New band album out Kooks&Took Cleveland RocknRoll 2024


Rock and Roll
Its much more rock alternative pop than blues and the good news is that there are no songs on it with only me on vocals. Its all live captures done using mostly zoom equipment there are a few songs tweaked a bit using audacity. Susan on drums John Loney and me on guitar ( and Mike aka Braylon ) on some Bob on keys Jerry ( or Jeff ) on bass on vocals a few songs Say but mostly Kathy and me ( or all three of us ). One hour 9 minutes for the moment it is downloadable from soundcloud if you want to "buy" a copy let me know.

Its far from a perfect recording its garage rock style sorta. Will be sold and probably put up on iTunes etc but also its band merchandise for shows and busking etc. Next one out will have a bunch more originals this one features Old as Sin. Link to album contents below band pic.


Album link ==> Clev RocknRoll 2024


Rock and Roll
Wow! how tough was it to get releases for all those covers?

Oh i have to buy some licenses before sending off to cd copying place

I used easysong last time for my first cd to handle getting the licenses will do the same here. Last time think I had 8 songs this time almost double it was like 200 bucks for 100 copies of 8 songs so will be more like 400 bucks this time for 100 copies.
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