the 9th chord ending with a tag.


Student Of The Blues
Most of the mid to advanced players all ready know this and use it.
Sometimes getting out or ending a song can be as difficult as the song..
A 9th chord works pretty well with ABOUT any song
I will use a E chord root. E--A--B,. when finishing, strum your one chord (E) hesitate a little then strum a E9th chord on the 7th fret let it ring till it stops then add the tag by picking your 1st string on the 12th fret ( high E). Try it you might like it.


Life Long Learner
And check out the Bm9 Griff uses at the end of the Minor Blues Lesson 11 and Solo #2 in BGU. :cool:

@DaleHarding220 That “Minor Blues” lesson in BGU will be of particular interest to you. (y)
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