after they are made (usually they ship within 10 days to 2 weeks, plus transit times.)
Is That It?
Pretty much.. that’s about it.
As always, you get my iron-clad, 90 day guarantee. If you don’t love Chord by Chord Blues Soloing, just let my friendly helpdesk know and you’ll get a complete refund, no questions asked – and you don’t even have to send it back.
If you were to try and learn this from me privately, you’d probably spend at least 20 lessons doing it, that would run you somewhere around $1500…
So to get this complete course, all the videos, TABs, audio playalongs, on-screen tab, and of course membership to the Blues Guitar Unleashed member forum… for $67 is kind of a no-brainer.
(and if you take the lessons from me directly you don’t even get a 90 day refund guarantee!)
There’s no catch, no hidden continuity thing, and no shenanigans to be found. The order form is secure and you can rest assured that your privacy and data are safe. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose…
Now Is The Time…
Putting this off until “someday” is just putting off success that much longer, and there’s no reason for that. If you really want to make improvements now, you have to act now, it’s that simple.
And with my 90 day no-questions-asked-you-don’t-even-have-to-send-it-back guarantee, this is the perfect chance to finally be able to play almost any blues song, on command.
So click the “Add To Cart” button below that fits your style (digital, digital with printed manual, or digital with the printed manual and the DVDs and CD.)
To get your complete copy of Chord by Chord Blues Soloing just click the yellow “Add To Cart” button below with your preferred delivery method. Just as soon as your order is complete you will receive an email with your access instructions to the secure Member Portal so you can be creating exciting new blues solos in just a few minutes from now!
This is a one time payment, NOT a subscription. 3 Payment option is available on the next page.
PS – In case you thought, “Oh, I’ll just scroll down to the bottom and get the scoop,” let me hip you to it…
I’m offering you a great chance to try my new Chord By Chord Blues Soloing course that will unravel the mysteries of arpeggios and show you how to use them in your blues soloing to create some amazing new sounds.
There is over 3 ½ hours of video, dozens of examples, plus jam tracks and much more.
You can get it all for just $67, with my iron-clad 90 day guarantee.
Sound good? Great! Then get yours here.