Snarf's Solo 6


making guitars wish they were still trees
Here's my initial take on Solo 6. Sat down and started trying to learn it on my day off today. It's still a bit rough. Didn't feel like I was playing behind the beat, but I guess I was a bit. There were a couple of rough spots, especially there at the end. Gotta keep working on those. Otherwise, not super happy with it, but don't guess I should complain over a couple of hours of guitar playing right?

Snarf's Solo 6


Better off with the Blues!
That sounded great to me. Listened to it twice because I dig the sound you’re getting with your guitar. What guitar are you using and what did you use to record?


making guitars wish they were still trees
Thanks for the compliment on the tone! It was my 1962 50th Anniversary Epi Sheraton on the neck pup straight into the mixer to Audacity. Doing that seems to give it a super-clean tone. That Epi has mini-buckers in it that, to my ear, are a little bit smoother and more mellow than my 335.


Better off with the Blues!
Thanks for the compliment on the tone! It was my 1962 50th Anniversary Epi Sheraton on the neck pup straight into the mixer to Audacity. Doing that seems to give it a super-clean tone. That Epi has mini-buckers in it that, to my ear, are a little bit smoother and more mellow than my 335.
I dig it!!

Many Moons

This is my first visit to this section, and what a pleasant introduction to it. Well played Snarf. Nice tone.(y)

Zzzen Dog

Saṃsāra Blues
Very nice tone! Listening to this is really getting me psyched to begin recording my lessons.
