Slow Dm

Many Moons

Bill - Great track and playing, I'm liking that aggressive tone. I see TZ has rubbed off on you as well!!!!(y)

Moto - Some lovely stuff in there man, started off all nice & mellow then moved up a gear. Nice.(y)

Papa - Good solid input as usual Papa, some nice damping effects going on.(y)


I’ll agree with you so that both of us are wrong.
You guys are all sounding great, so...
Against my better judgement...***RECORDING***.

I may get kicked out of my "band" for this one:LOL:. I discovered this new thing on my ES-339 called a neck pickup. Didn't know that it could be used for soloing:ROFLMAO:. 7:55-10:00.

Dm Noodle-Bill-Moto-Papa-TZ
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The Central Scrutinizer
Staff member
Is that your woman tone?
Sounds a little fuzzy but I can't hear any pink.o_O

Nah, my woman never sounds quite that melodic and there are usually some profanities laced in.
Good ear! That was a pink free solo. Instead, I had my leopard skin pill box strap.


Life Long Learner
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Blues Voyager
Well Damn!
Sorry to hear of your medical situation.

Happy to see you jumping back so soon!:Beer:
Guess there's nothing like just Doing It!

Nice piece but, even better knowing it demonstrates your speedy recovery.:thumbup:
Best to you my friend.