Sitting Easy Blues


Life Long Learner
4shared is an older platform we used to use. Now it causes problems and various unwanted concerns.

Most of us have "graduated" to DropBox. 2 GB for free.:)

For more info or help, follow this path:

Forums----->Recoding Info and Members Recordings (near bottom)------>Recording Tips and Tricks----->Sticky Threads

5th thread down @paparaptor gives you the real poop on DropBox
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Blues Newbe
4shared is an older platform we used to use. Now it causes problems and various unwanted concerns.

Most of us have "graduated" to DropBox. 2 GB for free.:)

For more info or help, follow this path:

Forums----->Recoding Info and Members Recordings (near bottom)------>Recording Tips and Tricks----->Sticky Threads

5th thread down @paparaptor gives you the real poop on DropBox

Thanks for the info. I uploaded to my new drop box account.