September 2021 Challenge - Three Kings


It's all blues
Excellent, Doug! The groove was right on!
I feel your pain about fingers and patience. I easily spend a week on my stuff, but rarely more than an hour in a day, just so I don't burn out on a song before it's done.
Yep, I use a lot of super glue when I play a lot, especially bendy stuff which is most of what I play. 40 minutes is about the max I can work on an individual part or lesson. Then I'll either switch instruments or work on programming percussion or mixing. I'm working up a couple Hendrix tunes, finishing bgu solo 5, and working on two originals, so there's always something different to work on.


It's all blues
Here's one -

Pretty happy with the groove, would love to keep working on a better solo - maybe get it to sound more like Albert and less like me. Unfortunately, my fingers are getting worn out (along with my patience!). And what the heck, it is me, after all. I programmed the drums in S1; I played the bass, rhythm and lead guitars and sang the words all in real life.

Oh, and I almost forgot - this song is a cover of Matchbox Blues by Albert King.
I like it a lot. Great groove. I like the drums but kept expecting them to take off after those great sounding fills instead of returning to the side stick. Nobody plays like Albert. Partially because of that upside-down weirdly tuned Flying V, but mostly just Albert. Way to go, DVS.
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Green Mountain Blues
Guess I was too intent on trying to get down 20+ new licks and didn't pay attention to my levels. :mad:

I may or may not have the stamina to start all over again from scratch. :eek:

I think even chipmunks might get the blues. :unsure:

But maybe not everyday?
Aha! I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but I think it's clear now - and please convey my embarrassed apologies to the chipmunk, didn't recognize that he was a part of the act!


Green Mountain Blues
I like it a lot. Great groove. I like the drums but kept expecting them to take off after those great sounding fills instead of returning to the side stick. Nobody plays like Albert. Partially because of that upside-down weirdly tuned Flying V, but mostly just Albert. Way to go, DVS.
Thank you! Yeah, I could've done some more with the drums, but I got that groove down and a snare/tom fill to end the chorus and left it there. It's the same fill all the way through. I have an in-house drummer (my wife) but she's recovering from shoulder surgery (again!), so programmed drums in the DAW is a necessary stopgap for now, and I'm learning a lot about drumming from doing that. (I wouldn't want to get too proficient at it, though, simply for the sake of our relationship ;)).
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Life Long Learner
Full disclosure?

The backing track is in Bb, so I recorded the lead as such.

I couldn't sing anywhere near that high.

So I lowered the track (with recorded lead) to Eb.

The lead doesn’t sound so good in Eb, but I could get a reasonable (?) facsimile of a vocal.

Then I raised it all back up to Bb and the chipmunk was born.

It was either post that, or this.... in eb.mp3?dl=0

I'll never be a recording engineer.

Or a singer, either, for that matter.

I can only aspire to be a better guitar player.

And I’m not really sure why I’m even trying to do that. :unsure:
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The Central Scrutinizer
Staff member


Life Long Learner
Now that I've listened to it a couple of more times it doesn't sound as bad in Eb as I originally thought.

Maybe I should try recording the lead in Eb?

Anyway, being the obsessive I am, I was thinking, what if I played both together.

The lead would be in parallel 5ths.

It would actually sound like this.... in 5ths.mp3?dl=0

And I sure do now notice the amplitude problem I missed on the originals.

OK that's enough fun for now.

Here's the backing track in Bb for anyone interested in trying out this song.


NM Blues
Here's one -

Pretty happy with the groove, would love to keep working on a better solo - maybe get it to sound more like Albert and less like me. Unfortunately, my fingers are getting worn out (along with my patience!). And what the heck, it is me, after all. I programmed the drums in S1; I played the bass, rhythm and lead guitars and sang the words all in real life.

Oh, and I almost forgot - this song is a cover of Matchbox Blues by Albert King.
This is so excellent I have no words...

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Dr. Ron

Nuthin’ But The Blues!
Paleo...I just saw your B.B. King submission. Almost missed it. That was great! Great guitar playing. All of those triplets can be daunting. I loved your singing. Your vocal almost sounded vintage, like it was coming out of a Victrola. Great job.
I like your backing track...I copied it...Thx
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NM Blues
Full disclosure?

The backing track is in Bb, so I recorded the lead as such.

I couldn't sing anywhere near that high.

So I lowered the track (with recorded lead) to Eb.

The lead doesn’t sound so good in Eb, but I could get a reasonable (?) facsimile of a vocal.

Then I raised it all back up to Bb and the chipmunk was born.

It was either post that, or this.... in eb.mp3?dl=0

I'll never be a recording engineer.

Or a singer, either, for that matter.

I can only aspire to be a better guitar player.

And I’m not really sure why I’m even trying to do that. :unsure:
Great stuff right there! You done good...



It's all blues
Me too. :)

I wish I could delete all the preceding discussion without screwing up the thread.

Which I’ve actually already done. :mad:

Live and learn.

I thought that the second (Eb) version sounded great. It has a real '50s Chicago blues style and tone. And nothing at all wrong with the vocals. In all, a fine cover of a blues standard.


Student Of The Blues
Staff member
Full disclosure?

The backing track is in Bb, so I recorded the lead as such.

I couldn't sing anywhere near that high.

So I lowered the track (with recorded lead) to Eb.

The lead doesn’t sound so good in Eb, but I could get a reasonable (?) facsimile of a vocal.

Then I raised it all back up to Bb and the chipmunk was born.

It was either post that, or this.... in eb.mp3?dl=0

I'll never be a recording engineer.

Or a singer, either, for that matter.

I can only aspire to be a better guitar player.

And I’m not really sure why I’m even trying to do that. :unsure:

Yeah, I'm with the others. This one is by far the better one.

steve o

Student Of The Blues
Here's one -

Pretty happy with the groove, would love to keep working on a better solo - maybe get it to sound more like Albert and less like me. Unfortunately, my fingers are getting worn out (along with my patience!). And what the heck, it is me, after all. I programmed the drums in S1; I played the bass, rhythm and lead guitars and sang the words all in real life.

Oh, and I almost forgot - this song is a cover of Matchbox Blues by Albert King.
Wow, that was awesome! You Sir have amazing talent!!!
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Blues Junior
Full disclosure?

The backing track is in Bb, so I recorded the lead as such.

I couldn't sing anywhere near that high.

So I lowered the track (with recorded lead) to Eb.

The lead doesn’t sound so good in Eb, but I could get a reasonable (?) facsimile of a vocal.

Then I raised it all back up to Bb and the chipmunk was born.

It was either post that, or this.... in eb.mp3?dl=0

I'll never be a recording engineer.

Or a singer, either, for that matter.

I can only aspire to be a better guitar player.

And I’m not really sure why I’m even trying to do that. :unsure:
That was awesome Paleo. I loved the vocal. The guitar was great too. Almost sounded like Freddie King tone playing the BB King song, to me anyways:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


Student Of The Blues
Got to catch up here:
Doug; I really enjoyed your take on "Matchbox". You did a good job on it. All the way around. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Paleo: I liked both of them--1st one had that vintage 20-30s radio sound. The second which I felt you were more comfortable with; still had the vintage radio taste to it. Very good on both. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

It is funny how these challenges bring out the best--a unique way of learning songs you would other wise never think of doing. :cool:.


Student Of The Blues
As you all know I am not a lead guitar player. .S.O.S I am in dire need of a lead guitar player for this challenge. If you feel like you might want to help me out -- P.M. me...I only got 12 more days. It is a blues standard, nothing fancy---got a good backing track--and know all the words and the rythem guitar. Please, Please Help me ---- Opps;--- wrong challenge. :Beer::)